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joined Nov 20, 2014

The pacing was all over the place, yet in the end it managed to tie things up adequately. Solid 6-7/10.

joined Nov 20, 2014

Does the original actually say Bluesky? I think this is the first time I've ever seen it referenced to, not just in Manga but ever, so I'm very curious

last edited at Jan 13, 2025 11:10AM

joined Nov 20, 2014

Lumity is like a balm for the soul

joined Nov 20, 2014

In honor of Valentine's day, just a reminder that there's an official voice acted video for Chapters 192 & 196 (AixChie Valentines) here on the Jump Comics Youtube channel:

Oh my word there actually is, what a delicious treat

Joshiyu discussion 23 Mar 19:04
joined Nov 20, 2014

Honestly, I think I'd prefer it better without the Yuri. A woman just finding inspiration in the most unlikely of places and at the same time becoming a good influence in someone else's life.

joined Nov 20, 2014

Teleporting to their inventory

joined Nov 20, 2014

Well, it's a seemingly rather deep inferiority complex, it's not really something you get over with the push of a button no matter how many kind words your GF throws at you. Even if it gets better the niggling thoughts will still be there, and occasionally you will listen to the voices despite how much you know they are wrong. For what it's worth I think it's a rather realistic approach to such issues, even if I get how annoying it can be in fiction.

The fact that Yamada didn't run away from the issue and instead decided to stay the full time anyhow seems to suggest she has at least learnt something over the years, even though she's not over her problems yet.

last edited at Jul 28, 2020 7:57PM

joined Nov 20, 2014

Man, it was a good thing MC-san's in love with Miku, because going straight to groping and sexual assault without consent is a VERY risky maneuver... oh well, logic checks out in Yuri Land

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who saw this! Some of those lines just rubbed me completely the wrong way, it would've been near Weinstein-y if it had been a young man saying them rather than a young woman.

joined Nov 20, 2014

This latest arc, and the end of the Mai-storyline, really made me fall in love with Chidori's character again. She's the type of person who's selfless to a fault, and as someone who's constantly accused of the same I so identify with her and love her all the more for it. She would help Mai find closure with her love even if she herself didn't like it, that takes some strength and courage most people wouldn't be able to muster.

Not to mention Mai's courage. Like people here have said, she keeps running away. She keeps holding on to the What-Ifs, Buts and Maybes that would allow her love to flourish in her own fantasy. Yet she keeps bashing herself over it, she keeps telling herself she shouldn't be doing this while at the same time being unable to let go. She would much rather suffer herself than try to get in the way of the happiness of the one she loves, that's strength! Yet she finally lets go of that for a moment, finally selfishly confessing in order to give herself closure. She know she will be rejected, because she know how much Nanoha and Chidori loves one another. It's closing a chapter in her own head, finally being able to throw the towel into the ring and being done with it. It takes courage to finally take the step to let go.

last edited at Jun 13, 2020 7:10AM

joined Nov 20, 2014

I will admit, I never expected to get this. Now that I have though I find myself desperately wanting for more.

Koineko discussion 06 Apr 16:33
joined Nov 20, 2014

I'm not sure what I thought I was getting into, but this certainly wasn't it. My day is immeasurable and my disappointment is ruined.

Image Comments 18 Feb 12:49
joined Nov 20, 2014

To properly charge energy from the Tsun you need some Tsolarpanels

joined Nov 20, 2014

This one is REALLY pushing the Yuri tag, to be frank. It's barely even subtext.

joined Nov 20, 2014


Image Comments 05 May 16:19
joined Nov 20, 2014

Classic pairing!

joined Nov 20, 2014

Aww yiss, Yuri-flag incoming!

joined Nov 20, 2014

And Nozomi awakened to masochism

I want to read this now, please!

Image Comments 20 Nov 15:49
joined Nov 20, 2014

Slaps Kaoru

"This lady can carry so many girls!"

joined Nov 20, 2014

Or are the rest of us dense, and she isn't actually dating her senpai at all but just want to invent excuses to kiss? These are the true questions, people!

joined Nov 20, 2014

Bandaged girl will wind up going to an orphanage, committing suicide or killing herself.

I'm a little worried, what is going on here?
"Oh, my parents almost killed me, want to play some BDSM with bandages?". That was the feeling I got by reading this. It felt really strange.

Well aren't you lot a bag of sunshines...

reminds me of reddit thread where guy broke his arms and mom had to relieve him and ended up in full relationship

"Every fucking thread!"

In all seriousness though, this had a certain tone to it that I liked. It was nice.

joined Nov 20, 2014

Top 10 manga non-betrayals!

Image Comments 24 Sep 11:59
joined Nov 20, 2014

Throw her into the snake pit!!

joined Nov 20, 2014

So subtext it pops out on the other side.

joined Nov 20, 2014

I swear, those two can't get any more gay unless they actually kiss.

Kiss×Ban discussion 09 Aug 11:57
joined Nov 20, 2014

Shameless kissing Yuri from Mezashi? Christmas has come early this year!