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joined Jan 10, 2017

Stupid. She’s tough so she’s not a girl but she loves sweets so she actually is a girl. This is the logic of the deranged and neurotic. I love food and cooking as much as anyone but personally I’ve had enough dessert. When the manga girls are eating headcheese and offal, I’ll be interested. Conservative censorship, otaku fordism, and gacha mindsets have created a vacuum of creative intrigue. The artists with an appreciation for the eroticism of liberated young women railing lines and having affairs no longer find an outlet in manga. We desperately need our delinquents back. 90% of new releases are the fantasy of people who both fear and shun the DoorDash courier and all the world they cannot see from their gaming chair. And oh, she’s a violent gang leader who secretly eats pastries all day and mostly just accosts street artists minding their own business? She’s a cop.

it's just a romcom pal chill

I get where they're coming from though. I really am not a fan of these one-note premises. Just way too shallow. Maison Ikkoku was a romcom and from 40 years ago. Why can't we have a yuri romcom like that? This is just air and nothing.

Happy Sepia discussion 24 Apr 00:27
joined Jan 10, 2017

The coloring on the initial pages is actually pretty bad, even bubbles that were made harder to read. Time travel even in the best of times is annoying and tedious, this lazy setup... meh. Not really interested.

joined Jan 10, 2017

This story is so freaking boring, lol. All tedious introspection framed in the reflection of Sena's dead fish eyes.

joined Jan 10, 2017

Can you even tag it "age gap" or "yuri" if their entire relationship consisted of a single blush while they were in two different cities?

joined Jan 10, 2017

Am I confused? Probably. This situation has nothing to do with a gay-perceived straight relationship. These girls are married. They present to the entire world as a lesbian couple. Even if they don’t think of themselves as anything but two people, they have explicitly put themselves on record as thinking that a same-sex relationship is fine and normal.
So why the slap? It seems totally out of character for Ruriko. And now I get confused, because I am unable to differentiate what I think Ruriko’s reaction should be and what mine would be. If I were in this situation, and was suddenly kissed by the woman I love, I would certainly not hit her. More likely would be that I would collapse in maelstrom of tears of happiness-confusion-fear of it not being real.
The conclusion. It’s a painful and unpleasant plot device.

Seriously. These people bringing up ultra-repressed scared lesbian shit make no sense. It's like they forgot which manga they're reading.

last edited at Jul 5, 2023 7:51AM

joined Jan 10, 2017

Rural lesbian with social anxiety x hardened lesbian who finds her walls crumbling is not a dynamic I expected to see, but good goddess I need more of this!

The Witch from Mercury without the robots.

It's been years since I watched anime and I thought you were talking about some manga on here. Has anime really become so advanced?!!?!

joined Jan 10, 2017

You can do cute vignettes in 4 page segments. Once you start trying to do drama you have to actually draw a full chapter. This manga went from a 10 to a 2.

last edited at Oct 23, 2022 10:05AM

joined Jan 10, 2017

I can't believe this was published in a magazine. Seems like somebody's shitty doujin.

joined Jan 10, 2017

Time travel + Age gap is a combo I didn't know I needed in my life.

The time-cuck jokes make me think this could be a time loop setup. The person the senpai will marry and will divorce is her future self. Once she got that set, she suddenly gets back to the present, awakens to her sempai and uh get married??? I dunno makes sense to me lol.

I read this time travelling pirate novel where a guy basically does something like this. He's mentored by this older guy before he time slips hundreds of years into the past, falls for a woman and marries her, but he eventually ends up travelling back to the future to when he was a child. In order to get back to his wife he basically waits until his child self grows up and follows himself back through the time slip. The older guy he was mentored by he eventually realizes was himself--lucky him he'd entrusted the protection of his wife to himself before getting pulled back to the future, lol.

joined Jan 10, 2017

*sometimes manga gets posted on here that is backdated so it doesn't show up under recent works, and I miss out

I'm also just looking for any multi-chapter works you enjoy that doesn't get posted on here because of licensing or being a webcomic or what have you. Recent ones I've found (that aren't super amazing but are enjoyable enough) are: My Stepsister's Social Media, It's Okay Senpai, Bittersweet Con Panna, Chun and Alice, Become Her Bride...

joined Jan 10, 2017

It just comes across as the protagonist not really being "in love" with anyone, while Maria is getting what she can. Meh. Everyone is NOT happy when the reader isn't happy.

joined Jan 10, 2017

Nothing more romantic than black mold and asbestos.

joined Jan 10, 2017

Cheating tag ? I mean, you can see a ring on the boss's hand multiples times and it even said it's an affair.

