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joined Aug 2, 2015

It's okay, Cloud, just sell a maxed out ALL materia and you'll be rich.

joined Aug 2, 2015

"Oh no, it's her sister."
"Oh no, but I was supposed to be the sister."
"Oh no, I should run away."
"Oh no, wait, they're hot, threesome?"

joined Aug 2, 2015

It's gonna be impossible for people not to fall for Clarice, her homemaking powers are too strong.

Also Dahlia is a spy, change my mind.

joined Aug 2, 2015

I need more Edeleth ngl

joined Aug 2, 2015

Okay this new one is adorable and much less ambiguous than the previous volume so I view that as a win. It also feels like a reversal of sorts with the Ojou-sama going for the protagonist instead of the other way around.

joined Aug 2, 2015

LOL I thought I read the title wrong or it was a typo or something but this concept is absolutely hilarious.

joined Aug 2, 2015

This last chapter felt like such a conclusion that I wonder what else is in store.

joined Aug 2, 2015

Is it bad that I really like Diana? This is definitely a doomed ship, but I just want Diana to be happy.

joined Aug 2, 2015

Genuinely sad this is complete. I would've loved more chapters of Kimura being the dominant one and teasing Hiyama. The reversal was honestly such a delight.

joined Aug 2, 2015

This cliffhanger is cruel!

joined Aug 2, 2015

I'm actually weirdly obsessed with this. They're both adorable but they're doing their best for each other and thinking about each other and it's so cute.

TongTong is very innocent and well adored by a loving mother but she's willing to take the time to learn and do what her partner likes (and probably enjoy it along the way), she's also putting in the effort to have focus away from her gf to be a bit more independent.

On the other side of that, I wish it kinda showed LuXi doing more for TongTong but she's more of a future facing person (which makes sense). She made plans to stay with her gf longer in the future by "breaking up" for a year and stressed out on studying so she could spend more time with her. She doesn't say any of that stuff since she's more internal, but I'm glad there's not a lot of drama about it (TongTong misunderstanding and the problem getting dragged for too long). Both characters are consistent and it makes sense that LuXi wouldn't want to talk about Bai Yan(g?) and about her kinks until cornered.

Which meeeeeans.. talks about boundaries and stuff will have to be brought up by TongTong because LuXi might be still embarrassed about it or don't want to be a bother (which makes sense considering her mother).

No idea where the Bai Yan thing will go though lol

Anyway, love this, thank you to the translators!

joined Aug 2, 2015

ngl, Yvonne being possessed by a succubus was not on my bingo sheet.

joined Aug 2, 2015

Love that not even world building can get in the way of tropes, lol. The fact that yukatas exist in this semi-modern jrpg like medieval town kinda threw me for a second, but whateves.

Also, can anybody tell what exactly the "sheepa expression of love is?" Is it like a shove? A headbutt? I can't fully tell from that one panel.

I think it's Momo like 'playfully' hitting Akii on the chest/shoulders? I could be wrong.

What's there to misunderstand? You can clearly see Aki kissing her hair.

Aki said: "You do that all the time (that bang thing)" and the panel right before has Momo with the sfx "DOON" which is the sound of a thud. Very early in the manga it's briefly mentioned that Sheepas headbutt in affection, so this might be related to that.

joined Aug 2, 2015

"it’s quite possible Evie would remember"


Yeah. Remember what? What does Elsa know about Evie that even Evie herself doesn't??

I don't have time to find it right now, but it's strongly implied that Yvonne and Elsa met when they were young children, and that interaction forms the basis of Elsa's conviction that Evie is her "destined person." I know there's at least one flashback to Elsa's childhood where she's with a girl with long blond hair, and it was brought up in the context of Elsa and her belief in destined love. So a childhood marriage promise or something? The question is, did this happen before the point where Evie became her isekai'd self, or is it something from the "original" Yvonne's memories that "our" Evie has forgotten?

I don't know why, but I always assumed that Yvonne reincarnated from scratch in this world but I could be wrong. The memory thing is intriguing and the "incomplete" comment from Dahlia after mentioning her father makes me believe that maybe the exile thing may not be what we believe it to be.

Also I laughed at the end of ch48, I was like "lol girl, why did you drink it?" before the door was opened and then afterwards "LOL WHY DID YOU OPEN IT?" I doubt this will fix the memory thing, she looks way too out of it for any sort of coherant thought.

joined Aug 2, 2015

fist pumps up to the sky

joined Aug 2, 2015

Why is this so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute??

joined Aug 2, 2015

I'm actually pretty invested in Wakana's love life now lol

joined Aug 2, 2015

ngl, I was surprised when Mikoto suddenly cried when she was... not even rejected, but to her, it probably sounded like a weird "I don't care about your feelings" thing, especially after Nekozaki asked her to strip and they kissed lmao, but Mikoto being angry was fair lol and maybe it's enough to wake Nekozaki up.

joined Aug 2, 2015

lmfao, rip scanlators.
Also, wanting to do it all the time because they were living with parents before and had to hold back is a mood.

joined Aug 2, 2015

Aight, I'm hooked.

joined Aug 2, 2015

This slow burn is killing me lmao xD slow roasting.

joined Aug 2, 2015

aight! Poly route confirmed! Man, thanks for clarifying, manga xD

joined Aug 2, 2015

As much as I love to see polyamory in yuri, it certainly seems weak here...but I'm also wondering if, rather than polyamory, the author wrote this as an opportunity for Mei to learn what each arrow type means. She's already seen that arrows come in all kinds of shapes, sizes, quantities and intensities, but she has yet to actually figure out what each individual arrow really stands for.

While a part of me wants to see poly here, it makes more reasonable sense for Mei to use this opportunity to find out just what each arrow type stands for. And if she ends up playing cupid for her friends...well, it works.

Frankly, I'll be laughing my ass off if she ends up falling for the Student Council president. But hey, at this point we really don't know enough yet. So, we can only wait and see.

I'm team Student Council President, so I'm okay with that ending LOL but I would also be okay with Aromantic Mei in the end, where she feels loved by friends, as well.

joined Aug 2, 2015

And then MC ends up alone.

I was planning on coming in here and saying "wow, are they really going for the poly route? That's unusual, and also really cool" and then I saw this first thing and I snorted out my tea.

joined Aug 2, 2015

I missed these two ;_; I missed this manga ;__;