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joined Dec 23, 2018

Youzi looks like daughter of Ren

joined Nov 12, 2020

Yo what,we getting some real important backstory real soon.

Not that the amount of time between chapters and the age progression is going to help me remember who's who.

joined Feb 20, 2023

Oh shit... OH SHIT!
Ren came out and admitted liking the mom! Its nice getting some development. Can't wait for the backstory.

joined Jul 8, 2020

As far as I can tell the raws haven't updated since April which is a huge bummer cause this was a huge chapter.

I think the author said they got covid last month, so maybe that's why there's no update for a while

joined Jul 2, 2021

HOLY SHIT Auntie Ren dropped the L word

joined Oct 17, 2016

As far as I can tell the raws haven't updated since April which is a huge bummer cause this was a huge chapter.

I think the author said they got covid last month, so maybe that's why there's no update for a while

Oh yea, China is behind like 3 years concerning Covid. Its basically endempic pretty much elsewhere.

joined Dec 11, 2017

This was huge news and all but I couldn't help but worry about mom saying "after those 2 movies I'll take a break", I hope my head is just too filled with other stories being way too dramatic, so nothing will go wrong and this time will pass smoothly and they're gonna live happily ever after amen 人(´∀`)

Pretty sure that's specifically Youji deciding to spend more time with Youzi (and probably Ren.)

joined Oct 31, 2013

OMG. Omg?!?!??!?!!?!?!?
That chapter. OMGGGGGGGG

LunaaSnow Uploader
Zephyr Scans
joined Oct 7, 2021

As far as I can tell the raws haven't updated since April which is a huge bummer cause this was a huge chapter.

A new chapter with a whopping 86 black/white pages just dropped yesterday, sooo ;)

joined Jan 2, 2022

As far as I can tell the raws haven't updated since April which is a huge bummer cause this was a huge chapter.

A new chapter with a whopping 86 black/white pages just dropped yesterday, sooo ;)

Omg! Best news I've heard in a while. So excited.

joined Feb 16, 2021

Damnit Chen is losing but my ship shall continue!

last edited at Jul 4, 2023 7:16PM

joined Aug 4, 2018

As far as I can tell the raws haven't updated since April which is a huge bummer cause this was a huge chapter.

A new chapter with a whopping 86 black/white pages just dropped yesterday, sooo ;)

joined Dec 11, 2017

Translation for the new chapter is making the rounds on other sites now, just FYI. Hopefully it'll be up here soon, Because woooow there's a lot to talk about.

joined Dec 11, 2017

Yes, it's here!

Ren was literally the only color in Youji's world.

joined Jul 6, 2020

This chapter feels like an entirely different story

joined Apr 16, 2022

University Arc chapter is insanely good, it almost feels like the rest of the manhua was just setting up this flashback

joined Jan 11, 2014

Honestly I'm on my knees begging this ship to be canon and holy hell that's a lot of pages! I kept clicking next thinking I'm hitting the dead end soon. Massive thanks to the translators!

last edited at Sep 9, 2023 11:25PM

joined Dec 11, 2017

University Arc chapter is insanely good, it almost feels like the rest of the manhua was just setting up this flashback

It really kinda was. The chapters up to this point have all been fractured, out of order vignettes mostly told from Youzi's perspective, almost like she's trying to put the pieces together as we are. And then Ren comes out and just says "Yeah, I love your Mom." and at this point, the ambiguity is out the window so the narrative snaps into focus and bam, it's backstory time.

joined Jun 10, 2023

Yes, it's here!

Ren was literally the only color in Youji's world.

When she thinks "something's been bugging me since earlier" I thought: well, it's obvious! Everyone is in shades of white, grey and black; why is she the only one in pink!?!?

joined Aug 19, 2015

Damn. Team Ren Wei got fed tonight.

I'm actually fond of the fragmented chapters as it fits Youzi's perspective so there's little snaps of everyday life through her mom's busy schedule. I like the slice of life feel but I expect the narrative to kinda snap into place and get focused every now and again like this latest chapter.

Ohhhh I guess in a way, it reminded me of Their Story so this style felt alright.

last edited at Sep 10, 2023 3:49AM

joined Feb 18, 2013

Oh my god that was so cute. What a wholesome backstory!

joined Jul 15, 2016

The honorifics they use in this arc seem to imply that Ren is older than Youji, but I thought they were about the same age? Or is it just to indicate the status gap between a "musical genius" and a first-year student, and not an age gap?

joined Oct 31, 2013

I love it, I love it, I love it so much!!!! ><
What do we think of the manager guy? Is he the ex husband/father?

last edited at Sep 10, 2023 6:19AM

joined Feb 19, 2023

Holy shit, what a chapter. The lilies are blooming!

joined Dec 29, 2013

Ohhhh I guess in a way, it reminded me of Their Story so this style felt alright.

Same for me

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