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joined May 20, 2019

416 pages and the two have barely gotten past hand holding.

There’s 104 chapters
4 pages per chapter

104 x 4 = 416

Standard manga chapter page count is 25-30 pages

416 / 30 = approx. 14
416 / 25 = approx. 16 1/2

So if we were to go by said standard, only about 14-16, maybe 17 chapters have passed. For a slowburn, and considering what the recent story developments seem to be building to, that’s not bad I’d say.

joined Sep 10, 2022

416 pages and the two have barely gotten past hand holding.

There’s 104 chapters
4 pages per chapter

104 x 4 = 416

Standard manga chapter page count is 25-30 pages

416 / 30 = approx. 14
416 / 25 = approx. 16 1/2

So if we were to go by said standard, only about 14-16, maybe 17 chapters have passed. For a slowburn, and considering what the recent story developments seem to be building to, that’s not bad I’d say.

4 page Twitter series don't typically work on the same timeline as standard manga. It doesn't really make sense to directly compare them page by page in this way. That's not to say that this series is slow or not. I just see this comparison made quite a bit and don't really think it's useful.

last edited at Oct 13, 2024 11:24AM

joined Jul 27, 2022

Uh. Why are they having an argument now? What is going on?

Aya has been feeling insecure since chapter 98. She was clearly upset but wouldn't admit to it in chapter 100 when Mitsuki asked her what was wrong, even snapping at Mitsuki when she told her, "It's fine!" in an attempt to shut down her questioning. It was a big enough deal that Mitsuki noticed it and felt anxious about Aya treating her differently. She can tell that Aya is upset and acting weird, but she doesn't understand why.

Honestly, I think that's pretty realistic on Mitsuki's end. She doesn't know that she's a character in a shoujo manga (an important point that I think people tend to forget when they're evaluating how characters act) and she still has low confidence and self-esteem. All these interactions with other students now that she's popular mean very little to her, Aya is the only person she's let close to her heart. In Mitsuki's perspective, what reason could Aya possibly have to be jealous?

It makes perfect sense how this whole situation could lead into them both being frustrated with each other for things being so awkward and tense, but neither of them has stepped up and really tried to talk it out (yet).

It wouldn't hurt some of y'all to go back and reread recent chapters before a new one comes out, just saying. Several weeks can be enough time to forget some pretty important details.

joined Aug 1, 2011

I can't help but notice how, for most of this chapter, Koga is mostly under the umbrella and Aya is just completely out in the rain

joined Jul 29, 2017

Slow burn manga is slow.

joined May 3, 2020

It makes perfect sense how this whole situation could lead into them both being frustrated with each other for things being so awkward and tense, but neither of them has stepped up and really tried to talk it out (yet).

I'm pretty, and sure, that in this manga the talking will need to be kicked off with singing first.
maybe Narita will actually have to organise a prom. Maybe Narita will actually have to do something, that's actual work, huh?

joined Nov 22, 2019

416 pages and the two have barely gotten past hand holding.

There’s 104 chapters
4 pages per chapter

104 x 4 = 416

Standard manga chapter page count is 25-30 pages

416 / 30 = approx. 14
416 / 25 = approx. 16 1/2

So if we were to go by said standard, only about 14-16, maybe 17 chapters have passed. For a slowburn, and considering what the recent story developments seem to be building to, that’s not bad I’d say.

Yes, but when each chapter is only 4 pages long, the faster pase kinda gives the audience the expectation of faster development. Additionally, those "16 1/2 chapters" have been spread out over 2 whole years. 2 years without any romantic development is a lot.

joined Aug 17, 2012

It makes perfect sense how this whole situation could lead into them both being frustrated with each other for things being so awkward and tense, but neither of them has stepped up and really tried to talk it out (yet).

I'm pretty, and sure, that in this manga the talking will need to be kicked off with singing first.
maybe Narita will actually have to organise a prom. Maybe Narita will actually have to do something, that's actual work, huh?

Ha, he'll rope in Mao and Chizuru and pass the actual work off on to them ;p

last edited at Oct 13, 2024 3:14PM

joined Sep 28, 2014

I'm not too big of a fan of this chapter. Their interest in music has been as fans of music that is popular in the West but not the East. Sperging out with facts about the Beatles seems a bit too otaku.

joined Sep 27, 2017

I'm not too big of a fan of this chapter. Their interest in music has been as fans of music that is popular in the West but not the East. Sperging out with facts about the Beatles seems a bit too otaku.

The impression I've always gotten is that the music elements have been channeling the author's relationship with music, experiences, the kind of music she loves. So this chapter didn't seem out of place to me, just more of the author channeling her music passion through the characters.

joined Jul 3, 2020

Narita this, Chizuru that, we always forget about Mao. Mao is an icon because while she wants her friends to be happy, she can stay in her lane and knows that whatever Koga and Aya have going on is so far out of her depth. All hail Mao being the least meddling and most reasonable person. I can picture that when Koga and Aya do finally get together, it's gonna be Mao who drags everyone else away so Koga and Aya can have a private moment.

joined Apr 10, 2023

416 pages and the two have barely gotten past hand holding.

There’s 104 chapters
4 pages per chapter

104 x 4 = 416

Standard manga chapter page count is 25-30 pages

416 / 30 = approx. 14
416 / 25 = approx. 16 1/2

So if we were to go by said standard, only about 14-16, maybe 17 chapters have passed. For a slowburn, and considering what the recent story developments seem to be building to, that’s not bad I’d say.

Yes, but when each chapter is only 4 pages long, the faster pase kinda gives the audience the expectation of faster development. Additionally, those "16 1/2 chapters" have been spread out over 2 whole years. 2 years without any romantic development is a lot.

