Forum › Skeeter Rabbit discussion

joined Nov 18, 2017

I want to make a joke at the expense of this series, but frankly this series is doing it for me.

I feel this isn't a story you read because it's good, you read to see how much a train wreck it's going to be and to poke fun at it.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I liked Blackie until her dumb ass took a plate out of the microwave without checking to see if it’s hot first. She didn’t even clean up the broken plate smh

The hypersexualization of the girls here is so exaggerated that it’s amusing. They look like they’re always sexually frustrated (maybe they are).

I didnt know how difficult it was to depict dancing in a manga until I read this lol

Masturbating is an interesting way of dealing with traumatic memories/flashbacks. I suppose mastuarbating can be a sort of cathartic release

last edited at Dec 5, 2018 12:06AM

joined Aug 16, 2018

The hypersexualization of the girls here is so exaggerated that it’s amusing. They look like they’re always sexually frustrated (maybe they are).

Exaggerated? Realistic is more like it. It's not often that we get to see the sexuality of girls at the time of puberty depicted in such a lifelike way.

Perhaps you have forgotten how you yourself were when sexual hormones started erupting into your bloodstream for the first time...

This series is amazing. It has 13-years-old girls lusting like crazy after other girls (schoolmates, women in the street, gravure idols in magazines...) and it has 13-years-old girls masturbating with showerheads and having explosive orgasms. I think only Ayame 14 went this far before... and that was a manga about 14-years-old girls, so Skeeter Rabbit beats it by one year.

I second your commendation of Ayame 14. That really is one amazing manga, both incredibly sexy and incredibly funny. (Also, one noteworthy difference with Skeeter Rabbit: the author of Ayame 14 is a woman and she writes for a female audience!)

And the art is super good. Normally, you only find art at this level of quality in series expected by the publisher to be major hits with the readership. I wonder if Young Animal has really high expectations for the success of this manga?

It's the "level of quality" of the best and most expensive porn manga, lol. I know what I'm talking about, I have read a lot of ecchi manga in my life and I recognize the style. And, you know, it's not that surprising, actually, as porn is the genre in which this author (Uran) specializes.
I for one am really glad to see a yuri manga made with such lavish, detailed art.

joined Jan 10, 2017

This series is enjoyable, if only because of the guilt-free perving the main chick indulges in, lol. The art doesn't hurt either.

where do all these exceptional kids come from

i was still trying to figure out how not to get run over by a bus in 8th grade

Inai hou ga ii ningen
joined May 23, 2018

Whatever this is I dont like it

joined Mar 7, 2017

Their eyes are so far apart, it's actually distracting

joined May 20, 2013

Their eyes are so far apart, it's actually distracting

Yeah something about the facial style makes everyone seem real special

But somehow the dancing aspect is oddly endearing/amusing? I approached at first due to the ecchi but now I just want to see the dancing parts really.

joined Aug 28, 2016

Do you normally masturbate when you think of bad stuff that happened to you and are all depressed?

This. Same question.

No, but I guess she uses it as a distraction and as a coping method. Though I don't know how realistic this is...

I had an ex who used to do the same thing, so I find it pretty believable. It was a way of retreating into herself and giving herself comfort when the world felt overwhelming. And just like Chika, even if it made her feel better she didn't feel good about doing it; she worried a little bit that she'd end up conditioning herself to have a fetish for the things that were stressing her out.

joined Jun 23, 2017

But seriously I do find it a little bit funny that there are apparently like a bunch of sub categories and flavors of under age girls each with their own label.

These are scientific terms, hebephelia, pedophilia, ephebophilia are, originally, pure categorisation of attraction to different range of age/development.

Edit: I still can't believe after months not reading comments I still find things like : "this is morally wroooong". At some point, you'd thought those who don't like it would stop reading those kind of stories and those who keep reading won't care about those comments anyway... But I guess one needs to vent like I'm doing right now, so...

last edited at Dec 5, 2018 8:44AM

joined Jul 19, 2018

But seriously I do find it a little bit funny that there are apparently like a bunch of sub categories and flavors of under age girls each with their own label.

These are scientific terms, hebephelia, pedophilia, ephebophilia are, originally, pure categorisation of attraction to different range of age/development.

Edit: I still can't believe after months not reading comments I still find things like : "this is morally wroooong". At some point, you'd thought those who don't like it would stop reading those kind of stories and those who keep reading won't care about those comments anyway... But I guess one needs to vent like I'm doing right now, so...

I never said or even implied it was morally wrong. I am after all reading this manga. I just find it amusing that people bother to sub-categorize and label the difference between various stages of under age girls. I had a crazy argument with some moron on another forum who was trying to kink shame lolicons over and over again in an Uzamaid thread while in the thread right next to it he was going on about how sexy the fan service of the middle school kids in Gridman was.

Somehow in his mind it was perfectly ok if the drawing of the underage girl is of a middle schooler rather than an elementary schooler. The other thing that made his endless complaints even more ridiculous was the fact that Uzamaid has no real under age fan service in it, just a creepy pedophile maid character.

