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Funnily enough, Sometime admits the mask is just so Shion can transform like Frost does, ala Super Sentai.
But of course. Wouldn't be Sometime otherwise. :D
My dude really wanted to draw super sentai, but all they could get in this economy was a yuri gig. T__T
last edited at Jan 21, 2025 5:08PM
Funnily enough, Sometime admits the mask is just so Shion can transform like Frost does, ala Super Sentai.
But of course. Wouldn't be Sometime otherwise. :D
My dude really wanted to draw super sentai, but all they could get in this economy was a yuri gig. T__T
They basically got their chance with Superwomen in Love! Honey Trap and Rapid Rabbit. I reread that one from time to time. Super fun, enemies to lovers.
last edited at Jan 21, 2025 5:34PM
Funnily enough, Sometime admits the mask is just so Shion can transform like Frost does, ala Super Sentai.
But of course. Wouldn't be Sometime otherwise. :D
My dude really wanted to draw super sentai, but all they could get in this economy was a yuri gig. T__T
They basically got their chance with Superwomen in Love! Honey Trap and Rapid Rabbit. I reread that one from time to time. Super fun, enemies to lovers.
Sometime just loves yuri just as much as they love Super Sentai fighting ✺◟(^∇^)◞✺
Funnily enough, Sometime admits the mask is just so Shion can transform like Frost does, ala Super Sentai.
But of course. Wouldn't be Sometime otherwise. :D
My dude really wanted to draw super sentai, but all they could get in this economy was a yuri gig. T__T
They basically got their chance with Superwomen in Love! Honey Trap and Rapid Rabbit. I reread that one from time to time. Super fun, enemies to lovers.
Sometime just loves yuri just as much as they love Super Sentai fighting ✺◟(^∇^)◞✺
Although mecha will also do in a pinch. :D
last edited at Jan 22, 2025 2:06AM
Merchant girl has negative feelings toward Black knight (BK) due to her grandfather dying in incident.... Yes she saw Frost kill her(Merchant think Frost is male) father and become the new Black knight(Taking the magic belt power) but that likely was due to the previous Black Knight was likely about to go berserk and probably told Frost beforehand to kill him if that happens [Which Merchant girl doesn't know about]...Sad...At least the father was not the dragon creature that attacked...I and some people are guessed and knew it would go that route [Called it].
I just hope BK (Black knight) still has a few years left before ending up dying from the curse [Magic transforming belt]...Worst case scenario BK only has a 1-2 years left before becoming critical from the curse...Best case scenario is she has about 3-5 years left before dying...This is assuming each time the owner use the belt they speed up the proceed of the curse and BK(Frost) was 18 years old when forced to kill her father.
Meaning if the previous owner was using the belt sparingly then that is a lifespan of about 10-12 years before dying from the curse...possibly maybe 8-10 years if using it almost everyday...That is a fked up magic item...Great and powerful abilities but at the cost of slowly killing the user...Wonder how they will deal with the curse and cure it...
Probably the power of love and yuri XD????
The king and kingdom is really just using BK whole bloodline as a fking meat shield from monsters...
last edited at Jan 22, 2025 6:06PM
Love this series so much so far. I'm so glad Frost is actually a huge woman than just big armor. And they look so good as Schwartz! Clarice is also a riot and great at improvising. I hope this goes on for a while.
Also loved how Shion looks.
Merchant girl has negative feelings toward Black knight (BK) due to her grandfather dying in incident.... Yes she saw Frost kill her(Merchant think Frost is male) father and become the new Black knight(Taking the magic belt power) but that likely was due to the previous Black Knight was likely about to go berserk and probably told Frost beforehand to kill him if that happens [Which Merchant girl doesn't know about]...Sad...At least the father was not the dragon creature that attacked...I and some people are guessed and knew it would go that route [Called it].
I just hope BK (Black knight) still has a few years left before ending up dying from the curse [Magic transforming belt]...Worst case scenario BK only has a 1-2 years left before becoming critical from the curse...Best case scenario is she has about 3-5 years left before dying...This is assuming each time the owner use the belt they speed up the proceed of the curse and BK(Frost) was 18 years old when forced to kill her father.
