Forum › Luminous=Blue discussion

joined Aug 18, 2015

This is going to turn into a complete soap opera, isn't it?

And loving every sec of it.

joined Aug 26, 2018

This is going to turn into a complete soap opera, isn't it?

I'm counting on it.

joined Jul 29, 2017

So, how many triangles, actual or potential, do we have in play already?

But even my squares were always a little off in geometry anyway . .

For some reason, the last sentence makes me think that, in an attempt to draw squares, you drew deltoids and right-angled trapezes, which I find hilarious for some reason.

Sometimes, I guess, but more that since all the sides of a square are supposed to be exactly equal, usually mine . . . weren’t, so much.

OK, who’s in for a lizard + camera (the object) endgame?

joined Jun 12, 2017

Things are happening.

Random Wanderer
joined Dec 3, 2016

All the girls should just have a big orgy. That will resolve all their problems.

...Or cause new ones, but I'm voting for resolve.

joined Jul 29, 2017

All the girls should just have a big orgy. That will resolve all their problems.

...Or cause new ones, but I'm voting for resolve.

I say we go with your plan and just see how it shakes out.

They should make sure to have plenty of popsicles . . .

joined Aug 26, 2018

...unless we are talking about a food orgy please do not involve popsicles in this.

joined Aug 26, 2018

...unless we are talking about a food orgy please do not involve popsicles in this.

Can you really call a orgy without food a real orgy?

I was under the impression that we moved on from decadent Roman times, but then again, I haven't been to too many orgies recently.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I’m pretty sure that in the story any real sexual decadence at least involves popsicles.

joined Aug 26, 2018

So unsanitary...

joined Sep 30, 2017

This is getting really dicey. And now we know who Lizard-girl likes.

joined Oct 15, 2016

That black haired girl forced herself into a date with camera girl. Other camera girl forced herself into a steaming photo session with gyaru girl. This feels like it won't end well for at least 2 people.

joined Oct 22, 2018

...unless we are talking about a food orgy please do not involve popsicles in this.

Can you really call a orgy without food a real orgy?

Well, a certain K-On doujin that, among other tags, also included the tag orgy didn't feature any food.

Gah, sacrificed my dignity for the sake of making an already funny convo even funnier. I hope it'll be worth it.

joined Aug 26, 2018

That didn't make it funnier, so your dignity was sacrificed for nothing BVster.
Not that anyone here has the high ground in that regard.

joined Oct 22, 2018

That didn't make it funnier, so your dignity was sacrificed for nothing BVster.

This inspires sadness and remorse.

Not that anyone here has the high ground in that regard.

This inspires awe and the feeling of being impressed.

The reason for that being that this second sentence of yours is simultaneously getting everyone here r/murderedbywords and yourself doing r/suicidebywords. Doing both simultaneously is very impressive, to say the least.

last edited at May 11, 2019 5:21PM

joined Aug 31, 2017

i can stand this rollercoaster drama but only because the yuriness is convenient direct in the story.
direct gay drama, hellyeah!
i really appreciated series that skip the "find out that gay people exist and this is normal" arc.

joined Aug 30, 2018

This is definitely top tier yuri I wish it could have an anime adaptation in the future

joined Mar 22, 2014

Huh, I was actually right about Amane being the Sunset Girl, and that the picture might not have been a pose for a photoshoot.

joined Nov 25, 2017

Am I the only one that has a feeling like this is going to get toxic real quick.

last edited at May 11, 2019 6:50PM

joined Jun 27, 2016

Uhhh this is unexpected...

joined Feb 19, 2016

ay yo hol up

joined May 25, 2017

Am I the only one that has a feeling like this is going to get toxic real quick.

oh gosh you too? theres a lot of overlapping relationships here...

joined Jul 22, 2018

!? Damn, what just happened? It hurts af but I can't stop reading. I need more and calm down tsundere-Nene.

joined Mar 23, 2019

Holy shit, this manga is the best roller coaster since Netsuzou Trap! All the expected pairings got completely flipped upside down. I got goosebumps after reading chapter 3.

joined Oct 27, 2011

My jaw dropped...!!! WTF's going on here ??

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