Forum › Skeeter Rabbit discussion

joined Oct 23, 2015

I'll never forget that panty sniffing incident.

joined Apr 20, 2013

random posted:

I hope the author decides to make a sequel of it to wrap it up better. At least, more far down in the future

Skeeter Rabbit+?

Skeeter Hare :v

Skeeter Rabbit: Mating Season

joined Nov 8, 2017

random posted:

I hope the author decides to make a sequel of it to wrap it up better. At least, more far down in the future

Skeeter Rabbit+?

Skeeter Hare :v

Skeeter Rabbit: Mating Season

Skeeter Rabbit 2: Electric Boogaloo

Anyway, assuming the Olympics thing is real, I wonder if it could be the reason why so many Yuri manga are ending early and/or getting a rushed ending (Tsurezure Biyori, Killing Me!, Pages in Search of a Bookmark, even Citrus and Mikazuki no Carte).

joined Jun 6, 2013

Citrus ending was rushed? Damn.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Citrus ending was rushed? Damn.

Was it tho ?

joined Nov 8, 2017

Citrus ending was rushed? Damn.

Was it tho ?

Some people said it felt rushed.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Citrus ending was rushed? Damn.

Was it tho ?

Some people said it felt rushed.

And seeing how Citrus+ is now filling in the parts the original ending skipped over, it clearly was.

joined Apr 20, 2013

More like RIP Uran for the yuri audience, we can ignore him from now on.

joined Nov 8, 2017

No new Yuri from Uran?

joined Feb 10, 2022

Kinda disappointed ending. Is this even yuri? I understand the axed thing cause is not the first manga I've read, gets axed and gets a disappointed ending. Anyway, hope he doesn't give up in yuri. The lolicon teacher manga is good tho isn't yuri

joined Sep 22, 2021


joined Apr 25, 2020

Lol that was the most rushed ending ever, one of the hardest axes I've witnessed and with one of the worse results because that ending was horrendous. Anyway, the whole cast felt dead and emotionless, the nudity was totally unnecessary, the author could never balance the sexual stuff with the "serious dancing drama" so it felt like reading two separated series at once, still, I had fun, I guess? I must have laughed at least once, I think

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