Forum › Skeeter Rabbit discussion

joined Apr 20, 2013

Pyoro posted:

I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about this one. There are enough interesting elements to keep me reading for now, but also enough iffy moments that if the whole thing goes off the rails somehow I wouldn't be entirely surprised, either.

I'd say it's long since gone off the rails - basically right at the beginning - and now I'm just watching the train wreck.

But going by the comments it seems to be more well-received than how look at it ^^;

If this has a "problem" since the start, maybe that's how is mean to be and is you guys who are wasting time expecting something different, is like, you know an apple tree won't give you oranges... Is too late to complain.

So far, I haven't seen anything really unrealistic or too stupid to believe here... Only thing bothering me is the separation of their eyes.

and yes, I also believe black lily white lily is the most awful shit we've come across lately

last edited at Jan 30, 2019 10:23AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

If this has a "problem" since the start, maybe that's how is mean to be and is you guys who are wasting time expecting something different, is like, you know an apple tree won't give you oranges... Is too late to complain.

Gee, then I wonder why I went to the trouble of stating that it seemed to start out one way then improved somewhat. (I.e., it seemed to be entirely about underpants shots and gratuitous masturbation scenes, then folded in just enough plot and character development to keep me reading. For now.)

Need to work on my communications skills, no doubt.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Not that a good story can't have ecchi too, but it's often used to hide the fact that the plot is shallow, or a rehash of a thousand other similar ones.

Honestly, beside the fact that the MC is a girl portrayed from the start as sexually obsessed with girls (ie, they would be disgusting if they were a boy), I find this manga below average, plotwise. The lesbian ecchi is just bait in order to keep the male target demographic reading an otherwise mediocre manga.

joined Oct 25, 2011

It's pretty garbage but I like the art. So it's garbage that's pretty.

joined Sep 21, 2015

Did she masturbate with her classmate sleeping right in the bed bellow???? Her classmate didn't wake up by the movement of the bed??? She heard everything didn't she...

last edited at Jan 30, 2019 10:26PM

joined Dec 10, 2017

Did she masturbate with her classmate sleeping right in the bed bellow???? Her classmate didn't wake up by the movement of the bed??? She heard everything didn't she...

That's her sister

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

This is reminding me more and more of that other dancing manga.

Edit: just checked, and I was right. In Iromeki Girls, Saki's little sister makes a video of Saki masturbating and tricks Saki into giving it to Aki.

last edited at Jan 31, 2019 12:50AM

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

schuyguy posted:

Edit: just checked, and I was right. In Iromeki Girls, Saki's little sister makes a video of Saki masturbating and tricks Saki into giving it to Aki.

That is what siblings are for.

joined Jun 17, 2014

This is reminding me more and more of that other dancing manga.

Edit: just checked, and I was right. In Iromeki Girls, Saki's little sister makes a video of Saki masturbating and tricks Saki into giving it to Aki.

wow i forgot all about this manga gonna reread right away, I'm gay

joined Jan 20, 2014

-_- really, an 8th grade girl that acts like a super horny highschool guy, and her friend isn’t creeped out at all.

I was exactly like that when I was in 8th grade...

Just exactly how old are you in 8th grade? In Spain we don't have that ranges, but I remember be pretty horny in my young age like 12 and up. Adolescence hitted us pretty hard xD

joined Apr 20, 2013

Is really tiring to hear/read the "only guys get horny" argument... I'm sorry that not all girls are princess waiting for marriague to have their first Kiss... I also thought that this manga looks dumber every time they force to show a panty shot in the middle of nowhere, it can be awkward like the author doesn't trust his writing skill enough to keep a scene long enough without fanservice... But a series with a lot of nudity might also shown that author San likes nudity and I don't believe that's bad or solely directed to horny teenage BOYS. Of course I won't pretend is not the case a lot of times, but for really dumb cheap fanservice there's battle manga harems with KYAAAAs and that's where you'll find the true mediocre works.

Blastaar I didn't analyze your argument in my previous reply, I just took the last part, I think your communication skills are great

joined Mar 28, 2015

Serenata posted:
But a series with a lot of nudity might also shown that author San likes nudity and I don't believe that's bad or solely directed to horny teenage BOYS.

Young Animal, where Skeeter Rabbit is published, has an adult target demographic.

I don't doubt that it's read by some women too and that some of them might enjoy the panty shots, masturbation and nudity, but I don't think author-san had them in mind when writing this.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Blastaar I didn't analyze your argument in my previous reply, I just took the last part, I think your communication skills are great

Ah, understood.

Like any genre fan, I don’t expect every yuri manga to be excellent—sometimes mere mediocrity serves to pass the time. (Fan service in itself I can take or leave depending on how it’s done, but as you say, it’s often just an attempt to distract from bad writing, inept art, etc.)

