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joined Oct 12, 2013

WHERE IS THE YURI!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? ARGGHHHH


joined Oct 25, 2011

Why is Kaoru even dating Hibiki? Was it literally just to take a jab at her ex?

joined Mar 5, 2016

WHERE IS THE YURI!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? ARGGHHHH

in her heart

joined Aug 1, 2014

"She's her usual self, probably"


" they all seem so innocent "

Is this supposed to be a correction, too? If so, then I'm too dumb to understand it.

joined Feb 23, 2014

Why is Kaoru even dating Hibiki? Was it literally just to take a jab at her ex?

Because she's a dick who cant respect that her partners might possibly be more monogamous than she is nor has she ever even tried to care.

joined Mar 8, 2016

Why is Kaoru even dating Hibiki? Was it literally just to take a jab at her ex?

She isn't dating Hibiki. Hibiki wants her attention because Kaoru is the cool, beautiful, admired senpai who picked her up when she was down about being dumped BY HER BOYFRIEND. Kaoru is easily charming and flirts with all the girls around her but that doesn't mean she's dating any of them in the sense of a physical, exclusive relationship.

The only pairs in this series that, at this point, can reasonably be considered as dating couples in a relationship would be Ai x Chie, Shizuka x Mio, Yuu x Mari, and maybe Airi x Michiru. Everyone else is scattered around: from unrequited crush (Nononon), to just friends (Honoka x Alicia), to friends-but-maybe-more (Ayano x Miyoshi), to bizarre alien twin fairies (Mahi-mahi).

joined Mar 26, 2014

What?! That was only like 7 pages ... Fillers why !?
I like her a little but not as much as the others.

joined Dec 24, 2013

About the length of a One Punch Man chapter... And just as frequent. sigh

joined Aug 6, 2013

Finally got around to reading this, I've definitely been missing out. Chapters 57 & 58 are some of the best I've ever read. That reveal, followed up by a really fun couple & a normally-dour Honoka just acting adorable. This series is awesome.

joined Aug 1, 2014

Sorry for the slow pace, but my wrist isn't letting me working these days. Two chapters should be up soon, #74 and #31.
The good news is: I got some better scans! All I need now is high quality scans or photos of the (Japanese) covers. Perhaps someone on the forum has them lying around and can scan them in for me?

joined Apr 28, 2016

So we get an entire chapter about girls shoving their hands in between each others legs and somehow it resulted in neither sex nor gynecology.

last edited at Aug 11, 2016 6:58PM

joined Aug 1, 2014

#31 is on the frontpage again, but it's the old file... Will probably get fixed soon. Update: Fixed!

Also, one thing that I didn't anticipate: the higher res scans look actually worse now when resized, because it introduces artifacts in the checkerboard-pattern areas. And resize is active by default on Dynasty... Oh well, not much I can do.

last edited at Aug 11, 2016 7:06PM

joined Feb 10, 2013

I find the not-Resolved Sexual Tension between those two amusing. :3

joined Nov 20, 2014

Really, is nobody gonna comment on the talking crotch?

joined Jan 27, 2016

Well that was super gay.

joined Apr 28, 2016

Really, is nobody gonna comment on the talking crotch?

You just reminded me of a terrible 4chan thread.

joined Feb 28, 2013

Wow, Ayano's thirst is real.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

She was supposed to wait a half second THEN catch it. Then the other girl "struggles" to get loose - for a long time. It's as if she never played this game before!

joined Dec 24, 2013

74 chapters into this manga I realise this series has no plot.

joined Sep 22, 2014

74 chapters into this manga I realise this series has no plot.

There is the love triangle, if that counts. Well, it's more than three people involved in it, but still.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Hahahaha Lets stay like this for a while for the lulz hahaha I'm totally not gay for you!! hahaha

Omg D: this pair is getting intense little by little

last edited at Aug 11, 2016 9:22PM

joined May 20, 2013

74 chapters into this manga I realise this series has no plot.

Slice of life is the best.

joined Mar 8, 2016

If you still need the cover scans, I have 1-9 of the Japanese books. If you let me know the specs on the scan you want (resolution, filetype, etc) and how to get it to you I can do that.

joined Feb 11, 2014

chapter summary : "I foiled your plan to finger me !". XD

joined Aug 1, 2014

If you still need the cover scans, I have 1-9 of the Japanese books. If you let me know the specs on the scan you want (resolution, filetype, etc) and how to get it to you I can do that.

Oh that would be great! Filetype and resolution doesn't really matter as long as it's high quality. It will be released as high quality jpeg (or possibly webp or something, I will have to look into how well supported that format is nowadays), and in the resolution of the rest of the pages (~1386*1920). I can't give you any tips for scanning however, since I've never done that. As a bonus, you could also scan the table of content. I'm using the German kindle boks now for typesetting, as they are of higher quality than the Japanese kindles, but the covers and tocs are different.
Oh, and as for how to get them to me, you can send them to

last edited at Aug 12, 2016 4:56AM

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