Forum › Stomach discussion

joined Mar 22, 2018

Can this be considered gap moe? Both the series of one shots in general and Hinoko as a character. Or maybe it would make more sense if these characters weren't supposedly high school aged and were instead actually grade schoolers.
I mean, it is cute in its own unique way.

I'm not sure how I ended up here, somebody help me.

joined Mar 18, 2018

This was cute until they started strangling eachother... Seriously i can't tell what this was trying to be?...

joined Jun 25, 2019

Something tells me there is a lot of BDSM and anal in their future.

joined Jul 13, 2015

A manga recomendation for newbies

joined Mar 22, 2019

A manga recomendation for newbies

I fear for the newbies you are recommending this to

joined Oct 1, 2020

I appreciate the author's dedication to exploring a topic that many people can't stomach. Some would bellyache about it, others would get upset tummies, and many wouldn't even have the guts to read it. I feel like you could draw a Venn diaphragm of wholesome and kinky stories, and this would be right in the center. The two leads form such a good duodenum, and actively try to understand each other instead of being pancre-asses. There's a mild sweetness to the whole story, like warm haggis, and none of the hydrochloric acidity that ruins so many couples. It's also an accurate depiction of a high-school student's tendency to navel-gaze. This is some real entrailblazing content, and I eviscerate it 10/10.

joined Nov 12, 2020

this is how true love should be

joined Jul 8, 2018

I appreciate the author's dedication to exploring a topic that many people can't stomach. Some would bellyache about it, others would get upset tummies, and many wouldn't even have the guts to read it. I feel like you could draw a Venn diaphragm of wholesome and kinky stories, and this would be right in the center. The two leads form such a good duodenum, and actively try to understand each other instead of being pancre-asses. There's a mild sweetness to the whole story, like warm haggis, and none of the hydrochloric acidity that ruins so many couples. It's also an accurate depiction of a high-school student's tendency to navel-gaze. This is some real entrailblazing content, and I eviscerate it 10/10.

I applaud you, that was some top tier punning.

joined Sep 13, 2018

im starting to notice how the author is obsessed with death and the insides of people.

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