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joined Mar 22, 2013

don't usually comment.
just wanted to put out there that new manager is one of, if not the most, evil character encountered on dynasty.
just saying. re: paid counselling+genetic tests related to obesity

Geneticist here. That's how science is used to make money, sadly.

A good deal of people won't get the science beyond what they were taught in grade school, and by the look of anti-vaxxers, they don't care too. So there are always fools for anyone who knows enough, depending on how morally bankrupted they are.

Just to say, the manager is pretty good at her job, assuming she hasn't broken any law. It isn't her fault that people believe in the test (well, the author does, because the nutritionist in this story believes it too). It's the evil, unethical scientists selling that obesity test (you can ask to run whichever genes you like but it likely won't be clinically approved) and whoever lawmaker letting them do this counseling without a qualified counselor.

The meme above this post says best. Sorry for derailing the topic.

Biologist here... I'm not sure so I am asking... Are you implying she is swindeling with the test?

But there IS a connection between genetic predisposition and obesity (don't know how good the specific test is though, that might be the problem?)
Personally I think doing genetic tests for obesity is fine. It's people's own choice if they want to know. Genetic tests are also done with cancer or other illnesses. There are actually a great deal of genes that have an effect and if you know that you have a certain predisposition you can take measures and try to reduce the risk of actually getting sick. The expression of your genes is also influenced by the way you live. So there is something that you can actually gain from this knowledge.

I get that a lot of people are scared by genetics. And there are risks, as it is always the case with science and new technology. That someone might get their data is definitely a danger. But there are not only downsides to this technology.

But I agree at the screw capitalism part. Sadly scientists need to earn money too. And most of the time the money givers are people with their own interests. That's our beloved capitalism.

Sorry for the ramble. And science stuff, too. I am ashamed. But only a bit.

Programer here.... I just wanted to be here aswell :[.

Good to have you xD

joined Mar 16, 2018

Really cute chapter but I couldn't help but think of the Lefttorium

Also, I need a new chapter with my fav couple!!

joined Nov 9, 2017

I need my Moe/Hikari fix and I need it now

joined Jan 24, 2018

Ah, it's like Virgins empire but with a hint more maturity followed by a deeper Yuri flavor...
sips....... chugs it down ........ pours whole thing into face ...... jumps into giant vad ...... happily drowns in Yuri

last edited at Apr 4, 2019 10:08AM

joined Jun 12, 2015

Is it really okay to scanlate this manga, when offcial english version is published on It's at chapter 17 right now.

joined Sep 27, 2017

The bit about being left handed I actually find amusing. It's something that people often don't think about, but I've mentioned to some friends/family before that some people throughout history will hate you because you're different than the average "norm" no matter how small the difference, so just be proud of who you are. Don't let other people make you feel bad because you're different than they are.

For example the whole thing with left handedness is one of the original terms for it is "sinistral", because apparently us left handed folk are inherently evil and sinister. Some religious schools (not sure if it's still a thing, but probably somewhere), you'd have left handed people forced to use their right hand and their left hand would be tied down. Sometimes even beaten for it from what I've heard and read.

There are some people out there that are just stupid jerks about any aspect of you that's different than themselves, to which I say F'em. Just be you and don't stress about the people being jerks.

joined Mar 22, 2018

^My brother should have been left handed, but his kindergarten teacher was an idiot and kind of forced him to use his right hand. Not to the degree of abuse, she was just a really crappy teacher. Now his handwriting is like having to decipher runes.
Although, it was a religious school... I think she was an ex-nun, too. Maybe she thought my brother was hell spawn- that's some legit 5 year old thuggery.

Uhhh. I originally came here to say that this has been my favorite chapter so far (which seems to happen with almost every new chapter). Can we all appreciate how adorable Nozomi is? =u=

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

In Japan, schools and parents used to force you to write with right hand, because nail that sticks out etc. Thankfully they apparently don't do it anymore, but of course it's not completely gone, because social norms and all that crap.

h3x posted:

Is it really okay to scanlate this manga, when offcial english version is published on It's at chapter 17 right now.