Anyway, to make a long story short I have nothing against harmless drawings of underage girls. I just find this whole idea that there is a huge difference between a drawing of a 12 and 14 year old kinda funny.

last edited at Dec 5, 2018 2:30PM

joined Apr 20, 2013

morter posted:

Their eyes are so far apart, it's actually distracting

Yeah something about the facial style makes everyone seem real special

But somehow the dancing aspect is oddly endearing/amusing? I approached at first due to the ecchi but now I just want to see the dancing parts really.

I really love the dancing part specially in the last chapter.

The thing about the eyes is true, a rule in drawing to get the eyes right is to know that the distance between the eyes is approximately ... one eye (real person or 2D), if you had a third eye right in the middle it should be a perfect fit, if the distance is too small or too big they look weird.

last edited at Dec 5, 2018 4:42PM

joined Apr 16, 2012

I'm not digging the loli.. But the story looks interesting how things Wil develop. Trough I think if they got rid of the nude stuff and just kept with the story (about a teenager finding love again after rape) would be more apailing for me.
anyway I'm gonna keep reading, I'm curious how it Wil end

joined Aug 4, 2018

Why does people keep saying "loli, loli" as if this was a loli manga?

These girls are the same age as the Sailor Senshi in the first season of Sailor Moon. They are anything but lolis.

If you don't get it, let me put it in simpler terms: ChibiUsa is a loli; Usagi is not a loli, she's a teenager. All the girls in this manga are teens as well, just like Usagi, Rei or Ami. It's not that difficult.

A loli needs to be prepubescent, short (notoriously so) and with a child body (no curves). A young woman who looks the part (happens often in manga) is a loli-looking woman, not a real loli. Sometimes, just for the fun, an author will make a loli go through a precocious growth spur -- ie, she's still a loli but gets big boobs -- but these cases are quite rare.

All MCs in Skeeter Rabbit are thirteen (perhaps more) making them legal. They can have all the lesbian whoopee they want.

joined Aug 26, 2018

The hypersexualization of the girls here is so exaggerated that it’s amusing. They look like they’re always sexually frustrated (maybe they are).

Exaggerated? Realistic is more like it. It's not often that we get to see the sexuality of girls at the time of puberty depicted in such a lifelike way.

Perhaps you have forgotten how you yourself were when sexual hormones started erupting into your bloodstream for the first time...

I agree, it’s not often that we get to see the sexuality of pubescent girls depicted like this. Sure, it can be considered realistic. But I still perceive it as a bit exaggerated, like the cover of this chapter where Blackie is leaning against the fridge looking sexually frustrated and it says, “what exactly is her flushed body yearning for at this moment in time...?” I thought it was rather amusing lol

But assuming that everyone has the same level of sexuality during pubescence isn’t realistic. Not everyone is constantly horny and/or sexually frustrated, I wasn’t. In fact, my hormones never suddenly erupted into my bloodstream. It was more gradual and slow paced :p

last edited at Dec 5, 2018 10:40PM

joined Nov 8, 2017

Y'know, Hoshihara is kind of a jerk.

joined Aug 4, 2018

I agree, it’s not often that we get to see the sexuality of pubescent girls depicted like this. Sure, it can be considered realistic. But I still perceive it as a bit exaggerated, like the cover of this chapter where Blackie is leaning against the fridge looking sexually frustrated and it says, “what exactly is her flushed body yearning for at this moment in time...?” I thought it was rather amusing lol

But assuming that everyone has the same level of sexuality during pubescence isn’t realistic. Not everyone is constantly horny and/or sexually frustrated, I wasn’t. In fact, my hormones never suddenly erupted into my bloodstream. It was more gradual and slow paced :p

Ah, but this manga does not assume that everyone has the same level of sexuality during pubescence. Look carefully: Hoshihara, Usa-pyon and Miki are very different characters. Hoshihara is very horny and masturbates often, Usa is very horny but didn't know about the other use of a showerhead until Hoshihara showed her, and Miki... well, we don't know much about her yet, but she obviously makes a point of always keeping a cool facade (whatever may lay behind, that's open to debate).

It's the same for Ayame 14 that was mentioned earlier in the thread: Ayame, Sango, Kagari and Shinobu (and Fukuyama) are all at their most horny time of adolescence, but react to it in different ways. That's a big part of what makes the story so realistic and enjoyable. I'd say it's a point in common that these two series have.

joined Jul 19, 2018

This girl is my lesbian spirit animal.

joined Oct 3, 2017

I like this story, wonder how it gonna play out

joined Mar 16, 2018

I remember it took me a embarrassingly long time to find the correct way to masturbate which was mostly because I was pretty anti social and found it embarrassing to ask anyone and I didn't have an older sibling to ask.

joined Jul 22, 2018

Thanks for upload Skeeter here!

joined Apr 25, 2014

Why does people keep saying "loli, loli" as if this was a loli manga?

because in anime and manga, the only thing that matters is how they look like. age is irrelevant in determining who is or isnt a loli.

joined Nov 25, 2018

This manga is a little crap, the beginning was shit, I don't know...I don't like this...x

joined Jan 22, 2017

Hm, it wasn't that bad. Her pervyness was a bit over the top, but if she starts to get more serious I think I'll like it.

joined Jan 4, 2017

I'm off putted with the general facial details, and hair but those dynamic movements and the unappealing sexualization of the characters makes me want to keep reading it.

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