Forum › The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All discussion

joined Mar 10, 2020

100 episodes in and still no kiss. Oh well, time to embrace the next 100.

joined Apr 25, 2020

Freckles is locked TF in really

joined Jul 14, 2023

HELL YEAH I dropped out of this manga in the half way (like half year or year ago?!) AND THEY JUDGING BY THE COMMENTS they still didn't kiss!!! as a biggest slowburn enjoyer (and this manga just has the yummiest style) i'm eatin' so good rnnn tho I would wait for the end, the author simply has VERY good yuri works

joined Aug 22, 2014

This comment was majestic.

Is your girlfriend suddenly holding back around you? Is there an inexplicable distance between you?

She may have contracted Acute Anime! Know the signs!

Symptoms include:

  • Not Talking about what's bothering her
  • Standoffishness with you or your friend group
  • Coldness to you for no reason
  • Mood swings around you because you're not a mind reader†
  • Not Fucking Talking about what's bothering her!

In many cases, Acute Anime can be cured through physical affection and concrete affirmation of how much you value her presence in your life. ‡ More advanced cases or comorbidity with Tsunderitis may require intervention by a Social Artillery Specialist to break through the knots she's tied herself.

Remember, Acute Anime is a condition that can affect anyone in love, up to and including straight men -- an estimated 50% of characters will contract Acute Anime in their lifetime! -- and only you can prevent it from advancing to Chronic Anime or Terminal Anime (cf. Romeo and Juliet). So act now, before it's to late!

† If you ARE a mind reader, wtf are you doing, get over yourself and figure out how to comfort your lady, you useless lesbian!

‡ If you somehow don't value her, just break it off clearly; no one likes a lesbian who strings girls along because of rank cowardice!

Paid for by the Use Your Words Foundation, the Anime Bullshit Defense League, and donations from viewers like you.

joined Aug 12, 2019

Freckles is locked TF in really

the youthful hawk have succeeded on perching on her target. silently reveling in absolute awe for the remainder til 5th period with her flock. meanwhile, the lesbianus Aya is reeling in from the defeat.

joined Feb 19, 2023

Oh, jeez no! Please be a mercifully brief dramatic jealously arc...

There are plenty of examples of series that keep being interesting and successful after the couple has moved on to e.g. exploring the nuances of having an actual lesbian romantic relationship while still in high school.

I really wish they'd go there instead of retreading the same tired by-the-numbers drama cliches...

joined Sep 28, 2021

Is your girlfriend suddenly holding back around you? Is there an inexplicable distance between you?

She may have contracted Acute Anime! Know the signs!

Singlehandedly one of the most amusing and entertaining comments I have read in a very long time XD

joined Aug 17, 2012

Aya said "It's fine" and I'm thinking it was said in that tone of voice, which of course means Mitsuki is in real trouble, lol.

joined May 5, 2020

Y'know what's a good song, Aya? "Hey, Jealousy."

joined Jan 3, 2022

“Come back in a year!” - Aya, probably

not sure if that's a good idea. she came back a month later. if a year goes by, little Freckle-chan will grow up more beautiful and towered over Aya.

Well, they’ll be 3rd years by then (I’m pretty sure Aya and Koga are 2nd years at least) so they wont be in school long enough for the Kouhai to rizz Koga up (I think they’re currently halfway through their school year? Idk I’m dumb)

plus, if Aya hasn’t already won Koga’s heart in that time, then the new girl deserves a chance, lol

Koga and Aya have been 3rd years for a while.

That's the whole point of Koga maybe leaving for L.A. with Kanna soon.

I am very dumb then lol…

I also forgot about that

I’m 100% gonna reread this whole series once it’s completed

joined Feb 17, 2020

So confused on what's going on in chapter 100

joined Jun 8, 2022

Basically, Aya had regarded the record store as 'their' place, a space in which she and Koga could appreciate music uninhibited and the latter could dress and act how she preferred. Koga has been being more open with such things in school, and so didn't really think much of sharing that space with the sudden tide of girls *wanting to be her friend (*read: swooning over her). It's a pretty standard jealously thing. She already had competition for Koga at school, now she'll be having competition at the record store. No one likes having to strike down interlopers making moves on their oblivious crush 24/7.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Basically, Aya had regarded the record store as 'their' place, a space in which she and Koga could appreciate music uninhibited and the latter could dress and act how she preferred. Koga has been being more open with such things in school, and so didn't really think much of sharing that space with the sudden tide of girls *wanting to be her friend (*read: swooning over her). It's a pretty standard jealously thing. She already had competition for Koga at school, now she'll be having competition at the record store. No one likes having to strike down interlopers making moves on their oblivious crush 24/7.

But I’m pretty sure Aya also resents being lumped in with the kouhai as one of many “visitors to the store” rather than one of the “store family” and Mitsuki’s “special friend.” As you say, it’s “their place,” but the way Mitsuki says, “You can come with them” doesn’t acknowledge that special relationship.

