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joined Mar 28, 2014

Oh I missed this a lot! Good to have a proper translation now. The metaphoric, subtext language in this manga is so good. Thanks to the scanlators as always

joined Mar 28, 2014

edit2: “It’s at least likelier that I’m gonna go to the jungle and fight piranhas than that I’m gonna meet an alien, don’t you think?” - if only you knew, Shima, if only you knew... :D

lol, that one killed me too))) and looks like we spontaneously have a new chapter!

joined Mar 28, 2014

I somehow missed this one so read from the beginning. Oh my. This is probably not a good choice to get oneself in the Christmas mood. I doubt it will end well for Kaori. Also not gonna be surprised if eventually it somehow ends with Shizuku x Ruri

joined Mar 28, 2014

This is one of those chapters that really showcase how mentally strong Adachi is. For all her issues, she really has an indomitable spirit and she always bounces back. Can't help but admire her for that.

Yeah, it feels like that lesson she learned from the... fortune teller, was it? I mean the one where she shouted in the supermarket or something. She really grasped the essence of it well.

Huh wow that was resolved in a really non-dramatic way… I like that :)

I probably wouldn't call it resolved - more like brushed under the carpet really.

joined Mar 28, 2014

sneikkimies github has been updated - translation of the first two chapters of volume 11 is available, and Shimamura is winning xDDD Best xmas present really! And ohhhh, those illustrations...

last edited at Dec 21, 2022 8:57AM

joined Mar 28, 2014

oh wow, just realised I missed the previous chapter. One thing I can't complain about in this manga is pacing - it's godlike!
And this new chapter is so adorable - loving it. Such a sweet read on a Friday evening.

joined Mar 28, 2014

kyaaaaa, or more like, buuurp, there they go, not friends anymore xD have to be honest, the first time I listened to "Nothing anymore" by Age Factory referenced on p3, I was like, ffffuuu, no way is this gonna end good... but after all the liquid courage, Ibuki delivered such a powerful confession! She left Botan no, hic, chance, hahahaha.
Also, totally didn't expect this to be released today - huge thanks to the translators, I think they really did well. Now I can have a good sleep.

I really hope they are going out. I dunno if peeps are keeping up with the online releases it’s hard to tell. Maybe my Japanese is just trash though.

why they stop being friends? :(

wait wait.. are you saying we should be worried?

last edited at Dec 6, 2022 8:10PM

joined Mar 28, 2014

It's actually really interesting how well this manga does tension. I felt it this chapter.

same, practically felt stomach butterflies... can't wait for the next chapter
thanks so much to the translators!!!

I'll see you in 2 chapters when we get this one continued.

I think its just a 1 chapter cliff hanger, so the next one and then it moves scenes.

since chapter 27 is the last chapter in volume 3, next comes omake chapter 27.1.. so yeah, it's kind like 2 chapters more.. or 1.5 if you will)))

joined Mar 28, 2014

yay, fantastic news, just got notification from the bookwalker - the volume 11 preview (raws) is already available!

joined Mar 28, 2014

When it comes to "unfinished" chapters, the author quite literally draws slices of life - they look for some meaningful event or conversation in the life of the characters, cut or slice it out of the life timeline, and draws it for us, readers. I believe everything that needs to be said is in there. Like chapter 24 ended with Botan affirming, that she's OK with going deeper (implying a relationship rather than a river). There really is nothing to be added after that. But because it's subtext, sometimes you miss it and then it feels like there's no closure.

Feel really sorry for Gujou, but really happy for Ibuki at the same time. She finally managed to drink with other people. I guess it means she also understands that drinking with Botan is fun for completely different reasons.
Also, clearly, "happy" is quite a heavy word to use for Ibuki, hehe. She sure used it to describe how happy she was to go out and drink with Botan in chapter 24, but is so freaked out when Gujou is happy to be working with her in the same company.
Looking forward to more chapters so much.

joined Mar 28, 2014

as the elevator voice in the black rose arc of Utena would say, 'fukaku, motto fukaku' (deeper, go deeper) hahahaha
Thank you very much for keeping this translated, love this work. And so looking forward to the next couple of chapters))

joined Mar 28, 2014

hahahaha, this Halloween omake has totally made my day! Thanks!!!

joined Mar 28, 2014

^^Volume 11 will be released this December if I'm not mistaken.

thank you for the great news!

joined Mar 28, 2014

So great to finally read this in English - loved these two chapters to pieces when I was spending hours to decipher them with my poor Japanese back when they were released. Hinako's so cute as a child. And so sweet to see the dynamics between her and mom. The translation somehow made me think if her mom might be in a closet hence the unhappy marriage, but I'm likely wrong about it.

In the end, the only sad thing is that the next chapter is the last one. Such a good series. Thanks so much to the translators!

last edited at Oct 27, 2022 4:49PM

joined Mar 28, 2014

Yeah, I agree, the logic chain looks somewhat like:
Landlord / age gap / ex celeb -> Don't fall at the first sight, not typical pattern -> Not my potential parner.

