Forum › Stomach discussion

joined Nov 26, 2017

He is a serial killer, maybe he wants to be the next Taskashi Miike star.

joined Jul 29, 2017

There's something very offputting and disturbing about the way this artist draws people, especially their heads.

joined Jun 11, 2016

It's also interesting to note that the art in this Oneshot is worse then the art in this artist's other work.

joined Jun 24, 2015

Wew i was sweating. Thought it was gonna get really weird for a second. i didn't see any weird tags but i have been mislead before shudders love this artist hope to keep seeing more of this cute couple

last edited at Dec 4, 2017 10:53PM

joined Jan 18, 2016

This was too realistic a depiction of someone with an upset stomach for my tastes. The sweating from pain and the fear of another wave hitting... eugh. Author must be writing from personal experience again.

joined Jul 11, 2017

While everyone talks about that, I'm just here admiring their thigh definition

joined Sep 22, 2014

Their morbid curiosity is always weirdly cute, somehow

joined Aug 10, 2015

how this turn from fluffy and cute to fucking cringey AF that really escalated quicklly

joined Nov 24, 2017

Reminds me a bit of Harakiri by Shintaro Kago.

Man, Shintaro Kago is some seriously messed up shiat. The very definition of nightmare fuel.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

SF posted:

Becoming a Doctor takes to much work, just cut to the chase and become a serial killer.

I mean in a way it's actually a good idea to become a doctor in order to become successful at the latter, lol. Some of the highest death counts on record come from nurses and doctors. And those are just the ones who got caught. Who knows how many got away with it.

joined Sep 6, 2015

Cute and weird as always from this author.

Edit: And after reading, seeing the cover again, but this time knowing what she wants to somehow see is the inside of her girlfriend's stomach... if these two were not as cute as they are, they would be creepy as fuck. Though the disonance itself between the art and the ideas the characters have has its own appeal.

last edited at Dec 5, 2017 6:39AM

joined Jul 25, 2017

Koharu is ab goals.

joined Jan 21, 2016

Wanting to see the insides of your loved one. Prequel to their Happy Sugar Life. :)

joined Jul 14, 2016

Dude this girl is sick on the head, first it about dying and stuff and now she wants to see the insides of her girlfriend? talk about freaks dude.....

Sounds like the making of a snuff porn...blech...

Lomographic Colored Past
joined Dec 29, 2016

Just watch YouTube videos of colonoscopy, gastroscopy and laparoscopy, instead of becoming a doctor just for this purpose. Haha.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Lomographic Colored Past posted:

Just watch YouTube videos of colonoscopy, gastroscopy and laparoscopy, instead of becoming a doctor just for this purpose. Haha.

Is meaningless if they're somebody's else innards !

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

These girls are cute and romantic - the fact that they share even their weird thoughts is a good sign, I think.

joined Mar 9, 2014

welp this had a lot of scat/vore/gore potential

joined Jul 13, 2016

I remembered them differently and thought that they were just a couple who had problems to express themselves in a non weird way and used some kind of metaphors. But man they got a lot weirder in comparison to the earlier chapters where they went from “oh man dying would suck, what would I do without you?” to “I want to see the results of your dump, also I want to see your insides”. You can even see how Kaharu is weirded out by Hinoko but still accepts her. Maybe next time they run trough the streets screaming “Cthulhu afgthgnanag” with their eyes rolled back after reading the necronomicon?

joined Aug 16, 2014

Maybe next time they run trough the streets screaming “Cthulhu afgthgnanag” with their eyes rolled back after reading the necronomicon?

Outrageous, after reading the necronomicon, the least they could do would be yelling their cultish babble right.

last edited at Dec 5, 2017 3:38PM

joined Jul 14, 2016

Maybe next time they run trough the streets screaming “Cthulhu afgthgnanag” with their eyes rolled back after reading the necronomicon?

Outrageous, after reading the necronomicon, the least they could do would be yelling their cultish babble right.


Well, its nice to see fellow Call of Cthulhu geeks out there in the interwebz...

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Serenata posted:

Is meaningless if they're somebody's else innards !

Kinda difficult to be romantic about it if it's some random stranger. Better if it's your own girlfriend.

joined Feb 23, 2016

I totally forgot these two was crazy af....Σ('◉⌓◉’)

joined Jun 30, 2015

Uhm... Is it just me or the art quality just dropped?

joined Jun 3, 2014

I saw the title, then I saw the author. I was concerned and joyful at the same time.

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