Forum › Tadokoro-san (web comic) discussion

joined Feb 15, 2019

Sakurako will definitely die if they ever have sex.

joined Oct 22, 2018

I didn't know someone can faint of sheer happiness without having a nosebleed...

joined Mar 22, 2018

Nooo! They were supposed to do it!

joined Apr 1, 2014


joined Dec 20, 2018

Yeah, that's our Nikaidou. Pretty much the expected result considering her reactions in other similar situations. :D

joined Jun 24, 2015



joined Oct 15, 2014

'Past out'

That'd be a great title for an edgy time travel action flick.

joined Oct 10, 2019

Nikaidou needs some good rest after all that night activity

joined Feb 17, 2013

Lol- useless lesbian ! How is she gonna survive when they go all the way?

But it wasn't disappointing at all :) First I knew given the type of manga, its not like we are gonna get hardcore scenes - even when they DO go all the way. But it was still nonetheless exciting and pretty erotic- the 2 hug panels were amazing and really intimate I thought.

joined Jan 27, 2016

Can they fuck already? But I'm still happy with this arc end

joined May 2, 2018

Next I hope we get a glimpse into Nikaidou-san's unique family situation.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Am I the only one who notices that this thread is the closest Dynasty has gotten to being a tumblr 2.0?

joined Jun 28, 2015

Am I the only one who notices that this thread is the closest Dynasty has gotten to being a tumblr 2.0?

I wasn't around much in the thread, care to explain so I can retreat to my bombshelter?

joined Jan 5, 2016

Nikaidou you useless lesbian...

joined Aug 4, 2018

joined Aug 4, 2018

joined Jan 31, 2013

NO nikaido san godamnitt! useless lesbian

joined Jun 25, 2019

Luckily we have a Sakurako more useful than this one.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Goddammit Nikaidou, you were supposed to be more Alpha than Katou.

joined Apr 27, 2014

I wonder if you can actually faint from being too happy....also isn't blondie more like the Rawr! type! why didn't she go for it ;D ? it was cute though.

joined Sep 5, 2018

Many people seem to consider hugging and cuddling to be just foreplay for having sex and might even eschew it completely, but hugging and cuddling are usually way better for building intimacy, so I’m really happy to see some super intimate hugging and cuddling featured so strongly. :D

joined Aug 16, 2018

Is there really such a thing as a human being who, burning with desire and lust for a girl, finally gets to take her to bed and makes her go crazy with passion and has her ready for sex...

... and then faints because of happiness?

I don't think so. There ain't anyone like that. That's not a thing. ¯⧹_( ͡ಠ ʖ̯ ͡ಠ)_⧸¯

last edited at Oct 11, 2019 1:13PM

joined Mar 28, 2015

My reaction..


last edited at Oct 11, 2019 12:48PM

joined Mar 23, 2019

Wow, what a total cop out. Guess this manga is strictly staying PG-13. At least we got a gay sex bomb vampiress known as Liberta. So I'll forgive Tatsu for this.

last edited at Oct 11, 2019 2:02PM

joined Jun 6, 2013

Many people seem to consider hugging and cuddling to be just foreplay for having sex and might even eschew it completely, but hugging and cuddling are usually way better for building intimacy, so I’m really happy to see some super intimate hugging and cuddling featured so strongly. :D

Agreed. Also I'm having a hell of a time remembering how they met and even what the story was about lol. Good thing there's a manga release version if a group is still translating it.

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