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joined Feb 23, 2016

Give me the next fucking chapter right now!!!!

joined Feb 15, 2019

Awwww why did it have to end there?

joined Feb 23, 2014

You know if Kase and Yamada weren't the cutest shit Kase and Fukami would be good too, their dynamic is fun and in an alternate timeline seeing Fukami slowly realizing she likes a certain suave dork would be cute.

joined Oct 21, 2017

Well next chapter should be interesting to say the least, though am sure it's nothing to worry about.

joined Jul 29, 2017

You know if Kase and Yamada weren't the cutest shit Kase and Fukami would be good too, their dynamic is fun and in an alternate timeline seeing Fukami slowly realizing she likes a certain suave dork would be cute.

May it never happen. But you’re right.

Man, I did not know what to make of that “Kase falls on Fukami” panel at first—I thought, was she attacking her or . . .?

And is “fever caused by fatigue” a hemisphere-specific thing? Because I know that fever can cause fatigue, but the fact that the first Google hit for the question “Can fatigue cause fever?” is from—wait for it—Japan makes me go, “Hmmm.”

We did get a bit of that “Yamada is valued for her vegetable skills” I was asking for, even if it did involve being sold out by her best friend.

joined Oct 15, 2014

You know if Kase and Yamada weren't the cutest shit Kase and Fukami would be good too, their dynamic is fun and in an alternate timeline seeing Fukami slowly realizing she likes a certain suave dork would be cute.

It would make a nice change for one of the girls Yamada feels threatened by to actually be into Kase. It's clear that the news Kase's dating someone has got Fukami thinking things.

joined Mar 16, 2018

You know if Kase and Yamada weren't the cutest shit Kase and Fukami would be good too, their dynamic is fun and in an alternate timeline seeing Fukami slowly realizing she likes a certain suave dork would be cute.

It would make a nice change for one of the girls Yamada feels threatened by to actually be into Kase. It's clear that the news Kase's dating someone has got Fukami thinking things.

That poor girl, she doesne't stand a chance. Seeing as though Kase only lives, sees, hears, touches, tastes, and breaths Yamada.

last edited at Mar 27, 2019 10:16PM

joined Feb 8, 2018 know the thing that is sticking out to me about this chapter is the Cakes bag? Because Cakes is such a out there fake name for adidas. I wonder if there is any reason at all or if it is just because.

Other than that: Cute chapter. And i hope Yamada doesn't loose her job because she gets really sick via cuddling with a sick Kase all night and can't work... though it might be worth it actually.

joined Nov 2, 2013 know the thing that is sticking out to me about this chapter is the Cakes bag? Because Cakes is such a out there fake name for adidas. I wonder if there is any reason at all or if it is just because.

I thought the same thing lol

Man I feel like Mikawacchi is kind of a dickish friend. Like she was before but seriously.

joined Mar 13, 2014

Insecure Yamada in 3, 2, 1...

joined May 28, 2018

Huh? Nobody freaking out about another "love" triangle? How so? I think that this part of a story kind of repetitive and stale. Where the character grow? When relationship become more daring? This level of insecurity is annoying.

joined Sep 6, 2018

Mononucleosis? Commonly shows up in college. Kase-San has previously shown a lack of awareness towards personal items. (wearing wrong shorts/underwear? It doesn’t take much of a stretch of imagination for kase-san to accidentally grab the wrong tooth brush—which easily harbors the virus for weeks from an infected person)

Aside from tooth brushes, Kase-san would have to be kissing something to get her sick like that. If it is “Mono”, it will threaten her Track & Field #1 ranking and she could ultimately drop out of college due to fatigue lasting for months.

How’s that for drama?

joined Feb 28, 2019

getting sick on your bday and your girlfriend having to watch over you and take care of you, did the yuri god plan this?

joined Sep 1, 2017

What's with the "we're dating aren't we" bubble with Fukami standing over Kase' s bed. Did she over hear Kase say that to Yamda, over the phone? If so, when?