Meaning if the previous owner was using the belt sparingly then that is a lifespan of about 10-12 years before dying from the curse...possibly maybe 8-10 years if using it almost everyday...That is a fked up magic item...Great and powerful abilities but at the cost of slowly killing the user...Wonder how they will deal with the curse and cure it...
Probably the power of love and yuri XD????The king and kingdom is really just using BK whole bloodline as a fking meat shield from monsters...
OMG thank you I was so confused about this whole lore because I'm stupid and somehow my brain refused to get it. Good thing it's not tagged as tragedy because in the last three things I have read one of them died...or even worse.
Technically, Frost has won the duel. We see on this page that while both she and Shion had their blades at each other's throats, Shion's edge was pointing away from Frost. From that position, she could have wounded her left shoulder, at best, while Frost's sword is double-edged, meaning that she was actually in a position to slice Shion's throat, if not to decapitate her outright, even with a shoulder injury. Shion does flip her blade the right way around on the next page, but a) if Frost wanted her dead, she would have died already and b) her grip is not really suited for up-and-to-the-left slashes from that position, so any such attack would be slowed and weakened by the awkward grip, giving Frost a chance to evade. tl;dr Frost wins in my book.
Also, good on Clarice for trusting her wife. I loved the moment when she corrected Violet on her current family name. :-)
last edited at Mar 4, 2025 5:15AM
Glad she asked do you even know the motives here?, finding out for herself that she's being fed a story without the full picture.
I do like the intrigue here miss merchant has it out for frost because her grandfather died in an event that she understandably believes could have been prevented if Frost didn't murder her own dad.
But also she one hundred percent has her reasons, if not because of a curse on the henshin belt then maybe because her dad sucked. Thr only thing we know is that Frost is unsociable but not unreasonable. In no small part because she has to be, she can't allow anyone to find out she's a woman thereby have her title and authority, and knighthood, and probably also henshin belt heirloom stripped away from her.
On top of that miss merchant IS in fact price gouging the region as revenge, which is making things observably worse for the people as Frost has to spend most of the budget on keeping the monsters out already leaving nowhere near enough for actual liveability.
last edited at Mar 4, 2025 5:37AM
This kinda cliché "I trust them anyway" development doesn't really feel earned at this point. There should've been a bit more development to make such a statement feel substantiated with something besides "those are the protagonists so of course".
"Who should I believe, the knight who repeatedly saved my life, or the merchant I just met who's price gouging the people while pretending to be friendly?"
I... can honestly understand both sides. Clarisse is "more right", the fact that Violet is missing the full picture is obvious from an external point of view, and Clarice has seen facets of Frost that contradict the idea that she would kill her own father, other citizens, or let destruction happen.
But also, it's a lot of coincidences for things that look bad. It seems far more likely that Frost is as evil as most people picture her to be. That the true story was never shared would also feel like an admission of guilt, like Frost is expecting people to be cowed by her reputation and that confronting her for the truth would, indeed, be a path to an early grave.
To be honest, the fact that such fear is kinda reasonable even contradicts the bad personality that Violet showed with her handling her authority or using Shion to escalate aggression. I wonder how much of it is honest, and how much of it is crafted to look like reasonable fear just to convince Clarice if she were to look a bit more into Violet's motivations.
The intrigue and mystery is scrumptious. But I'm looking forward to when the king asks about the heir making.
"Who should I believe, the knight who repeatedly saved my life, or the merchant I just met who's price gouging the people while pretending to be friendly?"
Yeah. Like, there is an argument Frost didn't do much to deserve such devotion and loyalty (sure, she saves people from immediate harm, but she does seem fine with neglecting the town otherwise). But a shady merchant you just met is not any better, lol. Specially one who directly profits from Frost's negligence.
If one was to seriously challenge the morality of the Black Knight, it can't be the president of the company who got rich out of exploiting people.
Considering her revenge based price gouging, I'd say it's a little ironic of the THIEF to be giving lectures here.
It's like if your sister did something to piss you off, so as retaliation, you kick the dog. And then, as the dog-kicker you are, you decided to lecture your sisters wife about how YOUR SISTER is the morally bankrupt one.
I find it funny how Violet says Clarice is “blind to reality” when her response boils down to “I’ll go ask her instead of making assumptions” which is a fair response lol. Only the knight in question knows what happened after all.
