Forum › Selfish Fuzz and Pikapika-san discussion

joined Aug 10, 2015

Eww. Was not a fan of this. I kept reading thinking it'd go one way, and the main character would redeem herself... Aaaaaaand then she just becomes the absolute worst by the end.

I feel like the author tried for comedy and failed terribly.

last edited at Sep 7, 2017 4:19PM

joined Mar 16, 2017

This left a bit of a bad taste after I read it. And not just for the rape, but more so for the way she treated her friend, I'll say it was at least a bit different than what I normally see, but I wish it was different in a way that made it a decent read.

joined Jul 23, 2017

Most thing i hate is NTR Rape Why would there be a fcking guy everything is good without that fcking guy whi just wants to fck and i hate the kind of mentality the girl has fck nozomi is the best here peace out

joined Jul 23, 2017

Welcome To Reality

joined Mar 20, 2017

Welcome To Reality

No, welcome to mentally retarded

joined Oct 2, 2014

Wow, that could have been so much better :\

joined Jun 23, 2017

I was expecting something much darker with the rape tag, it was still a bit sweet.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I don't know why you guys are making a big deal out of nothing, I mean they have mutual feelings in the end (I think?)

I'm pretty sure a yuri manga that has a het ending is way worse than this *cough Happy End *cough

joined Sep 6, 2015

I mean they have mutual feelings in the end (I think?)

No. I am pretty sure you are the only one who read it like that, judging by this thread. I am personally of the opinion there are not even one-sided feelings in play here. The one who raped her friend did not do it because she harboured secret romantic feeling for her, but because she was obsessed with her friend "being left behind", which in terms of this story means "not experienced sex yet". Main character's happiness at the end was because her friend is no longer a virgin, not because she was the one who did it with her. Happiness which she intends to broadcast to everyone. "Look, look, my best friend is no longer a virgin, how awesome is that." Those are not "feelings", that is sheer insanity. And you do not even have to 'read into it' to interpret it this way, since the author literally wrote it like that.
The friend that got raped also did not express any romantic attraction towards the main character, or anyone else, at any point in the story.

I don't know why you guys are making a big deal out of nothing

Rape (and a pretty insanely-motivated, at that) =/= nothing. It is only natural this kind of story would generate discussion on the subject, it would be strange if it did not.

I'm pretty sure a yuri manga that has a het ending is way worse than this *cough Happy End *cough

Personally, I will take a het end over a badly done yuri rape. Emphasis on 'badly done', I am not against rape being used in literature/media, but in this case it was done completely nonsensically.

Also, regarding het, you seem to have missed the fact the main character looks at her het experience as something positive, a social triumph of a sort, and also genuinely thought it does not count between girls.

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

The fact that most of this thread is taken aback by the rape seems promising that the author did one thing right at least. Make a rape scene which is technically ambiguous and almost seen as a joke by the MC clearly horrifying to the reader. Whether it was intentional or not, I'll have to argue it definitely was.

This did make me feel sick. I thought the rape was about being with the guy at first, cause she was thinking it hurt like hell and she wanted it to end/stop talking about it - actually I think that might still qualify as rape, only she immediately realizes she's gained her disgustingly desired status with it. Those lines on pg 64 make me think there are one-sided feelings on Hana's part, which I won't fain call romantic, more intensely possessive twisted "best friend" jealousy.

Most ominous retrospective foreshadowing, "Nozomi's nice. She'll forgive me." For her goddamn sake, I swear she had better not.

There's an unfortunate message in here about that desire to conform, be liked and a dark criticism of societal views on sex and love. It's hard to say which should be blamed, the society, MC, those girls who looked at her 'differently' afterwards, the guy who wanted a one-night stand. Maybe the very last line, Nozomi's, could have been changed so it wasn't just "what an idiot Hana is", but the message is clear. Its biased slant is because it's told from Hana's point of view and she sees no wrong with what she did. It hits a bit too close to real life in how understandable her actions are, from her perspective, which is what I have to grudgingly admire about it. The story is not set up in a way where the rape only has impact from the shock value; it is given its full seriousness, with Nozomi saying it hurt, her shaking later, her clinging to Hana and confusion as to what this meant, that her trusted friend had done this, her bitter outcry as to whether 'everyone' was more important to Hana than her.