I all but dropped this one a few pages in, but found myself engaged in it enough to wonder what happens next (in both the “following the actions of the characters” sense and the “can this author keep the wobbly vehicle from crashing entirely” one).

It’s certainly true that adolescents check out each others’ bodies for a variety of reasons (curiosity, desire, self-comparison, etc.), but it seems to me that there really is something quite male-gaze-y about a lot of the fanservice in this one—it’s the difference between discreet side-long glances at something attractive and a group of schoolboys haw-hawing to each other about seeing some girl’s panties.

Put another way, I actually wanted to see Usa’s unabashed sexual desire as a fun and refreshing take on adolescent female sexuality, but instead of the fanservice showing how the character sees the world, the shots keep putting the reader in the position of a creepy schoolboy.

Like the bottom right panel here:

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Put another way, I actually wanted to see Usa’s unabashed sexual desire as a fun and refreshing take on adolescent female sexuality, but instead of the fanservice showing how the character sees the world, the shots keep putting the reader in the position of a creepy schoolboy.

Can't it be both? I think the series as a whole is deliberately sexual, but you could say that's about cultivating a tone consistent with the way the main characters view the world. Obviously it's fanservice, but it's not just fanservice.

last edited at Jan 31, 2019 6:43PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Put another way, I actually wanted to see Usa’s unabashed sexual desire as a fun and refreshing take on adolescent female sexuality, but instead of the fanservice showing how the character sees the world, the shots keep putting the reader in the position of a creepy schoolboy.

Can't it be both? I think the series as a whole is deliberately sexual, but you could say that's about cultivating a tone consistent with the way the main characters view the world. Obviously it's fanservice, but it's not just fanservice.

I’m not objecting to anything. It just strikes me as arguably more tied to the character when Usa is devouring Chika in the shower with her eyes (even though the readers see a fuller view of Chika’s body than Usa gets), and more gratuitous in the panel I mentioned—I don’t think we’re supposed to imagine Usa looking up her own skirt in a routine shot of her running.

As I believe Sigmund Freud once said, sometimes a panty shot is just a panty shot.

joined Jul 26, 2016

As I believe Sigmund Freud once said, sometimes a panty shot is just a panty shot.

Ya, there's a bit of an excess of those. I kind of just tune out most of them, which is my SOP with the more annoyingly gratuitous fanservice bits in general.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I don’t think we’re supposed to imagine Usa looking up her own skirt in a routine shot of her running.

No, in that moment we stop projecting ourselves into Usa and instead become Usa, as we enter her mind so completely as to do what she as a character could not do. It's a transcendent moment of profound character integration.

Also, I thought the quote was, "Yes, I like to suck dicks."

last edited at Jan 31, 2019 7:29PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Also, I thought the quote was, "Yes, I like to suck dicks."

I believe that was Freud quoting his mom. From a dream.

joined Apr 20, 2013

That friend is really nice, it really is like that sometimes, the mood can change depending on one clap, one shout or one laugh.
That ending can change her relationship a lot... Let's jump into it

joined May 30, 2013

I always feel these niche manga always have to have fanservice because the activity is incredibly niche. While I like martial arts and enjoy film study, I know that no martial arts manga will ever get big without cute girls doing fanservice in it. I imagine it's the same for almost every other activity-centered manga.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Um, I think I’m going to need some time to reconsider my “not entirely about gratuitous titillation” position on this one.

I may just be in a mood tonight . . .

joined Nov 25, 2018

What the heck was that? (This manga beginning was crap but meh) Hey...I don't know, this feels more like an hentai than a Yuri
(I see, this author is an hentai pig author) well, what can I expect from someone like that?

last edited at Feb 6, 2019 11:04PM

joined Dec 16, 2014

(I see, this author is an hentai pig author) well, what can I expect from someone like that?

Hentai pig author? what?

joined Jun 3, 2018

What the heck was that? (This manga beginning was crap but meh) Hey...I don't know, this feels more like an hentai than a Yuri
(I see, this author is an hentai pig author) well, what can I expect from someone like that?

Have you read half of the stuff on here? It’s basically 70% nsfw (some are pretty messed up) and 30% fluff and interesting het/yaoi stories.

joined Jul 19, 2018

What the heck was that? (This manga beginning was crap but meh) Hey...I don't know, this feels more like an hentai than a Yuri
(I see, this author is an hentai pig author) well, what can I expect from someone like that?

Have you read half of the stuff on here? It’s basically 70% nsfw (some are pretty messed up) and 30% fluff and interesting het/yaoi stories.

I think it's more like 50% but then again there are a ton of NSFW one shots. I think if you were to just count the multi chapter series the majority probably aren't lewd aside for some graphic hand holding scenes.

Then again I've run across some stuff on here that is eye and brain bleach level hentai so it always pays to pay attention to the tags if you are trying to avoid that kind of stuff.

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