Forum › Yamada to Kase-san discussion

joined Nov 23, 2014

Yamada with the one-two punch at the end, you go girl!

joined Jul 29, 2017

A Yamada-initiated kiss on the mouth!

That girl will be a top yet . . .

joined Feb 8, 2019

That ba-dump . . . I dunno.
Fukami's ba-dump? If you are talking about that, yeah...
I hate that the author keeps making Yamada jealous. We already saw that in the Prequel, now it should be the time to see Kase-san getting jealous of Yamada's new friend!!

Fukami hasn't tried to do anything to Kase and i hope that keeps being like that. She already knows that Kase is dating someone so she shouldn't try to be something more than friends...

joined Jun 5, 2016

Man, I'm jealous. All my partners have been the same height as me or much shorter. No kabedons for poor Grey. :(

joined Apr 20, 2013

Polioro posted:

And I bet the next chapter starts with both of them in the bed ♥

...Hospital bed, the bacteria is a new virus, Japan announces red alert and the entire district has been sealed, can Yamada escape and find the cure in the flowers to save her lover and her friends?! find out next chapter!

last edited at May 30, 2019 3:11PM

joined Aug 18, 2015

Kase doesn't have to worry about infecting Yamada, her bacteria doesn't work on plants!

damnit bugdevil, I'm a ghost now because this joke killed me.

joined Oct 22, 2018

furiously taps screen for next page repeatedly

joined Jul 29, 2017

Poor Fukami—she just tries to give her feverish roommate a drink of water, and she gets hit with a full-on blast of weapons-grade Kase-kawaii.

And now her het delusions are dissolved into nothingness . . .

joined Jan 6, 2017


joined Aug 22, 2016

Kase doesn't have to worry about infecting Yamada, her bacteria doesn't work on plants!

For all we know, Yamada's some kind of herbal drug and Kase wasn't actually sick but going through some sort of withdrawl... Who knows how it works with humanoid plants?

Me thinks, sleepy Kase just had a nice dream of Yamada, which is why she woke up all cuddly ^^
Poor Fukami, getting the full blast of adorkable Kase that way...

Gotta love the various reactions to Kase having a fever.

  • Yamada: Oh, noes! I can't bother her now... I hope her pretty roommate takes good care of her... just not too good care...

  • Mikawacchi: Kase fell victim to something mundane as a cold!? Get out!

  • Inoue-senpai: MUAHAAHAHAA! A feeeeever from a lame coooold, such a whimp.

  • Kase's fangirls: Oh, noes! Our glorious goddess/future-husband is suffering! [let's go sacrifice a lamb]

  • Fukami: I'll try to help, but it's actually a nuisan-... whoops, she's actually kinda cute :3

  • Kase-san: I had a 39 degrees fever yesterday and today I have nothing better to do than to camp in front of my girlfriend's apartment until she gets home from work. Because I looooove her. []

joined Feb 15, 2019

idk if there exists a cuter yuri couple out there (btw Yamada brings 90% of the cuteness).

Does Hana no Arashi count?

Ooohh that's a good one but I'll still go Kase Yamada

joined Feb 11, 2018

idk if there exists a cuter yuri couple out there (btw Yamada brings 90% of the cuteness).

Does Hana no Arashi count?

Ooohh that's a good one but I'll still go Kase Yamada

I think Hayama and Terano from "Hayama Sensei To Terano Sensei Ha Tsukiatteiru" are good competition to Kase and Yamada in those terms. It's not hosted on this site, but it's super duper adorable so far.

joined Feb 15, 2019

^ Actually I feel those characters are extremely similar to Kase and Yamada, they even look so much alike.

joined Apr 6, 2013

The Jealousy thing is starting to get a bit old, but maybe its actually warranted this time. Guess a broken clock is right twice a day

joined Jul 29, 2017
  • Mikawacchi: Kase fell victim to something mundane as a cold!? Get out!

I thought this reaction might be connected to that bizarre Japanese “idiots can’t get colds” belief/superstition/folk wisdom.

joined Feb 28, 2019

Hopefully a harem wont start and if the whole "make Yamada jealous" thing goes on the series as a whole should have a Jealousy tag or Jealous girlfriend tag thing coz its been going on the whole time

joined Feb 23, 2016

I demand more kissing this instant!!!

joined Aug 18, 2015
  • Mikawacchi: Kase fell victim to something mundane as a cold!? Get out!

I thought this reaction might be connected to that bizarre Japanese “idiots can’t get colds” belief/superstition/folk wisdom.

It's probably one of those things that everyone knows isn't true but they say anyways because it's harmless and it's just a part of the zeitgeist in their culture. Stuff like saying "bless you" when someone sneezes as (some) westerners do.

joined May 28, 2018

At last, some progress. Thou I hope that this roommate don’t be another love interest of Kase. Someone suggest that she can have girlfriend by herself – that can be good.

joined Nov 15, 2017

First name! First name! :D

joined Mar 16, 2018

What a tremendous chapter
Yamada finally initiated a kiss on the lips for the first time
Kase better take care of her heart it must be fit to burst

joined May 7, 2017

OMG!!! Yamada kissed Kase in the nose, she became so bold, my little girl is growing up

joined Mar 28, 2015

Oh no, not a triangle with Fukami. That'd be very lame and useless.

joined Feb 8, 2016

I wonder if we are also going to see their adulthood life too

joined Feb 8, 2016

I agree. I would love to see them working and having a kid or two (they can still work and kids by adoption, science, whatever). I wish more Mangas would a bit farther in their lives.

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