I hate Hana and people like her but I also know this is a more widespread issue than any single individual.

Awh geez and I remembered Japan literally has a thing about how girl-girl relationships are fine in adolescence because they're not real and it's good practice for their later heterosexual marriages. You grow out of it. Jegus.

last edited at Jan 4, 2018 12:48AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

Urgh, was not what I expected. But again it proved to me that I won't like the rape-tag even if I like the mangaka.

joined Feb 12, 2018

ugh... I don't like this

poor Nozomi-chan

Hana is a btch

joined Oct 6, 2014

Third time reading through this and it's still good.

I mean, the content was crap. My heart always hurts at the part where Nozomi clings to the bitch girl after she was raped because damn... Just imagine the emotions she's feeling then. Betrayed by a childhood friend and maybe even betrayed by her body. I mean, shit.

But I loved how it was tackled. It was pretty unapologetic because it was written in the rapist's perspective. They will always have reasons for the actions and believe these reasons justify them, no matter how insane and selfish (as is indicated in the title) they are.

Anyway, I still love this author. I like this piece. And I appreciate the discussion around the issue.

joined Jan 20, 2014

This was awful in a lot of ways. This could be perfect if the end Nozomi was saying something like "trying to be a part of a group you lost your identity, and even destroy mine", then kiss her "I loved you, all this years, but I didn't want this" and then get out crying. Why trying to pass a rape like comedy???? No, just don't do that. The rest I can even like it because it's a representation of how standars works and that's interesting.

joined Jan 24, 2018

I think I interpreted that a little differently than the other commenters on here...Meh what ever can't help i liked it. Shoulda been called 'Shallow gal molests her pal' tho

joined May 1, 2018


joined May 1, 2018

I think I interpreted that a little differently than the other commenters on here...Meh what ever can't help i liked it. Shoulda been called 'Shallow gal molests her pal' tho

Correction, "Shallow b#tch rapes her friend"

joined May 1, 2018

When I was reading this, I was waiting for the rape scene to happen. but when rape scene began, it wasn't really a rape scene. It was more of an okay scene.

There was a distinct lack of "okay" in that scene.

Nozomi never offered any form of consent, and all indications she gave and actions she took expressed the contrary: she didn't want to have sex. That didn't change before, during, or after the fact.

That's rape.

But rape isn't gentle. but I see it, I just haven't seen a girl rape another girl in a Manga before this one

Rape is unconsentual sex, it doesn't matter if it's gentle or it, she didn't want it, yet her "friend" made her do it anyway.

It's kind of rape, but not really the full definition of rape, which I'm not going to look up, I was going for.

"Rape is a type of sexual assaultusually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without that person's consent"
...yeah bro that's rape

joined Jun 1, 2017

wow this story is fucked up. The bright tone around it makes it very jarring. The main character actually reminded me of things that happened to me at that age (no, not the sexually abusing someone part, but the part at the beginning where you give in to heterosexuality due to peer pressure but you go "too fast" and get tagged as a slut instead)

joined Oct 1, 2014

Ugh... I feel kinda sick and sad, I readed this outside Dynasty, It hasn't any tags so I couldn't know.
Dynasty will always be my safe place :(

joined Nov 12, 2020

just couldn't align the story with the tags, maybe it's immediate comedic expressions of the charas after the rapey situation

joined Feb 5, 2020

I regret reading this one. I thought it'd have a twist where the story turns fluffy but nope.

joined Feb 5, 2020

The rape scene feels weird because Hanas intentions are selfish and not at the same time. She thinks that she is doing her friends a favor by making her grow up. At the same time she is trying to monopolize Nozomi into being exclusively hers. She doesn't want others people to see her make those same faces and wants to claim all of Nomois`s first for her own.

last edited at Mar 27, 2021 4:59PM

joined Apr 20, 2020

I love it

joined Mar 25, 2019

You guys are reading way too deep into a one shot that's like only a few pages long. The author made a crappy one shot that didn't really work. Some people are comparing it to hentai rape and Emergence of all things? Nah what are you even talking about it's not even close to that level, what a dramatic overreaction.

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