Seems like it. She didn't have a ring in the flashback so I guess she got married in the intervening years

I thought it mentioned "office affair".
But the ring on her finger is a red flag.

It is possible that she wears a ring so that people don't bother her when she's out. I know it isn't super common, but I have heard of women doing that. And an affair doesn't always refer to cheating. This could be referred to as one since they are keeping it a secret from coworkers.

Also, I wanted to say that I absolutely love watching these two interact. They have such a wonderful and loving relationship.

I think it's pretty obvious she got married in the four years between their meetings. Way too much attention was given to the ring for it to mean anything else. Not to mention the line "I wish our meeting was written by destiny" pretty much set it in stone.

joined Jan 10, 2017

This mangaka's art is getting really good. I didn't even realize it was Mochi Au Lait until reading the comments, lol.

joined Jan 10, 2017

Cheesy and shallow.

joined Jan 10, 2017

This is such a shit show. I don't get who the mangaka is writing this for and who is enjoying it at this point.

1 x ½ discussion 26 Sep 23:38
joined Jan 10, 2017

When is this manga gonna stop with the backstory crap and get back to the mothercon.

joined Jan 10, 2017

I'm sorry even if they actually exist in Japan, open air foot baths outside the train station break my suspension of disbelief.

joined Jan 10, 2017

Unfortunately this is already ruined for me because one time I read a series of doujins with a girl that looked EXACTLY the same as our short haired MC here and I just cant disconnect the two AAAAAA

Oh come on. I guess you are unable to read ANY Mochi Au Lait stuff.

BADLAND discussion 12 Sep 06:07
joined Jan 10, 2017

So a young girl soldier is somehow already a hardened soldier with no other prospects before a previous technological revolution happened, and now presumably some time later still a young girl... who hasn't aged and never planned to age... and somehow gets around all that programming and maintenance and robot speed and strength stuff...

I'm sorry, you can't throw all that at me and then immediately drop some tragedy and expect me to feel much about it. I was still trying to reconcile the human pretending to be android thing.

joined Jan 10, 2017

I'm just gonna state now that age gap is my favorite sub genre of yuri, and this was an absolute gem of a first chapter. I have no problem with them being BL fujoshi (don't like BL myself), although it is kinda weird in yuri, but whatever. I'm hoping for more of the same in upcoming chapters.
p.s. If you hate age gap don't respond pls (age gap haters are always somewhere lurking here in age gap works comments for some reason)

I thought this chapter was great too and was really surprised by all the whining when I got to the forum. The manga doesn't even show yaoi art from in-universe, which can't be said for other works featuring fujoshi.

Also, people who don't like age gap yuri are insane.

Kancho discussion 15 Jul 23:31
joined Jan 10, 2017

is that butt ninjitsu thing referenced from naruto?

No, it's a real thing that kids in Japan do all the time. To each other, to strangers, to elders, kancho such a funny game haha.

And it's not really a Japan only thing... "goosing" has been around at least since my grandfather's day and probably forever.

joined Jan 10, 2017

It's because she's always sending out mixed signals. In this case, Saeko got her in a position where they could have sex but Miwa was so stiff it made Saeko think she was forcing herself to do it, even if Miwa said she was ready. What she says aloud and what her body language convey are two different things.

I think that's part of it but it's also that she's overall kind of sensitive and overthinks things, which requires her friends/girlfriend to be more conscious of how they treat her and act around her.

joined Jan 10, 2017

Sci-fi should be some sort of technology affecting a possible future way of life. This manga is bereft of science and borders on a “Rapture” condition mentioned in Revelations book— hence it should be “supernatural”-tagged.

It is a good story, although somewhat depressing.

Eh, science fiction isn't so limited. It's about ideas, what-ifs. This what if is "what if humanity suddenly disappeared for no discernible reason".

The problem is more the fact that the story doesn't really to much to explore the premise.

joined Jan 10, 2017

So the sensei warning her against relationships with students was in a relationship with a student herself?


No, it was about the big boobs in the other girl. Nothing to do with student/teacher, she thinks boobs of a certain size only cause problems.