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joined Dec 18, 2016

Catch me off guard.

joined Jan 20, 2014

such a peaceful one shot

joined May 28, 2017


joined Feb 23, 2016

Wow really deep...Bravo

last edited at Jun 8, 2018 11:12PM

joined Jun 3, 2017

Took 4 re-reads to get it...

I don't get it.

joined Jul 4, 2017

I demand the tragedy tag!!! I did not cried just felt like adding that tag

joined Apr 15, 2018


joined Sep 21, 2015

Took 4 re-reads to get it...

I don't get it.

She can tell that her loved one is watching over her, like in the classroom when she was staring... Omg so sad ;_;

I demand the tragedy tag!!!!

Dying from old age is not tragic.. is just... That's how life is, it goes in the blink of an eye, you should be happy for them for loving each other so much and staying together until death does them apart.

last edited at Jun 8, 2018 11:59PM

joined Jun 3, 2017

Took 4 re-reads to get it...

I don't get it.

She can tell that her loved one is watching over her, like in the classroom when she was staring... Omg so sad ;_;

Well, now I get the ending too...awesome.

joined Apr 29, 2018

i don't know why i don't think this one is sad at all. because they had the chance to live their lifes and get old together. they kinda had a beautiful life.

joined Jul 4, 2017

Took 4 re-reads to get it...

I don't get it.

She can tell that her loved one is watching over her, like in the classroom when she was staring... Omg so sad ;_;

I demand the tragedy tag!!!!

Dying from old age is not tragic.. is just... That's how life is, it goes in the blink of an eye, you should be happy for them for loving each other so much and staying together until death does them apart.

It's still tragic I hate the course of life. I still hate that we have to be separated ever for a second of our loved ones.

joined Sep 21, 2015

i don't know why i don't think this one is sad at all. because they had the chance to live their lifes and get old together. they kinda had a beautiful life.

Yeah but saying goodbye always hurt, and more so if it's someone you spent all your life with, your soulmate, your life's partner.. It is indeed the best way to live and end life, I'm not sad for the one that left peacefully, I feel empathy and sad for the ones left behind (damn I'm crying, I lost a family recently too, this hits home)

last edited at Jun 9, 2018 12:11AM

joined Jul 4, 2017

Dude i lost mom 2 years ago and it still hurts as hell

last edited at Jun 9, 2018 12:15AM

joined Feb 7, 2013

These 4 pages contain more feels than Twilight.

joined Jul 4, 2017

Twilight nhas feelings??

joined Apr 29, 2018

i don't know why i don't think this one is sad at all. because they had the chance to live their lifes and get old together. they kinda had a beautiful life.

Yeah but saying goodbye always hurt, and more so if it's someone you spent all your life with, your soulmate, your life's partner.. It is indeed the best way to live and end life, I'm not sad for the one that left peacefully, I feel empathy and sad for the ones left behind (damn I'm crying, I lost a family recently too, this hits home)

i'm sure wherever it leads it's probably to the same place. even if it's painful i think death is just goodbye and not farewell.

joined Jul 4, 2017

Twilight is just adolescence in full bloom

joined Jul 4, 2017

i don't know why i don't think this one is sad at all. because they had the chance to live their lifes and get old together. they kinda had a beautiful life.

Yeah but saying goodbye always hurt, and more so if it's someone you spent all your life with, your soulmate, your life's partner.. It is indeed the best way to live and end life, I'm not sad for the one that left peacefully, I feel empathy and sad for the ones left behind (damn I'm crying, I lost a family recently too, this hits home)

i'm sure wherever it leads it's probably to the same place. even if it's painful i think death is just goodbye and not farewell.

It's more like see ya later (way later sometimes)

joined Apr 14, 2017

Makin' me smile and cry at the same time.

joined Jul 4, 2017

Can someone say they Mija te amo buenas noches. For me??

joined Apr 29, 2018

It's more like see ya later (way later sometimes)

yep. or so that's what i hope.

joined Feb 2, 2016

What the best romantic I ever read in long time I wish I could real happen like that really world

joined Dec 18, 2016

Need Happily Ever After tag

joined Sep 28, 2011

Where is that image of Aaron Paul screaming and crying when you need it?

joined Jul 10, 2016

Well that's depressing

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