Forum › I Could Just Tell discussion

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

This is actually the prime reason to bump threads. Really useful, to be honest.

joined Nov 24, 2017

Still hurts just as good as the first time ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ)

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014
Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Norainhere posted:

This has a side story/sequel here:

It's actually not clear if it's supposed to be connected or author just used similar looking characters.

joined Aug 12, 2020

Another victim of sucker punch feels right here. Bumping to spread the beautiful pain.

joined Aug 10, 2014

Norainhere posted:

This has a side story/sequel here:

It's actually not clear if it's supposed to be connected or author just used similar looking characters.

I think in this case they might actually be the same people ,but on the one doujin they have of the teacher being confessed at by her foreign student,the teacher looks exactly like the glasses girl.

This feels like a romance VN where the protagonist is the same but each route is like an alternate reality hahaha

joined Aug 29, 2019

I think this is the fifth time or so this one made me have feels. And it's still just four pages.

joined May 13, 2018

It ain't fair that something this short can make me feel so sad

joined Jan 27, 2016

Man this still makes me cry on the other side they had a long loving life together

joined Jan 18, 2021

I know I’m late to the party, but this is so sweet. I’m crying too.

joined Feb 10, 2022



joined Aug 19, 2018

Norainhere posted:

This has a side story/sequel here:

It's actually not clear if it's supposed to be connected or author just used similar looking characters.

I think in this case they might actually be the same people ,but on the one doujin they have of the teacher being confessed at by her foreign student,the teacher looks exactly like the glasses girl.

This feels like a romance VN where the protagonist is the same but each route is like an alternate reality hahaha

So if that's the case, then can the one where they have a kid be an AU where they become immortal and get to love each other forever :'(

Lomographic Colored Past
joined Dec 29, 2016

Wtf… this made me cry

last edited at Jan 28, 2023 4:58PM

joined Oct 16, 2020

finally a reason to sob myself to sleep

joined Aug 29, 2019

I read it once again every time the thread is dug up. Thanks, it still hurts so good.

joined Aug 29, 2019

I am not sorry for necroing this thread because I think that this manga needs to be read at least once per year, so here's your kind reminder.

joined Dec 20, 2018

I am not sorry for necroing this thread because I think that this manga needs to be read at least once per year, so here's your kind reminder.

I don't even need to read it to have tears in my eyes, just seeing the thread bumped is enough. (But I still do, of course)

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

I am not sorry for necroing this thread because I think that this manga needs to be read at least once per year, so here's your kind reminder.

I don't even need to read it to have tears in my eyes, just seeing the thread bumped is enough. (But I still do, of course)

Saaaame . . .

joined Aug 25, 2024

didn't expect to get emotional over something so short-

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