But I'm kinda trying to get at what exactly Hato was referring to with a manga-like situation - the first arrow, the second, or both? From her words it felt like the second. And that left me kinda confused.

joined Mar 28, 2014

Missed this so much - what a chapter!
Hato's reactions are pure gold! Absolutely priceless xDDD Also, the moment Ruri was panicking when Hato and Miyako were down was hilarious.
And Ruri sure has Hato on the radar - the looks she was having when giving Hato the jar cake! But to be honest I can't really grasp Ruri's personality at this point.
Love how Miyako is so pure and straightforward about her feelings. Keep it up girl, your love and devotion will reach Suga-san eventually!
I totally didn't get the third possible reason that Hato suggested. Is she saying Suga-san doesn't see Miyako in romantic light because she didn't do so from the very beginning? Why is it manga-like?
Also it's obviously a win for Miyako because she has already managed to derail from the standard scenario in which Suga-san ends up alone. But the journey there is gonna be so fun!
Curious how the birthday topic gonna play out - really looking forward the next chapter!

joined Mar 28, 2014

hahaha, so now 99 more chapter of supernatural? hopefully not, but I liked it as a temporary spice

[100] sorry it took so long. i haven't been doing all that well. someone sniped us on mangadex while i was sick so i pushed this one out. hopefully 101 soon.

thanks so much - was missing this one. And stay healthy please!

last edited at Oct 13, 2022 6:50PM

joined Mar 28, 2014

I like how Fuuka calls her out on it near the end of the chapter.

Yeah, she definitely gets the best wingwoman award in my books. At this point I'm starting to think if her whole idea of doing a date with Asahi was intended for these two to get together rather than for Fuuka to get herself a closure. Or she's so killing two birds with one stone.

Asahi's afraid because she thinks what she experiences isn't what other people experience and doesn't know how to determine whether or not that is true. As an autistic person, I understand that a lot. It's something I've spent a lot of time thinking about.

Interesting perspective. To me it feels like Asahi is not willing to commit to (and/or admit) her own feelings because she'd then somehow betray her sister. But in reality it's probably multiple factors at play.

joined Mar 28, 2014

Shouldn't have commented on this - the moment I did, translation has stopped, haha xD
Anyways, couldn't help and bought volume 3 raws. Good manga.

joined Mar 28, 2014

I have to admit that at some point I started to expect at least a page of text only so this even feels underclimactic to a certain extent, but no complains really - very good depiction of that part of the story. In fact, the manga in my opinion has greatly improved in the last volume or two. I remember it was quite a discrete and noticeable shift - perhaps an editor change. Or maybe it's just that the story has reached the part where it's really good in the books. Or maybe the mangaka has also adapted to the story herself. Anyway, this was good.

Could any LN readers spoil me on how this story goes on ? Havent really read this version after the first one got axed but this chapter was quite something and im curious on how it continues.

Not sure what you expect to hear. It really just goes on further. Like life does. Like the name of the story implies - it covers the relationship of Adachi and Shimamura throughout their whole life, its evolution and growth.

joined Mar 28, 2014

how sweet to finally see this properly translated! thank you everyone who put the effort <3

joined Mar 28, 2014

That's such a nice touch with the mirror reflection on the coloured page

joined Mar 28, 2014

When did Aya holler about not wanting to go to school tomorrow?
I must have missed one of the previous releases. Chapter and page plz?

She didn't say it anywhere.

How I interpret this first page is:

  1. Both Aya and Mitsuki kept going to school during summer vacation for their committee work and Aya, despite being sad/pissed off, said out-loud next to Mitsuki that she did not want to go to school the next day (for the new semester), probably complaining that they had to keep coming to school until the end of vacation.

We don't know at what point in their summer vacation Chapter 18 happened, but as people pointed out, with the three party planners already having a list with equipment and with Aya crossing items from the checklist, Ch.18 probably happened with like two weeks left of their vacation.

In other words: Chapter 17 (end of term and they get picked for committee work) -> Probably 20+ days of committee work -> Chapter 18 (Aya finds out and is sad) -> Few weeks -> Chapter 19 page 1.

1.1 Mitsuki's comment on page 2 about her (out of work) and Aya not talking at all during summer vacation probably refers to the fact that prior to Chapter 18 they only talked about committee work (weren't friends after all), and for the remains of it seemed like Aya was ignoring her on purpose (which she was lmao).

Then why is Mitsuki so surprised that she's being ignored all of a sudden? She should've felt the same throughout all school meetups during summer vacation too.

Guessing after Ch.18 she stopped coming to the store, but I chose to assume that not a lot of time has passed for Mitsuki to think it's weird she's no longer stopping by (it's they vacation, not going to the story during her free time for around two-three weeks is not something that would raise any suspicions.

2.First day of the semester happens, Aya really did skip school, but Mitsuki thought she would at least visit "Onii-san" since there was apparently no reason why not.

I thought she would at least show up today = she didn't show up to school but I hoped I would at least get to see her at the store

Yeah, but according to the drawing on the first page, the new semester began AFTER Aya didn't show up at the store as Mitsuki was hoping for. This is really very confusing.

Anyone else’s interest and excitement for this series slowly evaporating away?

yes, and not slowly - all gone ever since "it's not yuri" drama

last edited at Sep 4, 2022 6:45PM

joined Mar 28, 2014

I didn't understand the first couple of bubbles on the first page. Who's speaking about who, in what context?
Do I read correctly from those that Aya didn't talk to Mitsuki at all throughout the vacation (ch.19 p2) but she kept meeting/talking to Onii-san? Otherwise this doesn't compute with me at all. I meah how else would Aya holler about not wanting to go to school tomorrow?

last edited at Sep 4, 2022 3:45PM

joined Mar 28, 2014

Well, that escalated quickly, not that I mind. Really like how the manga develops. It kinda morphs. Like it's not a butterfly yet, but it's clearly no longer a caterpillar. I guess I'm being too metaphoric here that I'm not sure I'm consciously fully aware of what I mean myself, but yeah...