Forum › Kaguhara's Fetish Notebook discussion

joined Apr 25, 2020

Kaguhara is the greatest manga protagonist and Mikamo is this series' best supporting character

joined Aug 21, 2017

Love the horror manga tone at the beginning of this chapter

joined Mar 23, 2021

I forgive you, this is a masterpiece worth waiting for

joined Nov 28, 2021

I'd never forget a yuri pervert.

joined Jun 11, 2021

i hope to god this keeps going, it's genuinely hilarious and caters to a lot of weird fetishes i have that i could never reveal to anyone (and is so hard to find in yuri). thanks for the update!

joined Jan 20, 2014

In theory, next part should have been released today :( but it seems it was delayed (until it got released in the app so I can't see it).

joined Apr 18, 2023

this whole manga is ingenious.

joined Jan 20, 2021

This manga keeps getting better. I’m not even into the whole smell fetish thing - these characters are a hoot

joined Jun 21, 2021

awww yeaaa, the perverts are baaaaack~ \o/

joined Jan 18, 2016

I expected a much stronger reaction from Shitori.

joined Oct 2, 2021

Itadakimasu SNIFFFFF

joined Sep 21, 2019

Dear Madokami... that butt jumpscare was really powerful

joined Oct 16, 2013

I expected a much stronger reaction from Shitori.

It was said before that a normie would just see the notebook as some nice sketches of Akishita and not understand any of the perverted writings.

joined Feb 28, 2013

I have to admit, I am hardcore shipping Kaguhara and Mikamo. I really hope they're the end game.

I kinda hope that being around Kaguhara, Shitori has her own fetishes with Akishita unlocked.

joined Apr 10, 2023

This manga is hysterical. I never would have expected a concept like this to end up going with a genius plot, this really is ecchi comedy Death Note, lmao. The only bad part of this manga is that it's inspired some truly terrible posts in here, good lord

Edit: I guess I don't blame y'all, you've clearly been influenced by our main character's complete lack of inhibition. Hopefully it's a temporary effect and you're not going around other places oversharing about your fetishes and bathroom habits. Kaguhara is not a good role model lol.

last edited at Sep 26, 2023 1:01PM

joined Mar 23, 2021

Return of the King

joined May 26, 2020

I can't look away from this train wreck. Help!

joined Jan 2, 2022

I have to admit, I am hardcore shipping Kaguhara and Mikamo. I really hope they're the end game.

I kinda hope that being around Kaguhara, Shitori has her own fetishes with Akishita unlocked.

The end of chapter 8 implies it's not going to be Mikamo with that flashforward about her staring into the abyss that is Kaguhara, especially since Mikamo mentions that they're not batting for the same team.

But also good luck in your ship.

joined Apr 10, 2023

I have to admit, I am hardcore shipping Kaguhara and Mikamo. I really hope they're the end game.

I kinda hope that being around Kaguhara, Shitori has her own fetishes with Akishita unlocked.

The end of chapter 8 implies it's not going to be Mikamo with that flashforward about her staring into the abyss that is Kaguhara, especially since Mikamo mentions that they're not batting for the same team.

But also good luck in your ship.

The shot of her happy within the nightmare vision she had watching Kaguhara draw implies there's potential regardless of what she says about herself for the time being.

joined Apr 10, 2023

I actually went back and checked chapter 8, and there's a 10000 IQ visual metaphor in play here. At the end of the nightmare is the flash forward sequence where Mikamo declares she's not the same kind of thing as Kaguhara, and then rips off her ahoge to emphasize that claim. That hair actually stays gone after the flash forward, when Mikamo flees from the room. However, it's back at the start of the next chapter, and of course it is. It's hair, and hair regrows. It's pretty directly implied Mikamo's hair grows fast and thick, judging by her reaction to noticing Kagukara noticed her armpit hair.
This lets us wrap back around to that nightmare, and understand its meaning. Mikamo is in the middle of a thick overgrown forest, with Kaguhara as a monster in the distance, reaching its hands through the forest to grab her. Plants, like hair, grow and regrow. This also lets us understand why Mikamo looks happy in the last shot of the nightmare: She's crouched in a neat, tidy garden, but watering a wild patch of plants, encouraging them to grow. Part of why Mikamo was disturbed by Kaguhara is not just that "oh god she's turned on by my hair," but also "she's turned on by my hair and oh god I kinda like that". Her fleeing is not homophobic panic, nor kinkshaming, at least not in full. It's gay panic. She's in denial, as demonstrated by her tearing off the ahoge and shaving her body hair. But it'll grow back, just like her ahoge did. She cannot suppress what's inside her forever.

last edited at Sep 27, 2023 3:22AM

joined Jul 7, 2020

that random girl literally gave 0 fucks LMFAO

joined Oct 2, 2021

Welcome back Kaguhara!!
Ahh so we've discovered the why's for Kaguharas sweaty smell fetish

last edited at Jan 30, 2024 8:30AM

joined Jul 28, 2019

Welp.... Nice to see this return, but also, oof damn her home life must be rough. Throwing away underwear and extremely thoroughly cleaning yourself just to enter, no wonder the girl has some messed up kinks. Is her mom just a hypochondriac/OCD or is all this excessive cleanliness a true health concern? The suspicious silhouette makes me think the former. On other hand, I hope it's not a case of just super-obsessively-control-freak mother doing this to reign in or "contain" her daughter.

joined Dec 23, 2021

I really hope this isn't the case, but based on how suspicious she looked in the last panel of page 21, I thought that maybe the mom indulges in sniffing MC's "disposed" underwear. And just like closeted homophobes, she hates her own smell fetish so projects onto her daughter by being an extreme germaphobe, only to ironically help MC develop a smell fetish.

joined Jul 23, 2013
Dear mother of god, the booty levels are through the roof!

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