This kinda cliché "I trust them anyway" development doesn't really feel earned at this point. There should've been a bit more development to make such a statement feel substantiated with something besides "those are the protagonists so of course".
I mean, her life was literally saved the knight, no? We’ve seen Frost go out to fight and try and save ppl (albeit not in the best way, but still)
It’s obvious Frost isn’t as malicious as ppl paint her, and trusting the person you’re married to and share a roof under over a person you literally just met (and also confessed they don’t know WHY frost even killed “his” dad) makes enough sense to me
And it’s not even blind trust—“I’ll just ask Frost what happened instead of immediately leaving “him””— is basically what happened lol
This kinda cliché "I trust them anyway" development doesn't really feel earned at this point. There should've been a bit more development to make such a statement feel substantiated with something besides "those are the protagonists so of course".
I mean, her life was literally saved the knight, no? We’ve seen Frost go out to fight and try and save ppl (albeit not in the best way, but still)
It’s obvious Frost isn’t as malicious as ppl paint her, and trusting the person you’re married to and share a roof under over a person you literally just met (and also confessed they don’t know WHY frost even killed “his” dad) makes enough sense to me
And it’s not even blind trust—“I’ll just ask Frost what happened instead of immediately leaving “him””— is basically what happened lol
Yeah a hugely important part of this exchange is Do you know why Frost did those things? No? Okay then, I will uncover the truth myself. Combined with this exact line "I refuse to make assumptions out of fear". I don't think this is cliché or unreasonable. Our protagonist entered into a marriage with someone that people judge without knowing the whole picture, and she wants to determine the truth for herself without giving into rumors based on fear mongering. She's being level headed and reasonable, especially as she knows this woman selling her these claims has an agenda because it's obvious, and she's known this woman for even less time than Frost.
This chapter was great in my opinion, especially as there was no real reason for her to go against Frost here anyways. She has decided to trust Frost up to this point as a wife, why would she fold easily now? That would be absurd.
Now there's some unexpected intrigue!
And looking forward to our couple talking about the past, then.
Yeah, Clarice is a delight as an MC because she doesn't stay idle waiting for things to solve themselves, she actively pushes head on towards her goals no matter the obstacles. Violet has turned out to be surprisingly sympathetic and I doubt anyone saw the twist about her family coming.
I find the way this is developing weird. I mean, Violet seems to be in the process of becoming this somewhat sympathetic character, you can tell because her special knight can fight Frost to a standstill, which would absolutely not be happening if she was the bad guy, and because nowhere in the narrative does it really raise the possibility that her grievance is just a complete hoax, so presumably it isn't.
So, OK, but what about this price gouging keeping the whole damn town destitute? Are we ever going to hear about that again? I have this weird feeling like the mangaka introduced a character intending them to be one way and then lost control and let them talk until they were another way.
I aspire to be like the head maid
So, OK, but what about this price gouging keeping the whole damn town destitute? Are we ever going to hear about that again? I have this weird feeling like the mangaka introduced a character intending them to be one way and then lost control and let them talk until they were another way.
I feel the same, but it's possible that Violet is also not being judged fairly because her reasons haven't been asked (creating a parallel with Frost), or, unusual and potentially risky as it would be, to have her actually be dishonest / selfish while also wanting to protect people from Frost. Or she could turn out to be an antagonist who simply genuinely thought Frost was dangerous.
Technically, Frost has won the duel. We see on this page that while both she and Shion had their blades at each other's throats, Shion's edge was pointing away from Frost. From that position, she could have wounded her left shoulder, at best, while Frost's sword is double-edged, meaning that she was actually in a position to slice Shion's throat, if not to decapitate her outright, even with a shoulder injury. Shion does flip her blade the right way around on the next page, but a) if Frost wanted her dead, she would have died already and b) her grip is not really suited for up-and-to-the-left slashes from that position, so any such attack would be slowed and weakened by the awkward grip, giving Frost a chance to evade. tl;dr Frost wins in my book.
I'm glad to see someone else was thinking the same. This was clearly Frost's win and Shion would already have her throat cut if this was an actual fight to the death. That being said, I do believe that it only appears this way due to the artist not considering the technicalities and the intended reading is a draw.