Forum › The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All discussion

joined May 28, 2021

I'm 4 years older than Kanna, almost to the day. Excuse me while I go take my geritol :(

joined Apr 10, 2023

Actually, for this series, they redrew a lot of SFX. Not always, but often.

Official don't redraw SFX at all. They just add a small side text.

Scanlators go beyond what official cares to do.

You make it a simpler matter than it actually is. I, as I'm sure many other people too, don't want to see SFX redrawn. They're part of the original art, not just something superimposed. It's over-localization and usually it also results in more of the page being covered up by necessity. Side text is the way to go.

I'm a fan of the Yen Press house style, where the sound effect is labeled with a transliteration of the sound in Japanese, with English in parenthesis describing what the sound is. Ex "doki doki (heartbeat)". It's educational! :)

joined May 3, 2020

I'm 4 years older than Kanna, almost to the day. Excuse me while I go take my geritol :(

for preserving your youthfulness, I can highly recommend: not drinking, not smoking, not having children, and especially: not being poor.

joined May 28, 2021

I'm 4 years older than Kanna, almost to the day. Excuse me while I go take my geritol :(

for preserving your youthfulness, I can highly recommend: not drinking, not smoking, not having children, and especially: not being poor.

1 out of 4 isn't too bad I guess :P

joined Feb 1, 2021

The volume extras are gorgeous :o

joined Mar 14, 2016

This is how I find out about The Last Dinner Party's cover of a Blondie song....

joined Jul 21, 2024
joined Dec 23, 2020




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