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joined Jun 11, 2016

Holy fuck we haven't seen anything from this artist since 2018.

Unless this drawing is that old and hasn't been uploaded until now lol.

joined Jun 11, 2016

I'm crying bro. Gigi said "My Pearl" for 6 streams and that was enough for Amegigi to become the most powerful Ame ship since Amesame. And now it's so powerful people are shipping DOOBY with Gigi. The Gigi rizz can't be understated.

joined Jun 11, 2016


joined Jun 11, 2016

Only on Dynasty can one of the most vanilla types of sex a person could have be a hotly debated topic lmaooooo. Never change ya'll, never change.

Fun Fact: I commissioned this art! Thank you Gyger for drawing it and thank you Dynasty for posting it!

joined Jun 11, 2016

Heya gang o/

I was feeling a tad nostalgic so I swung by here again. I'm glad this thread is still around!

joined Jun 11, 2016

Now if that ain't a mood and a half.

Though I will say, 2023 (so far) has been much much kinder. 2022 was all about inflicting trauma and now 2023 is about feeling the effects of it and (hopefully) healing from it.

Dino discussion 02 Feb 23:55
joined Jun 11, 2016

The twitter account link goes to their old account that got hacked.

This is their new account:

Anime season 24 Dec 02:59
joined Jun 11, 2016

Bocchi the Rock and Chainsaw Man are wonderful. As shit as 2022 has been, weekly anime experiences like AoT, CSM and Bocchi have been great highlights.

last edited at Dec 24, 2022 3:03AM

joined Jun 11, 2016

Welp, I move into my College dorm today several hours from now. Classes start 3 days from now so I got 2 days to get settled in and properly know my way around campus so.

Madokami pls be merciful on me for these next 4 years.

joined Jun 11, 2016

Tempus is amazing, Dez is my favorite but you really can't go wrong with either one.

Wish their original song was longer.

joined Jun 11, 2016

^ If my memory serves me correct, in the Minecraft fireworks festival Polka saw Ame and Gura hanging out and was like "Keep them together, don't separate them"

joined Jun 11, 2016

Man I've been scrolling through my old posts on this site since 2016 and I'm just thinking.


I've heard stories about people being "raised" on sites like 4chan or Tumblr (as in they spent their younger years chatting on those sites) and I've realized....That kinda happened with me and this site.

It just feels like so much has happened to me during my time here. I've gotten into so many discussions. Both fruitful and fruitless, some lasting for only some time and others lasting for multiple days (or even more). I've made so many wonderful friends, some of which I still talk with to this day and others not so much. I used to be extremely active on here during my days in high-school and that's because I never really had friends irl during that time (not that do nowadays with what's going on in the world LOL), I always felt like I was in a completely different world from other kids while there. But here? I felt like I was at home here, like I found people to talk with about this....Niche thing? Idk if I'd call Yuri niche. I haven't checked out the Yuri scene in a while. I guess it isn't so niche now cause Bloom into You was a smash hit right? Though I guess subtext and queer baiting will still be a thing.

And don't even get me started with the discord which my time on has been just as, if not more, hectic. Being on there, just like here, was like flipping a coin. Sometimes I'd have such a fun and wonderful time that my day or even week would be improved.....And other times it'd be a convo that'd completely ruin my day or week.

I guess that's just how the internet in general is like yeah? Hell you could say that's what life in general is like.

Idk what I'm saying anymore. I'm just reflecting on the time I've had on this site....this community. I really have no clue how I'm even perceived by people on here. Am I just some dumb cringey kid who doesn't know what he's talking about? Am I a goofball who's love for Yuri is really cute to see?

2016-2018 me would've especially been interested in knowing the answer but now? I'm am interested sure but like, not really all that much.

I guess I kinda just wanna say thank you to ya'll. Thanks for being the first community that I truly felt like I was apart of. While yes some (keyword: SOME) of the people I've encountered here (and the discord) were some of the worst people I've ever met in my life. I also managed to find some of the best people I've ever met in my life on here. And again this loops back to "That's what life in general is like".

Funnily enough nowadays I don't really read Yuri manga anymore. I get all the Yuri fix I need from HoloEN. But I'll still read a one shot or doujin every now and then and I def (try to) keep up with the images that are uploaded here.

But uh yeah that's enough of my....whatever this is....

joined Jun 11, 2016

So Reflect is literally the greatest song of all time.

last edited at Jun 21, 2021 1:42PM

Image Comments 19 Jun 20:23
joined Jun 11, 2016

Feels like it's been ages since Amesame was uploaded here

Image Comments 15 May 16:32
joined Jun 11, 2016

God these two are so perfect together, shame the game couldn't have made it cannon. Or at least not in a way where Yuri Goggles are required.

Image Comments 01 May 19:03
joined Jun 11, 2016

Absolutely stunning, easily my favorite Amesame art.

joined Jun 11, 2016

Rebellion’s ending is perfect but I’m interested in what they come up with. If they ruin Rebellion’s ending we can just pretend it doesn’t exist.

Image Comments 25 Apr 01:50
joined Jun 11, 2016

I wouldn't exactly say that Vtubers are just like Wrestlers. With wrestling, EVERYTHING that happens in the ring is completely scripted while in Vtuber streams the only act is the backstories that they come up and the voice that they put on (hell with Calli and Ina I don't think they even put on a voice lol). A lot of the things Vtubers say and do on stream is genuine. Like c'mon, you really think Amelia is acting when being toxic in her Apex streams?

joined Jun 11, 2016

Did a bit of drawing today, here's hoping lazy me can turn this into a daily habit instead of something I do once or twice a year....

Image Comments 18 Apr 17:04
joined Jun 11, 2016

Lets fucking goooooooo

One of the most underrated ships of 3H

Image Comments 11 Apr 17:26
joined Jun 11, 2016

You're blind Gura, Ame's lips are clearly damaged smh

Image Comments 06 Apr 01:43
joined Jun 11, 2016

that.... actually looks like it would be extremely unpleasant. I imagine gills would be very easy to bruise

Idk, doesn't look like she's touching them in any unpleasant way.

joined Jun 11, 2016

Room 1 is so fucking good omg. 13 year old me would've died of happiness from reading that.

Image Comments 03 Apr 23:38
joined Jun 11, 2016

Ah, yeah that makes sense

Image Comments 03 Apr 18:32
joined Jun 11, 2016

"Finally found the something wasn't simple"
Uh, is this right?