It could've told us where the original protagonists were. And they were promptly forgotten, to make way for the disease spreading a different way. At least give us some more wincest!
I think "TOTALLY DEGENERATES" it's a more fitting title then the current one, look at this conversation:
At first, she just offered me money to have sex with her … so I became unsure about whether or not we’re now dating because of actual love, and not it’s any different from just being sex friends …
Which is why you laid your hands on Kuyou…?
Uh, but, I really do think of Kuyou as a precious friend!
It’s alright. Kuyou hasn’t sad(sic) anything bad about you either.
I-Is that so…?
But if you’re really that worried about it you want to do it with me?
I tend to say "motherfucker" a lot, usually when I'm in disbelief. So when I read things like "if you really love your girlfriend" I end up exclaiming "Motherfucker!" only to giggle right after at how it's also literally happening.