In context, a kind of horrifyingly “anti-progress” response, actually.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Basically, Aya had regarded the record store as 'their' place, a space in which she and Koga could appreciate music uninhibited and the latter could dress and act how she preferred. Koga has been being more open with such things in school, and so didn't really think much of sharing that space with the sudden tide of girls *wanting to be her friend (*read: swooning over her). It's a pretty standard jealously thing. She already had competition for Koga at school, now she'll be having competition at the record store. No one likes having to strike down interlopers making moves on their oblivious crush 24/7.

But I’m pretty sure Aya also resents being lumped in with the kouhai as one of many “visitors to the store” rather than one of the “store family” and Mitsuki’s “special friend.” As you say, it’s “their place,” but the way Mitsuki says, “You can come with them” doesn’t acknowledge that special relationship.

In context, a kind of horrifyingly “anti-progress” response, actually.

It would read better if Mitsuki were actually honest about why she said that to Aya. She views Aya as a safety blanket, like a cuddly teddy bear that calms her nerves. If she'd just said something like, "These girls are coming by the store and I'm super nervous--could you tag along and help me through that day?" It would have landed better.

The way she phrased it made Aya feel like an add-on, on top of their "place" not being as special anymore. Mitsuki needs to stop thinking about these things and speak. It would be an easy fix if she did (especially since Mitsuki seems to recognize Aya was put off), but I don't expect that. She instead thinks about wanting Aya as her comfort, instead of saying that to Aya. She would perk up immediately if Mitsuki clarified.

last edited at Sep 10, 2024 9:54AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

I'm sure it'll shake out sooner or later and their new special place will be Mitsuki's bedroom :P

joined Aug 12, 2019

I'm sure it'll shake out sooner or later and their new special place will be Mitsuki's bedroom :P

I like this idea

joined Jan 15, 2021

Basically, Aya had regarded the record store as 'their' place, a space in which she and Koga could appreciate music uninhibited and the latter could dress and act how she preferred. Koga has been being more open with such things in school, and so didn't really think much of sharing that space with the sudden tide of girls *wanting to be her friend (*read: swooning over her). It's a pretty standard jealously thing. She already had competition for Koga at school, now she'll be having competition at the record store. No one likes having to strike down interlopers making moves on their oblivious crush 24/7.

But I’m pretty sure Aya also resents being lumped in with the kouhai as one of many “visitors to the store” rather than one of the “store family” and Mitsuki’s “special friend.” As you say, it’s “their place,” but the way Mitsuki says, “You can come with them” doesn’t acknowledge that special relationship.

In context, a kind of horrifyingly “anti-progress” response, actually.

It would read better if Mitsuki were actually honest about why she said that to Aya. She views Aya as a safety blanket, like a cuddly teddy bear that calms her nerves. If she'd just said something like, "These girls are coming by the store and I'm super nervous--could you tag along and help me through that day?" It would have landed better.

The way she phrased it made Aya feel like an add-on, on top of their "place" not being as special anymore. Mitsuki needs to stop thinking about these things and speak. It would be an easy fix if she did (especially since Mitsuki seems to recognize Aya was put off), but I don't expect that. She instead thinks about wanting Aya as her comfort, instead of saying that to Aya. She would perk up immediately if Mitsuki clarified.

It strikes me as this situation is the 'BAD SIDE' of not being hyper self-absorbed. Mitsuki just doesn't see herself as all that great and unfortunately she doesn't realize how much hurt she unintentionally dishes out. Even worse, if someone tried to honestly tell her about the reality of things, she'd NEVER believe it. Not because she's down on herself, but because she's a decent human being.

joined Mar 4, 2018

I'm sure it'll shake out sooner or later and their new special place will be Mitsuki's bedroom :P

I like this idea


joined Aug 29, 2023

Ch. 101 drops tomorrow, so I think I still have some time to celebrate the release of our 100th chapter! Here's to many more!

Man, to think I started reading this in my 1st year of high school and now I'm a senior... This may not exactly be what people mean when they say "I grew up with this manga" (I mean, just look at One Piece fans), but it kinda feels like it to me.

joined Feb 17, 2013

So the song is "Me to Her" huh.... interesting

joined Mar 28, 2015

shanejayell posted:

So the song is "Me to Her" huh.... interesting

No, it's the name of the "band" if I understand correctly.

joined Oct 10, 2014

You're NOT the first to find this star!

joined Jan 16, 2021

I've pre ordered volume 1 in English, but... I've really lost interest in this series. Just feels like nothing significant is happening, and when there is drama it's kinda pointless. This "jealousy" arc better resolve quickly and end with a confession (probably by singing).

joined Oct 29, 2023

Bandcamp mentioned!!

joined Dec 20, 2018

Senpai is about to get even more famous...

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