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joined Feb 18, 2013


Rather than spoilers, I think they're theorizing that the reason Yvonne can't remember these events is because they're being created as she's living them now because the other Elsa appears to be coming from a bad end route. That the events did not exist in our route prior to this point. If Google translate is accurate.

My guess would just be that because this current route is a good end route, then the time travel happened already and was effective? And it's still likely that young Yvonne does not keep her memories from when she was possessed(?) by future Yvonne.

But if other Elsa is route hopping, that makes for interesting possibilities too

I think it's pretty clearly a stable time loop. It even has the built-in pressure valve of warning Yvonne that she'll be snapped back through the ring. Who can guess how many times Elsa has repeated this cycle of trying to alter fate and save Yvonne? She probably doesn't even know herself. Narratively, though, we can be pretty certain this is the final time (because otherwise what's the point? This really isn't that kind of story).

Amusingly, it might not even be anything Yvonne particularly does in the past that leads to breaking the cycle, it could just as well be information she gains and brings back as a change she makes while there. (That is, if she fails, I still expect this cycle to be broken with this iteration.)

I'm also thinking the silver vine gag is going to be silly rather than inappropriate, if it ends up acting like catnip

I think that's pretty obvious? I have no idea where the people in this thread are coming up with the idea that something lewd or gross is going to happen.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Sides when they grow up together wouldn't they pretty much be just like sisters?

They're not growing up together. Elsa is a lucky guest for a short while, but doesn't even know Yvonne's name. They'll be separated soon enough.

Which, in turn, supports the speculation that the "villainess system" is just a particularly insidious mare.

A 'mare' capable up throwing Yvonne's family into political disgrace when she disobeys it?

joined Sep 21, 2020

That foreshadowing a few chapters back… when Elsa found Yvonne sleeping in a cat like position.

joined Nov 2, 2013

this manga is off the rails

joined Oct 2, 2021

I for one welcome Evie the catgirl .
I think Elsa does too...
joined Jun 6, 2020

Oh, I didn't think the name they gave would've been of an existing plant, that's cool.

yeah its like super potent catnip

which also made me realize that lol I have actually never seen a 'catgirl high on catnip' plot or thing before

joined Oct 19, 2021

Don't do drugs, kids.
Also, don't put medicine and candy in similar bags and expect then to not get mixed up :/

Obligatory "common sense isn't actually all that common" warning aside . . .

It's cute catgirl hours y'all

joined Feb 18, 2013

Wait, she's using the cute hijinks possession arc to show how Garth became the stalwart yuri danshi? An unexpected backstory, lol.

joined Jul 21, 2015

Wait, she's using the cute hijinks possession arc to show how Garth became the stalwart yuri danshi? An unexpected backstory, lol.

yeah he's definitely going to discover what he wants to draw

joined Aug 29, 2019

Hard to believe it's been 75 chapters already.

joined Oct 14, 2014

Garth himedanshi origin story

joined Sep 14, 2015

Is this arc end yet? It took longer than it should.

joined Aug 20, 2022

I know plot is still happening... somehow. They're just so cute and they're just kinda letting them be cute right now lol. And of course, Garth's origin. He's very cute as a kid too.

joined Jun 30, 2017

Garth will finally find out what he really likes to draw haha

joined Apr 1, 2019

I don't like where the story is heading now. The arc started because people were dying to the Demon, and now we got this! So tone deaf.

joined Oct 6, 2015

Garth will have an enlightenment next chapter lol

joined Sep 28, 2021

I can’t believe this is how Garth gets his yuri awakening

joined Jul 15, 2016

And once again Elsa demonstrates that she is the Heroine by turning the tables on Evie.

joined Sep 6, 2018

The author better bring this story back around in the next couple chapters… i’ve noticed a thing in Chinese romance manga stories where they’ll have the characters a basically get together, and then start a huge arc that steps back from that in defiance of all sense of pacing. And it always kills my interest in the story. This one has been so great, I hope it doesn’t lose me…

joined Jun 17, 2021

Ohhh, I get it. He peeked in, and that's where his ... interest began.

joined Jun 17, 2021

I don't like where the story is heading now. The arc started because people were dying to the Demon, and now we got this! So tone deaf.

Yes, yes. That's a feeling that I haven't been able to put my finger on for this whole arc.
Yvonne hasn't had much of a sense of urgency for trying to "fix" anything. In fact, she seems to have not thought about the future at all since she met Elsa, which was already quite some time after she went back in time.

Like ... how long has it even been? It seems like it's been months, although it probably just feels like that because of chapter transitions with no idea of what the time gaps are.

The author better bring this story back around in the next couple chapters… i’ve noticed a thing in Chinese romance manga stories where they’ll have the characters a basically get together, and then start a huge arc that steps back from that in defiance of all sense of pacing. And it always kills my interest in the story. This one has been so great, I hope it doesn’t lose me…

It does indeed feel like a way too long arc that's off the track of their relationship. I guess they've gotten away for it for so long because it kind of is progressing their relationship? But backwards? Experiences that Elsa had are now being shared with Yvonne. But we only needed like 2-3 chapters of that. Now, it's like, okay, we get it. Time to move on.

I was wondering how many chapters it has been, so I went back to count. 14. 14/75 chapters of back to childhood cuteness which really hasn't added much to the actual story. We've got:
- Yvonne saved Elsa
- Yvonne and her mother are both sensitive to possession
- Elsa ... is being 'bullied' in a cute way even when she's a kid?
Did that need to be nearly 20% of the whole story? It'll be 20% next chapter.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Never thought I'd see the day when Dynasty readers would be complaining about chibi neko-girls licking each other.

(I kid, I kid. But really . . .)

joined Jul 31, 2019

Next chapter prediction:

I can't believe I was not only right, but she actually licked her back, I underestimate this series sometimes

joined Jun 17, 2021

Never thought I'd see the day when Dynasty readers would be complaining about chibi neko-girls licking each other.

(I kid, I kid. But really . . .)

Look, if this was some kind of spin-off or oneshot, then I'd be all for it. There's a time and a place for cute kids and catgirls.

joined Aug 29, 2019

... and then there's me, blissfully not reading most of the comments (especially the negative ones) and openly enjoying wherever the author will take us next at whichever pace they choose. Chibi neko girls licking each other included.

I mean, I get that it's a hard shift of pace from the dramatic scene we'd escaped from, but it's not like Yvonne is in a hurry now. Time in the "present" doesn't really pass while you're time traveling to the "past", and I'm not even sure if we'll be returning to that exact timeline of if that one will have gone grimdark and everybody died.

last edited at Sep 11, 2023 10:51AM

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