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joined May 23, 2015

... misleading thumbnail

joined May 23, 2015

Huh. I'm not confident what's going on in this one. I like it but it has this really weird vibe. Huh. that last line is pretty menacing too.

"I invited them to my home so they'd never leave."... who did she just invite in?

Doll Koma 3 discussion 21 Dec 15:57
joined May 23, 2015

two notes on the Springfield joke, saw a different translation where she was actually going "give me your heart" which seems more in line with Springfield's response, and she's 3 cores not 2 (1, 3, 5)

Doll Koma 3 discussion 21 Dec 15:10
joined May 23, 2015

just missing first one now

joined May 23, 2015

.. I wonder if the whole villainness system is rooted in the Heroine's wishes or something like that in the end

joined May 23, 2015

Lesbians get friendzoned by straight girls who don't even realize it, the collection.

joined May 23, 2015

Best pairing tag.

joined May 23, 2015

And just as glorious as the new stuff.

joined May 23, 2015
Image Comments 21 May 22:53
joined May 23, 2015


VAMPEERZ discussion 20 May 15:43
joined May 23, 2015

Humanity is dead, she got kidnapped.

joined May 23, 2015

"Not a sad ending" you say, as it was explained in the story that there is a way to "dismantle" shipgirls into regular girls, but they lose all their memories in the process.
As the old Mutsu gets kidnapped and shot as a "demonstration".
As Nagato gets herself killed on the frontline so she can meet her love again in death.
Totally not sad. I cannot interpret Nagato's goal as anything but suicide in this case.

joined May 23, 2015

The afterword for the first chapter clearly outlined that a "happy ending" used to mean, traditionally anyway, getting married to a man, having children and so on. Seems like the focus is more on showing girls getting together and finding happiness outside the "normal" version of "happy ending".

joined May 23, 2015

I knew it wasn't gone be this chapter but damn it. CURSE YOU CLIFFHANGERS.

Last chapter ended on cliffhanger, I was so excited to read this one.. and then Cliffhanger.exe comes back for round two.

joined May 23, 2015

When do we get that yaoi version of this with Kanda's brother?

Elena discussion 24 Apr 22:58
joined May 23, 2015

Girl gets heartbroken(?) and goes delusional, goes on date with theme park mascot that she loves, then clears her mind and gets asked out by her stalker who's aware of her fixation.

joined May 23, 2015

I'll just throw my two cents in since so many people seem to complain about it "just" being a fem lead (yuri) fantasy power fantasy.. that's exactly what I want to read, there's so much harem generic male protag fantasy out there, and this is the other side that I want to see more of.
This looks fun, I'm looking forward to seeing how this will go.

joined May 23, 2015

Oh hey you can fav scanlators too.. yoink.

Rainbow discussion 12 Apr 16:55
joined May 23, 2015

The real lesbian was the wife you found along the way.. maybe?

joined May 23, 2015

"But I feel like you're different from the other friends I've had"

Oh shoot! They're gonna be best friends!

Maybe even.. super friends? No wait that's going too far.

joined May 23, 2015

A full team of chuuniblues.

joined May 23, 2015

I was a smart kid. And I love my parents. But because my teachers and parents didn't demand from me anything I just coasted through schools with decent grades without doing - or learning - much. Spending my free time with nothing productive. So I sometimes hope my surroundings would have been a bit stricter. But despite this... hot damn I hate those parents in this!

The constant pressure of being "not worth a damn" or "useless kid why do you even exist" for someone going through puberty, being extremely busy with school, and being a damn kid is not something you should even entertain being envious of. It's straight up suicide setup. (Which in this story, it flat out is.)

joined May 23, 2015

Did they finally pulled the trigger? And it took ONLY 34 chapters? Well, we finally have some confirmation on Konatsu-chan and Koyuki's friendship status, personally speaking I never doubted for a sec. Also, Makoto-sensei waited 34 chapters to introduce this story's most interesting character, Saya-sama is gonna be missed, hugely. on a more serious note, this could have been a great story, apart from that stupid drama that never made a lick of sense, development and character-wise, I mean what you trying to hide, sensei, they're friends as heck, anyway, I like Makoto-sensei, but I'm sure as hell not be following her next story, especially after that little preview.

Well, I'll be following which depends on how the story goes.
Though, I will be trashing it right in 1st chapter if I found it perfectly predictable.

This manga used to has good pacing in the first half, Not sure what happened in 2nd half with the characters exaggerating these dramas and angst for 2-3 volumes.
welp, one of this year greatest disappointment and pretty much predictable right after author say "it's not yuri".

I think part of why it feels like the second half has odd pacing is something along the lines of it seeming like they got told to tone down the subtext at some point thereabouts.
Gotta admit the whole little brother falling in love around the same time just made it feel even more gritting for me.
All that "these girls are oozing so much gay, how can you call it subtext" in the first half, and then in the second half it's all "oh yeah, subtext at best" kind of feelings really did not make it satisfying to read the second half.
I'm just repeating myself, but it really really feels like they got told to tone it down harshly in the second half.

joined May 23, 2015

Nothing wrong with having a thing for that.

joined May 23, 2015

I'm almost tempted to say that this extra changes the mother's "arranged marriage" in the prequel from "just high society things" to "I need to get my daughter away from this filthy child my husband made".
Which doesn't change too much, though in a twisted way she cares for her ("real") daughter, I guess..? Still shouldn't split them apart though, tsk!
Considering how it's suggested that her black haired daughter got herself run over to stay with her sister.. I don't think that marriage would've succeeded either way.