Hey gurl, maybe this is a sign that you are developing awesome lightning powers! xD
Now that I think of it, there's some weird shit I learned about in an old workplace of mine. We had a server in a small office there, and whenever you had to sit there to do stuff, you got überzapped when you tried to open the door again.
So people taught me a trick. Thing is, those static discharges set off at the moment you close the circuit. So if you just go and touch ground (ground in the electric sense, not the floor; e.g. somepony else, or a doorknob) with your hand then the spark forms at your hand, which is rather sensitive and thus it stings.
But if you hop and then touch the knob while you are airborne, then at that moment you are isolated and the circuit remains open, and when you touch the floor again you ground there and the spark forms at your shoes' soles, which don't hurt. Unless you are barefoot. In that case this trick doesn't really help.