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joined Mar 25, 2015

As someone else who didn't make it in time, I wanted to comment on seeing Otherside Picnic and being very torn on it. I love Otherside Picnic, it's one of my favorite series in general, but the fact that the protagonists are lesbians is ENTIRELY incidental to why I like it. If someone asked me the genre of Otherside Picnic, "horror" would definitely come before "yuri" by a lot; I really do view it as a horror series first and foremost, and the protagonists just happen to be two gals who are pals.

joined Mar 25, 2015

At least we got to see evidence that no, getting a girlfriend does NOT magically fix being a useless lesbian. You just move from being useless about one thing to another.

joined Mar 25, 2015

Extra Story 1 implies we're gonna get another one? Fingers crossed.

joined Mar 25, 2015

There was a hot second when she was going for the hug that I thought the twist was that they were both vampires.

joined Mar 25, 2015

That friend is lawful evil lmao

Trying to keep the idiot couple moving forward is a full time job!

That's the lawful part. The evil part is she totally is pushing them forward to watch Kaede lose her goddamn mind because she thinks it's hilarious.

joined Mar 25, 2015

And the extra chapter consists entirely of You getting drunk dialed. Wow.

Girl Friend discussion 07 Jan 01:27
joined Mar 25, 2015

Author: "More than friends, less than lovers."
Characters: dropping L-bombs and thinking "I love her so much"

I see, besties then.

I think the intent was "more than friends, less than lovers" was where they were like, right before the doujin started. Obviously that is uh, not where they are by the end. Or even like halfway through.

joined Mar 25, 2015

An elevator attendant as a psychopomp is definitely a new one to me. Cool idea.

joined Mar 25, 2015

I get the impression Miss Serious has some actual sexual experience...

joined Mar 25, 2015

Saeko should have known better by this point; she KNOWS Miwa is absolutely insatiable once she gets turned on, so if she wanted to ACTUALLY eat the toast, she should 100% have made sure the toast got eaten BEFORE doing anything that would get Miwa in the mood.

joined Mar 25, 2015

Romantic and all but uh, didn't you deliberately go out of your way to change the texture on those, only to just give them pre-chewed?

joined Mar 25, 2015

Well we know for a fact that this isn't AI-generated.

joined Mar 25, 2015

Yeah this one in particular felt like a weird time capsule for early Saeko & Miwa (to an extreme, since most of these short comics were clearly prioritizing comedy). I think I like "Just Go Out Already!" the most of the pre-serialization doujins because we get to see Saeko act much wiser, and Miwa be much more emotionally open. It's cool that Tamifull-sensei already had that direction planned out.

Yeah I think it's cool that they actually work better as friends than girlfriends, and that's fine and good character writing.

joined Mar 25, 2015

Well, here's to hoping this is the start of a long and successful career voicing villains.

joined Mar 25, 2015

Congratulations, Akane, with this, you are officially "down bad".

joined Mar 25, 2015

This is going to generate more confusion because Minami is getting a very clear "I am not interested" signal here. Sigh.

joined Mar 25, 2015

This has the same energy as Mitsuboshi Colors. Which, it's Katsuwo so that's not surprising.

joined Mar 25, 2015

Yeah, their table is 100% going to get a stripper chilling at their table so she can slack off in the guise of making conversation with the customers. Or two.

joined Mar 25, 2015

I like how they continue to be an idiot couple after becoming official. They're an OFFICIAL idiot couple now.

joined Mar 25, 2015

Nagisa may be unused to drama of any kind. These are teenagers. Could have been going "??? DOES NOT COMPUTE, OUT OF CHEESE ERROR" at what Glasses was doing.

Similarly, Mashiro has never experienced anything like this: I don't think she's like thinking she needs to break up with Nagisa, she feels like the cocktail of jealousy and anger is kind of an awful feeling and wants to be away from the sources of these emotions right now. She needs time to herself to cool off and process what is even happening to her right now (whether she does so or not is another story).

joined Mar 25, 2015

I'm here for their dads lowkey wondering when the wedding is. They seem to realize their daughters are lesbians, but I can't tell if they've figured out how useless they are...

joined Mar 25, 2015

I, too, have heard of lesbians. I might even believe in their existence.

joined Mar 25, 2015

Narita-kun, I've come to like you and what you bring to this manga a lot, but your presence is very much unwanted this time, so please leave and let the lovebirds alone at the dang festival :⁠‑⁠X

百合に挟まる男 (a guy that gets between the yuri)... literally.

I'm gonna forgive him only if he actually performs his duty as a wingman at the festival.

Well, it's not like he's doing intentionally. He very much just seems happy to be there with some friends. Plus he made it clear early on that he supports them.

Yeah, he's jazzed to do something his two friends are into, and like, it would be kinda mean to tell him to piss off after that.

That said he probably shouldn't have taken the middle seat.

joined Mar 25, 2015

They almost did Sox

Well, the technical definition of an orgy is four or more people without socks on, sooooo...

joined Mar 25, 2015

So it REALLY needs to specifically be a finger in order to register Nadeshiko ? Cause Akane was pretty much face deep into her danger zone there, definitely plenty of DNA exchanging happening. I should probably not be looking for logic in my silly boner comedy yuri manga I guess :⁠-⁠P

yeah if this wasn't an extra chapter I'd have expected Akane to have a brand new tongue piercing now...