It's not ok to scanlate any manga.

last edited at Apr 4, 2019 1:52PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Relevant. The Wiki articles rather gloss over it but until fairly recently - at least around the immediate postwar era AFAIK - that was par for the course in the West too. Then again during much the same period just speaking the wrong language, professing the wrong religion or being of the wrong colour could get your entire community wiped out, and homosexuality was at least technically (as actual enforcement varied wildly) a punishable criminal offence about everywhere, so "southpaws" were getting off relatively lightly...

Or as one historian put it, summarizing the difference in treatment of minorities between Western and Eastern/Central Europe in the interwar period, "Breton children might suffer at school; they did not have their villages burned down."

joined Jun 12, 2015

In Japan, schools and parents used to force you to write with right hand, because nail that sticks out etc. Thankfully they apparently don't do it anymore, but of course it's not completely gone, because social norms and all that crap.

h3x posted:

Is it really okay to scanlate this manga, when offcial english version is published on It's at chapter 17 right now.

It's not ok to scanlate any manga.

True. My point is why to scanlate something if it's offcialy for free in english (with better editing) and recommended by the author to read it there?

joined Dec 25, 2018

This was a good chapter

joined Nov 8, 2017

So, who does Risa like? Nozomi? lol

joined Oct 15, 2016

Probably one of the best advices in yuri manga about how to deal with someone who is gay. Great chapter.

True. My point is why to scanlate something if it's offcialy for free in english (with better editing) and recommended by the author to read it there?

We should let the scanlation group of this know that theres an official translation out there. They're probably unaware of that.

joined Aug 4, 2018

I reckon this was "author's message" chapter, what?
A whole chapter the point of which is to teach a lesson against discriminating gays.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

joined Sep 14, 2014

a small chant slowly but surely, growing louder for that other sensei to finally make a move on Nozomi

joined May 7, 2017

What a lovely chapter, I feel like I firmly decided my favorite now :)

joined May 8, 2017

Now that Nozomi learns that gay people are normal people, it's time for her to learn that she's gay too XD

last edited at Apr 4, 2019 11:41PM

joined Aug 28, 2018

Kisugae single-handedly ended homophobia

joined Jun 5, 2016

For example the whole thing with left handedness is one of the original terms for it is "sinistral", because apparently us left handed folk are inherently evil and sinister. Some religious schools (not sure if it's still a thing, but probably somewhere), you'd have left handed people forced to use their right hand and their left hand would be tied down. Sometimes even beaten for it from what I've heard and read.

It's true. My birth father was born a Southpaw, and born in rural Kentucky amidst all the lovely Bible-thumpers in the wonderful Bible Belt. He was beaten and had his arm tied, etc, until he started to use his right hand instead. They told him he had the Devil in him because he was using that left hand, called him a demon, basically pick your favorite stereotype of hillbilly Baptists.

I am technically ambidextrous myself but I choose to use my right hand because of smudging.

last edited at Apr 4, 2019 11:58PM
joined Apr 19, 2012

What a heartwarming chapter.

joined Apr 9, 2014

I love absolutely everything about this chapter.

joined Oct 28, 2018

Not sure if I'm the only way that feels this way, but there's something so captivating about Risa's tongue piercing. It's like hypotonizing you to keep looking at it, maybe imagine yourself sticking your tongue in hers and have a taste of that silver stud.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Tons better than the hammered lessons in that manga about Akira and Hime.

You love who you love. And that's it. Nothing strange or to be more discussed about than hair color.

joined Nov 8, 2017

For example the whole thing with left handedness is one of the original terms for it is "sinistral", because apparently us left handed folk are inherently evil and sinister. Some religious schools (not sure if it's still a thing, but probably somewhere), you'd have left handed people forced to use their right hand and their left hand would be tied down. Sometimes even beaten for it from what I've heard and read.

It's true. My birth father was born a Southpaw, and born in rural Kentucky amidst all the lovely Bible-thumpers in the wonderful Bible Belt. He was beaten and had his arm tied, etc, until he started to use his right hand instead. They told him he had the Devil in him because he was using that left hand, called him a demon, basically pick your favorite stereotype of hillbilly Baptists.

I am technically ambidextrous myself but I choose to use my right hand because of smudging.

It was a belief since at least Ancient Rome. My paternal grandmother was superstitious enough to believe the Roman were right, because she raised my left-handed father as if he was right-handed.

joined Nov 14, 2015

Can we please talk about
Risa's beautiful smile on both panels?

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