Forum › Hero-san and Former General-san discussion

joined Aug 26, 2018

bites nails
Why is X so perfect? Not popular? Incompetent, funny and cute? That's the holy trinity for a likeable bad guy!

Kyouka getting bridal carried was hilarious. Only an Otaku like her would even care about that trope lol

Rapid Rabbit is rapidly getting possessive of Honey. The good old protect you excuse.

X is secretly a super cute loli! I'm surprised but at the same time not surprised at all!

That's not a loli. She looks like freshman in highschool.

last edited at May 5, 2019 2:48AM

joined Nov 13, 2015

inb4 X falls in love too

joined Jan 18, 2016

Time for X to get serious it seems, though knowing this manga it's probably not very serious. She sure looks cute though. I wonder if she'll try to take Hayate away from Honey.

joined Sep 4, 2017

X is so bae

joined Apr 15, 2018

X is a cutie confirmed

joined Jan 24, 2018

Matsuri, is that you?

Omfg right?! Right at thend there!!!
Also, swear to god this mangaka drew some of their own digimon transformations (any fan would know which ones....) and decided to use them as the hero transformations in this manga (not complaning, I actually fucking love it!)

joined Oct 20, 2017

There's something satisfying about a building sized motorcycle grinding up a normal sized motorcycle under its wheels

joined Aug 4, 2018

Hayate surprised me.

I thought she played the "oblivious character" role... you know, the character who is oblivious both to the feelings people around her might have for her and to the feelings that may be slowly growing in her own heart.

But there was no obliviousness here, hell no, not in the least, when X tried to steal Honey from her. Hayate's reaction was wonderful. Honey was totally right: grabbing her like that and proclaiming that she won't give her to anyone, that's a declaration of ownership all right, haha.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Hayate surprised me.

I thought she played the "oblivious character" role... you know, the character who is oblivious both to the feelings people around her might have for her and to the feelings that may be slowly growing in her own heart.

But there was no obliviousness here, hell no, not in the least, when X tried to steal Honey from her. Hayate's reaction was wonderful. Honey was totally right: grabbing her like that and proclaiming that she won't give her to anyone, that's a declaration of ownership all right, haha.

Although she didn't seem to be aware why she feels this way and quickly made up an excuse. So not quite beyond the obliviousness yet.

joined Aug 16, 2018

Hayate surprised me.

I thought she played the "oblivious character" role... you know, the character who is oblivious both to the feelings people around her might have for her and to the feelings that may be slowly growing in her own heart.

But there was no obliviousness here, hell no, not in the least, when X tried to steal Honey from her. Hayate's reaction was wonderful. Honey was totally right: grabbing her like that and proclaiming that she won't give her to anyone, that's a declaration of ownership all right, haha.

Lol there was a bit of a tsundere vibe too:

"Don't misunderstand! I'm just doing my duty as a hero! It's not that I like Honey-san or anything!"

Page 24 was a perfect chance for a kiss, too bad Honey was too dizzy with happy-happy feelings to realize it.

last edited at May 7, 2019 11:47AM

joined Sep 11, 2016

Hayate surprised me.

I thought she played the "oblivious character" role... you know, the character who is oblivious both to the feelings people around her might have for her and to the feelings that may be slowly growing in her own heart.

But there was no obliviousness here, hell no, not in the least, when X tried to steal Honey from her. Hayate's reaction was wonderful. Honey was totally right: grabbing her like that and proclaiming that she won't give her to anyone, that's a declaration of ownership all right, haha.

Yeah I wasn't expect her to go this way, I thought she would act like major of dense anime protagonists. Like they always said It went super gay when you less expected.

joined Feb 9, 2019

Pretty good chapter. I didn't expect that X would look like that but.. I am not complaining.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Melt's "battle form" is wicked cool owo

joined Oct 17, 2017

If this ever gets an anime adaptation I want Yuu Kobayashi to play Honey Trap and Kana Hanazawa to play Hayate-san

joined May 30, 2013

I knew this was here before! After the other version was uploaded I thought I was going crazy. Why was this deleted and reuploaded?

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

I knew this was here before! After the other version was uploaded I thought I was going crazy. Why was this deleted and reuploaded?

These are bonus chapters from the author's Pixiv, the first two releasing before the serialization and the third being side material for it. Kinda assumed they'd be put with the main series, but the chronology is a little confusing.

last edited at May 18, 2019 9:44PM

joined Sep 21, 2015

Wooooooow i like this version more...

joined Oct 17, 2014

So do the other generals and X also not wear underwear or was that just Honey Trap? Also, I miss Honey Trap's original human form. I wish she used that now and again in the serialized story.

joined Apr 11, 2016

Of course the web comic adds more sex jokes, another girl interested in Hayate, a friggin tentacle monster and... A major close up on X's legs. Worth reading.

joined May 8, 2017

omg this is so good!

joined Mar 14, 2016

Like I need an excuse to read this again

Edit: Huh, this is significantly different compared to the original. Well worth the read then. Gotta say though, much prefer the original 1st chapter over this new one.

OG comic had a much more logical flow and introduced more, still relevant, information in almost half the amount of pages this new one does. I wonder if serialization means the old comic will be discontinued in favor of this one.

last edited at May 19, 2019 1:12AM

joined Jul 4, 2018


joined Mar 28, 2015

Every time...

joined Feb 28, 2019

I love this series

joined Aug 26, 2018

Chapter 3 was actually more like an Omake for the real serialization, so I at least recommend reading that one.

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