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joined Feb 23, 2016

I have confirmed this is Not Their story.. The Author always marks her entries, this for another series she’s making.. She always uses #SQ for entries and this one wasn’t one of them

last edited at Jul 1, 2019 5:30AM

joined Sep 6, 2017

May not be Their Story but had an amazing impact and i'm glad i read it. I think it sums up what a lot of people feel these days, especially women.

joined Mar 28, 2015

And something tells me that you would hate Hana Ni Arashi.

They're already dating in Hana ni Arashi tho.

How did you know? I thought it was a secret from everyone.

joined Nov 9, 2018

I have confirmed this is Not Their story.. The Author always marks her entries, this for another series she’s making.. She always uses #SQ for entries and this one wasn’t one of them

That's good to know cuz I was confused, I was like, "Hold on, none of this lines up with Tamen de Gushi at all"

Probably doesn't help that the girl looks like Sun Jing and Sun Jing would never wear a skirt that short

'bout the only feminine thing she wears is her school uniform and even the way she wears THAT has a masculine edge to it (Of course, this is one of the reasons why she's so lovable aside from Sun Jing being a goof and having ZERO patience for this shame culture bullshit)

last edited at Jul 1, 2019 7:17AM

joined Feb 23, 2016

I have confirmed this is Not Their story.. The Author always marks her entries, this for another series she’s making.. She always uses #SQ for entries and this one wasn’t one of them

That's good to know cuz I was confused, I was like, "Hold on, none of this lines up with Tamen de Gushi at all"

Probably doesn't help that the girl looks like Sun Jing and Sun Jing would never wear a skirt that short

'bout the only feminine thing she wears is her school uniform and even the way she wears THAT has a masculine edge to it (Of course, this is one of the reasons why she's so lovable aside from Sun Jing being a goof and having ZERO patience for this shame culture bullshit)

I know right~ but that other girl has the same facial cuteness as QT ~ SJ would actually encouraged that girl, maybe they will intersect one day :D cheer her up a bit~ or maybe she meets SJ father

last edited at Jul 1, 2019 7:36AM

joined Dec 27, 2015

It’s sad, the world is filled with so many kind and loving people. And yet, there is so much hurt, especially to women, it’s sad.

joined Feb 15, 2019

Oddly seems out of place. Is the author making a subtle reference to how shitty the world slowly being, or to be more precise, regarding the Chinese goverment current state of affair?

Those were my thoughts exactly! Constantly being told 'it's not safe" in response to every idea or thought she wants to do really seems like a metaphor for the censorship to me. At least, that's how I read it... especially with how out of place it seems compared to the light-hearted tone of the most recent updates.

joined Feb 28, 2019

That one chapter that hit you hard

joined Mar 16, 2018

This is all I could think of

joined Sep 21, 2015

true story

joined Feb 11, 2018

Now that I actually recall where I saw this stuff last time, this has be a very direct critique of victim blaming and fearmongering, regardless of who is doing it. Last year there was a deadly incident in China, where a young woman named Li Mingzhu was raped and killed after using a popular ride-share application.

Professor Wang Dawei gave this exact advice we see in this chapter to women, so they can avoid getting assaulted or killed. Also, this insensitive prick even said that more attractive women have to do be even more careful about it:

"In a now-deleted Weibo post regarding the Didi case, Wang suggested women should not hail rides under three circumstances — when it’s late at night, when the destination is a remote or unfamiliar location, or when the passenger is a single woman without any companion."

Dawei is hardly the only one doing this, of course.

last edited at Jul 1, 2019 12:09PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

That's great advice. Don't do anything. And never alone. Just sit still. Because you're weak. Is better anyway, because you're more pretty that way. #sarcasmend

joined Jan 31, 2015

Okay, I have no idea what prompted ch 189, or how it fits the rest of the story, but I have tears streaming down my face right now. My heart has just been torn into confetti.

joined Aug 22, 2016

..boi, that was unexpectedly deep.

Also, I appreciate that this was the next thing to pop up after these forum posts:

is nobody gunna mention how unbelievably short Qui Tong's skirt is

We had 3 whole strips about how QT's skirt is short. And also how she can wear whatever she likes.

joined May 1, 2019

So this Chapter 189 ISN'T Their Story, right? Is it going to be removed (or at least listed as something else) at some point? People are getting confused.

It's still good though, and the translators went to the trouble of translating it, so I hope it stays on this site in some capacity.

joined Apr 23, 2015

This is all I could think of

and here I was hoping it would be that scene in the Croods where the father constantly insists all new things are scary and result in early onset of death.

joined Jul 29, 2017

So this Chapter 189 ISN'T Their Story, right? Is it going to be removed (or at least listed as something else) at some point? People are getting confused.

It's still good though, and the translators went to the trouble of translating it, so I hope it stays on this site in some capacity.

Agreed—I think it’s a wonderful piece. It certainly looks like it’s not Their Story, though.

joined Aug 2, 2015

Shit. That really hit home.

joined Oct 25, 2015

༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ

joined Mar 21, 2017

So this Chapter 189 ISN'T Their Story, right? Is it going to be removed (or at least listed as something else) at some point? People are getting confused.

It's still good though, and the translators went to the trouble of translating it, so I hope it stays on this site in some capacity.

Agreed—I think it’s a wonderful piece. It certainly looks like it’s not Their Story, though.

Yeah the author hasn't tagged it on Weibo as SQ so there is a high chance it's not.

thats some deep shit

joined Aug 19, 2018

Now that I actually recall where I saw this stuff last time, this has be a very direct critique of victim blaming and fearmongering, regardless of who is doing it. Last year there was a deadly incident in China, where a young woman named Li Mingzhu was raped and killed after using a popular ride-share application.

Professor Wang Dawei gave this exact advice we see in this chapter to women, so they can avoid getting assaulted or killed. Also, this insensitive prick even said that more attractive women have to do be even more careful about it:

"In a now-deleted Weibo post regarding the Didi case, Wang suggested women should not hail rides under three circumstances — when it’s late at night, when the destination is a remote or unfamiliar location, or when the passenger is a single woman without any companion."

Dawei is hardly the only one doing this, of course.

Because good advice is now offensive.
Lets face some reality here: You can not prevent a murder, rape or whatever by telling people not to do it. They already know that and do it anyway.
You have no control whatsoever over the action of other people. None. Nada.
What you have control over is your own actions.

Make of that what you will.

Also the overwhelming majority of murder victims in the entire world are men.
About 80% of victims are male:

What do we do about it? - Not giving a fuck. We do not think about it. We accept the risk. We always do. 90% of job fatalities are also men. Men do not give a fuck.
So women of the world: Learn to not give a fuck.
Then maybe you can close that pay gab.

joined Apr 15, 2011

thats some deep shit

to put it mildly.

joined Mar 15, 2015

Is anyone else seeing each chapter as a bunch of images put together in a long thin column on a single page, with each individual page too small to read?

joined Jan 31, 2015

Is anyone else seeing each chapter as a bunch of images put together in a long thin column on a single page, with each individual page too small to read?

"Resize" button, top-right corner.

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