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joined Jul 29, 2017

I’ve been telling you—all this series needed was Yagami back and everything picks right up.

joined Feb 17, 2013

Ok, I shouldn't have been surprised that Rin misunderstood. lol

joined Apr 6, 2013

Kou's panties are reserved for Rin's eyes only (well, so she would prefer).

Is there anyone who hasn't seen them?

joined Mar 15, 2015

Kou's panties are reserved for Rin's eyes only (well, so she would prefer).

Is there anyone who hasn't seen them?

Momo didn't know about the "sleeping in panties" part until Aoba told her. To quote Chapter 64:

Aoba: On my first day, I saw Yagami-san sleeping under her desk in just her panties and a shirt. So at first, I thought she had to be pretty sloppy, I guess.
Momo: What? She really did that?
Aoba: Yeah! You never saw because she doesn't stay the night as much these days.
Momo: That's a surprise... although she does seem careless at times, so I guess I can see it.

It's hard to say for certain about the people who joined before Aoba, but I doubt many people outside of the character team have seen Kou sleeping in her panties. If Shizuku had seen Kou like that, she'd probably never let Kou forget it.

joined Feb 23, 2016

Sanya Juutilainen posted:

Anyone reading raws... did Kou-chan say すき、大好き or 愛してる?

I think what really matters is Rin's reaction but anyway here

She’s probably going to notice soon though that heart didn’t doki doki for nothing(๑╹ω╹๑ ) hohoho

Sanya Juutilainen
joined Apr 8, 2019

Sanya Juutilainen posted:

Anyone reading raws... did Kou-chan say すき、大好き or 愛してる?

I think what really matters is Rin's reaction but anyway here

Thanks a lot! I agree with your remark, but just wanted to know as a nuance :)

joined May 24, 2014

No aoba, that BARELY solved ANYTHING

joined May 24, 2014

Make up your mind Catherine!

joined Jul 26, 2016

gfdi Kou you neutron star, even Hotaru can see it

joined Jan 6, 2017

gfdi Kou you neutron star, even Hotaru can see it

She hasn't even met Rin yet, but she's already figured it out.

joined Mar 20, 2012

Kou is definitely my favorite character in this manga! The last two chapters have been amazing.

I was so lucky to discover this manga a month ago, it has two anime seasons that I'm enjoying immensely, and the work aspects of game design are so real xD. I worked a year as a game dev for AAA games, the overtime was BRUTAL. That the producer (Shizuku in this case) changes things so much and devs run around trying to finish so much stuff brings back so many memories.

joined May 23, 2015

Make up your mind Catherine!

There seems to be a large response along the lines of "what the hell is Catherine even thinking?"

joined Oct 22, 2018

Kou you neutron star


But, more importantly, second:
I think that "you neutron star" is my favourite insult now.

joined Feb 3, 2013

Hello everyone. I'd like to take a moment of your time to introduce this new, young and talented artist to the team. And as a way to further show how little I care for the work you have loyally performed for this company over the years, I'm going to yave her design the face of the game. Thank's for your time, and fuck you all.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Hey, remember the lemon-squeezing analyses on this board concerning proper real-life game-development protocols, and how people were completely misreading a character’s behavior because they were ignorant about how a game company actually works?

Good times, good times.

Actually, no they weren’t—in fact, they were pretty damned tedious times. But all that’s certainly far distant in the rear-view mirror now . . .

joined May 23, 2015

Honestly it seems pretty clear that the author has given up any sense of reality (or even internal consistency) to just forcefully railroad the story along the track he wants it to follow.

But if you hang in there, things start getting better once this arc ends. For the time being, at least. I can only hope whatever drama he ends up planning for the next arc isn't as nonsensical as it has been for the past few.

joined Jun 19, 2017

Hello everyone. I'd like to take a moment of your time to introduce this new, young and talented artist to the team. And as a way to further show how little I care for the work you have loyally performed for this company over the years, I'm going to yave her design the face of the game. Thank's for your time, and fuck you all.

This. I mean Kou giving Aoba a chance to design "Sophie" an NPC seemed realistic but Hotaru just joined the company- has no experience in game character design but yeah fuck all the others, Hotaru you draw our big theme. Makes total sense. And Catherine is a businesswoman, she is only looking out for her company that dialogue made total sense after the Hotaru fiasco.

joined Jun 19, 2017

I’ve been telling you—all this series needed was Yagami back and everything picks right up.

This is true. Storyline, frankly, is still somewhat inconsistent but Kou adds to hilarity, maturity and yuri-goodness making every chapter she's in much much more enjoyable.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

We should work up a scale of girl haremness with Iono as a 10
Iono a 10 Yurika a 9 Ueno/Takei Hisa an 8 ... Nishikino Maki a 6 ... Kuroki Tomoko a 1 (she does get a couple girl-grabs in). I think Aoba's a solid 5.

I have to quote my WRONG self about how WRONG I was giving the WRONG number to Kuroki. She's a solid 7 or 8. In my defense she snuck up on me.

Who'd be a good thirsty 1?

last edited at Sep 24, 2019 5:21AM

joined Sep 14, 2019


joined Apr 20, 2013

There's no merit to living with me
This comes from a cute sexy wife who spend half the time semi naked in home

Just kidding... Well not really kidding but yeah, just get married >:0

joined Jul 19, 2018

Hello everyone. I'd like to take a moment of your time to introduce this new, young and talented artist to the team. And as a way to further show how little I care for the work you have loyally performed for this company over the years, I'm going to yave her design the face of the game. Thank's for your time, and fuck you all.

This. I mean Kou giving Aoba a chance to design "Sophie" an NPC seemed realistic but Hotaru just joined the company- has no experience in game character design but yeah fuck all the others, Hotaru you draw our big theme. Makes total sense. And Catherine is a businesswoman, she is only looking out for her company that dialogue made total sense after the Hotaru fiasco.

I think the big difference between Aoba and Hotaru is we've had it hammered into our heads since the very first mention of her that Hotaru is some sort of artistic savant where as Aoba had no where near that level of raw talent. I think Hotaru's arc will likely revolve around how little actual work experience she has and her struggle to adapt her artistic talents to an actual commercial project. There are a lot of genius artists out there with tremendous talent that don't make very good commercial illustrators because they are unable to reconcile their passion and sense of aesthetics with those of the client's. Imagine trying to get Monet or Salvador Dali to design the logo and box art for a new brand of kids cereal.

My ex girl friend is a very gifted artist to the point she had a relatively famous band approach her to do the cover art for their next album because they loved her work so much, but the stress of working for someone else was just to much for her so she turned down the project. Being a very talented artist doesn't always equate to being successful as a commercial designer but if you can find a truly gifted artist that is able to adapt their talents to a commercial setting they will become a tremendous asset. Raw talent cannot be taught. Catherine is certainly taking a gamble that her new diamond in the rough can be polished into an amazing asset for her company, but it doesn't make what she is doing stupid.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Why does every subtext story I follow have to get exponentially more gay with each chapter?

last edited at Oct 3, 2019 2:29AM

joined Apr 26, 2016

In this chapter Aoba tries to stop a break up

joined May 20, 2013

In this chapter Aoba tries to stop a break up

last edited at Oct 3, 2019 10:55AM

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