Forum › 1 x ½ discussion

joined Feb 18, 2019

It's this one, right?

Yep it's her ! I also put the fb link of the interview in the taiyaki comment's section ~v~ I really love taiyaki sensei. I really think she will put this story as incest. My guess is that Miyuki got the incest idea to Asuka idk how or why it happened but I have that feeling. Also in that same interview taiyaki mentioned she wanted 1x 1/2 to be a long story. So that means we will have propper character backgrounds.

last edited at Mar 11, 2019 10:16PM

joined Oct 10, 2016


joined Oct 23, 2018

dont fuck with me taiyaki give me what i want

joined Mar 12, 2019

dont fuck with me taiyaki give me what i want

How is it already 2:39 AM? Yall are 12 minutes ahead

need moar plz we need to go all the way with mom

joined Sep 9, 2017

To Goggled Anon:
For some reason I got banned on 4chan so I have no idea how are we going to do translation this time, but here
1 x 1/2 ch 13!69NSQC4K!f83IbVUrnFI_Y9mlY2J0ZfB2WcpKt7IlLVG8KVoz0_0

joined Oct 15, 2014

To Goggled Anon:
For some reason I got banned on 4chan so I have no idea how are we going to do translation this time, but here
1 x 1/2 ch 13!69NSQC4K!f83IbVUrnFI_Y9mlY2J0ZfB2WcpKt7IlLVG8KVoz0_0

I sometimes get "you are banned" messages because of some IP nonsense, usually saying I got banned months ago on a board I never visited, but usually it goes away once I look at the details (if using 4chanx, by clicking the prompt that shows up) so you may wanna check it's that rather than you specifically getting banned. If it's the latter, try hitting up their IRC. 4chan is weird.

joined Mar 26, 2019

I was just about to say that she released chapter 13 lol

joined Mar 8, 2019

Thanks to whoever will translate chapter 13. I’m glad for the quick update so thanks author!

joined Mar 26, 2019

For those who want to give her praise for this work, she does understand a little bit of english and has a translator tool. I gave her my thoughts yesterday and I could feel her radiating happiness from all the way over here in the US. Her twitter is @tiyk66

joined Mar 8, 2019

For those who want to give her praise for this work, she does understand a little bit of english and has a translator tool. I gave her my thoughts yesterday and I could feel her radiating happiness from all the way over here in the US. Her twitter is @tiyk66

Awesome! I follow her but didn’t know that so thanks!

joined Mar 26, 2019

Per Taiyaki-sensei herself, chapter 14 will be released on April 26th, 2019.

joined Sep 9, 2017

Per Taiyaki-sensei herself, chapter 14 will be released on April 26th, 2019.

Thanks for the information. I guess having an editor who literally promised "to slap Taiyaki's ass if she is not following release schedule" is helping.

joined Oct 15, 2014

Per Taiyaki-sensei herself, chapter 14 will be released on April 26th, 2019.

Technically chapter 13-2, since this installment was ch13-1.

joined Mar 26, 2019

Per Taiyaki-sensei herself, chapter 14 will be released on April 26th, 2019.

Thanks for the information. I guess having an editor who literally promised "to slap Taiyaki's ass if she is not following release schedule" is helping.

oh no she might enjoy that.

joined Oct 15, 2014

But at least it’s not sexual or porn so it seems alright so far.

Yeah, about that...

joined Sep 9, 2017

Well, the flashback scene with Miyuki was pretty sexual too...

joined Mar 26, 2019

But at least it’s not sexual or porn so it seems alright so far.

Yeah, about that...

Yeah Taiyaki warned that this'll likely become rather erotic later on.

last edited at Mar 31, 2019 1:04PM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Erotic isn't bad if it isn't rushed and if it does come naturally in the relationship.

But I get it must be very difficult to make this particular relationship veer toward eroticism in a way that won't make the readers (too much) disturbed.

If it involves alcohol, I'll be disappointed.

last edited at Mar 31, 2019 4:52PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

But I get it must be very difficult to make this particular relationship veer toward eroticism in a way that won't make the readers (too much) disturbed.

TBH given the very premise of the story anyone inclined to feel queasy about the prospect of hot daughter-on-mom action should have headed for the door already by the end of the third chapter at the latest.

joined Sep 6, 2015

But I get it must be very difficult to make this particular relationship veer toward eroticism in a way that won't make the readers (too much) disturbed.

TBH given the very premise of the story anyone inclined to feel queasy about the prospect of hot daughter-on-mom action should have headed for the door already by the end of the third chapter at the latest.

Quoted for truth because the first poster is obviously one of those who missed their exit point. I especially like that "too much" part, implying that average readers of this clearly tagged, multi-chapters story about incest will be disturbed by default. I was under the impression people usually read things they are into. I guess there are some who are not into it and are reading it to deliberately make themselves queasy, but I somehow doubt they form any meaningful percentage here.

joined Mar 28, 2019

Erotic isn't bad if it isn't rushed and if it does come naturally in the relationship.

But I get it must be very difficult to make this particular relationship veer toward eroticism in a way that won't make the readers (too much) disturbed.

If it involves alcohol, I'll be disappointed.

Yeah, alcohol might feel a bit rapey. This is a very sensitive issue that involves a mother so they gotta find the most plausible way to do this...

last edited at Apr 1, 2019 1:26AM

joined Mar 25, 2019

But I get it must be very difficult to make this particular relationship veer toward eroticism in a way that won't make the readers (too much) disturbed.

TBH given the very premise of the story anyone inclined to feel queasy about the prospect of hot daughter-on-mom action should have headed for the door already by the end of the third chapter at the latest.

Quoted for truth because the first poster is obviously one of those who missed their exit point. I especially like that "too much" part, implying that average readers of this clearly tagged, multi-chapters story about incest will be disturbed by default. I was under the impression people usually read things they are into. I guess there are some who are not into it and are reading it to deliberately make themselves queasy, but I somehow doubt they form any meaningful percentage here.

I guess I'm in that percentage. It is possible for a story to be disturbing and compelling at the same time and that was I was kinda hoping for. This one is missing the compelling part though

last edited at Apr 1, 2019 2:34AM

joined Jun 27, 2017

With what we've seen so far it's pretty clear they are both quite capable of getting turned on by the other (remember the goodnight-kissing). So I don't think it'd need any extra gimmicks to go from there.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I guess I'm in that percentage. It is possible for a story to be disturbing and compelling at the same time and that was I was kinda hoping for. This one is missing the compelling part though

Disclaimer: your mileage may vary.

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