Edit: Also, did Yamada finally admit she is dating Kase, to her friend? The last I knew Yamada' s friend thought Kase was boy Yamada met at the mixer. I kind of liked that conversation to have been "on camera.

last edited at Mar 28, 2019 12:43AM

joined Sep 6, 2018

That was funny about Yamada being suckered into a crappy part time job (it’s a bad sign when a bunch of previous employees quit before you start working there—pay sucks, crappy boss, business going bankrupt). A friend using her like that isn’t a friend in my book.

joined Sep 6, 2018

What's with the "we're dating aren't we" bubble with Fukami standing over Kase' s bed. Did she over hear Kase say that to Yamda, over the phone? If so, when?

I think it was the start of the party city story arc. She over heard it when we first see her appearance in the manga. I think she still thinks kase-san is straight.

joined Jul 29, 2017

What's with the "we're dating aren't we" bubble with Fukami standing over Kase' s bed. Did she over hear Kase say that to Yamda, over the phone? If so, when?


joined Aug 1, 2011

Yamada is as innocent as ever it seems. Kase's reaction to her not quite getting the sleeping over bit was entertaining.

That was funny about Yamada being suckered into a crappy part time job (it’s a bad sign when a bunch of previous employees quit before you start working there—pay sucks, crappy boss, business going bankrupt). A friend using her like that isn’t a friend in my book.

I have a feeling they all quit because working at a garden shop was a lot harder than what they were expecting, particularly if they were just expecting a florist.

joined Sep 1, 2017

Thanks Clueless1, and Blastaar. Now do you think Fukami knows Yamada is a girl.

joined Oct 22, 2018

repeatedly touches screen to turn to the next page WHAT? THAT'S IT?

joined Feb 19, 2016

Huh? Nobody freaking out about another "love" triangle? How so? I think that this part of a story kind of repetitive and stale. Where the character grow? When relationship become more daring? This level of insecurity is annoying.

They're supposed to have been going out for how long now, well over a year? And their still having those kinds of insecurities? Also, this is what, the third time this plot thread has been treaded?
This and "Kase saves the day because Yamada isn't mature enough to handle things on her own" are getting kind of grating at this point tbh.

joined Aug 18, 2015

I mean technically speaking we don't know for sure if Fukami is into Kase.

Even if she is, (and she probably is), we don't really know if it's gonna become a full-fledged love triangle.
The arc could be about Fukami quietly being angst-ey and pining for Kase, all while Kase continues to be an oblivious dumbass about anything other than how thirsty she is for Yamada, all coming to a head with a "getting it over with" confession that a surprised Kase obviously rejects. (There could even be multiple confessions that all go over Kase's head until Fukami finally gets tired of her shit and says it as plainly as possible, that could be fun.)

I could see it developing to where Fukami ends up telling Kase that she likes her with one of those dumb "I know it's gross because we're both girls I'm sorry please don't hate me" things and Kase being like, "Well actually the person I'm dating is Yamada so you don't need to worry, we gucci."

My ideal scenario ends with Kase and Yamada playing wingwomen for Fukami, ending up with her getting a girlfriend and then they all go on awesome double dates. Bonus points if Fukami hooks up with Inoue.

...Who am I kidding? It's time to buckle in for several chapters of pointless love triangle drama.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Can this even be a real love triangle? I highly doubt that Kase or Yamada will ever develop some kind of interest in Fukami.

joined Aug 18, 2015

Can this even be a real love triangle? I highly doubt that Kase or Yamada will ever develop some kind of interest in Fukami.

My personal understanding is that all it takes is 2 (or more) people being attracted to the same person, meaning a scenario where A and B are a couple but C also likes B is included. I've never been entirely sure though.

joined Aug 19, 2012

I don't think kase-san ever had a real love triangle. It'd be a bit late to the game to add one, but i'm looking forward to it.

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