I don't know how you can say we've had no romantic development when we've gone from Aya thinking Mitsuki is just some nerd who sits next to her at school to being out to her friends about being in love with Mitsuki, who has in turn gone from being afraid of Aya judging her to writing suggesting songs about her and making those songs public.

joined Jul 27, 2022

I don't know how you can say we've had no romantic development when we've gone from Aya thinking Mitsuki is just some nerd who sits next to her at school to being out to her friends about being in love with Mitsuki, who has in turn gone from being afraid of Aya judging her to writing suggesting songs about her and making those songs public.

Spitting gay facts! For real, this is so true.

joined Jul 25, 2014

I reported to Narita

Lol, captain Narita is putting in work on this ship.

joined Mar 19, 2022

I held off on reading this because I knew it would be glacial, but I like it so far. The prom thing seems really prom-ising for a confession or new development.

joined Jan 3, 2022

Uh. Why are they having an argument now? What is going on?

Genuinely felt this

Aya has been feeling insecure since chapter 98. She was clearly upset but wouldn't admit to it in chapter 100 when Mitsuki asked her what was wrong, even snapping at Mitsuki when she told her, "It's fine!" in an attempt to shut down her questioning. It was a big enough deal that Mitsuki noticed it and felt anxious about Aya treating her differently. She can tell that Aya is upset and acting weird, but she doesn't understand why.

Honestly, I think that's pretty realistic on Mitsuki's end. She doesn't know that she's a character in a shoujo manga (an important point that I think people tend to forget when they're evaluating how characters act) and she still has low confidence and self-esteem. All these interactions with other students now that she's popular mean very little to her, Aya is the only person she's let close to her heart. In Mitsuki's perspective, what reason could Aya possibly have to be jealous?

It makes perfect sense how this whole situation could lead into them both being frustrated with each other for things being so awkward and tense, but neither of them has stepped up and really tried to talk it out (yet).

It wouldn't hurt some of y'all to go back and reread recent chapters before a new one comes out, just saying. Several weeks can be enough time to forget some pretty important details.

Thanks for the explanation lol (and I prolly should reread but I’m… lazy I plan on rereading when the series is over)

joined Oct 14, 2022

i'd love to see them to star to figuring things out by their own, like Mitsuki doing something impulsive and triggering Aya to say some big deal or vice verse
Mitsuki letting out something like "but I wrote them for you." after a arguer (proceding to be the most sapphic song ever) making Aya actually going to search and translate n being like Bella figuring out Vampires
and Narita and Co be surprise but also proud but also "HOW THE FUCK THOSE TWO ROMANCE INCOPETENTS AND OBLIVIOUS DORKS COULD DO THIS TO ME???? (organize a whole fucking prom for them to confess, and they doing it by the soda machine 3pm on a wednesday)

joined Jul 27, 2022

i'd love to see them to star to figuring things out by their own, like Mitsuki doing something impulsive and triggering Aya to say some big deal or vice verse
Mitsuki letting out something like "but I wrote them for you." after a arguer (proceding to be the most sapphic song ever) making Aya actually going to search and translate n being like Bella figuring out Vampires
and Narita and Co be surprise but also proud but also "HOW THE FUCK THOSE TWO ROMANCE INCOPETENTS AND OBLIVIOUS DORKS COULD DO THIS TO ME???? (organize a whole fucking prom for them to confess, and they doing it by the soda machine 3pm on a wednesday)

I love it, these are some great ideas, by the soda machine XD

joined Oct 19, 2023

blorbo-shaped kouhai

joined Aug 1, 2022

Man fuck her Dad and any adult telling a 5 year old she should be a music producer. Let relax with finger prints, my god. Don't pressure a child to be perfect at something or completely tear them down. This happens so often in real life so it makes sense in manga.

joined Jan 15, 2021

i'd love to see them to star to figuring things out by their own, like Mitsuki doing something impulsive and triggering Aya to say some big deal or vice verse
Mitsuki letting out something like "but I wrote them for you." after a arguer (proceding to be the most sapphic song ever) making Aya actually going to search and translate n being like Bella figuring out Vampires
and Narita and Co be surprise but also proud but also "HOW THE FUCK THOSE TWO ROMANCE INCOPETENTS AND OBLIVIOUS DORKS COULD DO THIS TO ME???? (organize a whole fucking prom for them to confess, and they doing it by the soda machine 3pm on a Wednesday)

I like the idea, the only problem would be that a Wednesday afternoon is the perfect day and time for a confession, and neither of them is that smooth or experienced enough to do it on purpose or lucky enough to do it on accident. I personally am still holding out for them to have a "MANGA MOMENT" (the accidental push at just the right time for a quick kiss) preferably in front of Uncle Joe or the friend group or both.

joined Mar 7, 2017

I personally am still holding out for them to have a "MANGA MOMENT" (the accidental push at just the right time for a quick kiss) preferably in front of Uncle Joe or the friend group or both.

I sincerely hope the author doesn't do that.

joined Aug 25, 2024

I'll make you look back.

bro's writing is THIS fire?!?

joined Jul 21, 2024

Since her father is a music producer and is interested in meeting Mitsuki, there’s a possibility that Mitsuki could get signed to a record label (if we view it optimistically).

joined May 28, 2021

From the few glimpses we got, seems like the new girl might be from a pretty well off family. Maybe her dad is a big shot producer? That would explain her looking for talents, potentially wanting to strike out on her own. Real curious to see where sensei is taking us with that !

My wild guess from a month ago ended up being pretty close :O

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