Would have liked a good ol NSFW chapter but I’m just pleased it actually reached a conclusion instead of just dropping off the face of the earth with several plot threads hanging open. cough*tadokorosancough*
Trying to find one where a girl ends up falling in love with a snow spirit that rescued her? Had a follow up where they eventually ended up living together.
I really enjoyed this series. Sure the random drama bits with Sora's mom and Wakana's friend felt kinda "Very Special Episode" ish but overall the art was clean and the characters were likable. Also I appreciate how at the end they have the plushies they won for eachother on the bed together. Nice little touch.
Honest I really would have loved to see more of these two, especially the living together, but for what we got it definitely sounds like they're living their best lives now.
Ugh such a cop-out with not seeing the full conversation between the two. Sure we'll find out eventually but as a narrative device it just feels lacking.
As always thank you for the hard work Daphie.
As for my thoughts on Madoromi I was finding it really hard to like this chapter and I definitely feel it ruined the vibe of the date. Bless Ai for continuing to live up to her name though. Also Ai at the begging of this series would have responded with doubt and a depression spiral, so glad to she she’s subtly more confident in herself and relationship with Misumi.