Forum › To You Who Were Buried discussion

joined Aug 13, 2023

Wonder what changed her mind from "Flowers are beautiful because they're fleeting" to "There's no point to love if it'll be over in ten(!!!!) years".

It's not just you. The part about the moon's "magnetic field" halting human reproduction made me chuckle too. Trying to ground the premise in a sciency explanation just falls so flat that it's harder to take seriously than if it were just handwaved entirely.

and yea you really brought stupid real physics into an fictional story.

No, that was the author, I think

last edited at Aug 30, 2024 10:40AM

joined Jul 22, 2014

Solemn but that's reality.

joined Apr 10, 2021

Solemn but that's reality.

What things about this zombie resurrection majora's mask moon magnetic infertility yuri are "reality"

joined Jan 13, 2015

That was damn terrible.
The whole story was just such bullshit that it takes meaning from everything else. First of all at that point I'm time no society would be left to witness the actual hit of the moon. Second what do you meant the magnetic field of the moon caused humans to lose the ability to reproduce. Next forcefully resurrecting the dead.....? Why for what purpose?
I really don't know what the person who wrote this smoked but they should stop.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Very impressive.

joined Aug 2, 2023

I want to apologize for the things I wrote about Just Like This, Until The World Ends, because I didn't knew how bad it could have been instead.

The art is pretty. The words to go with it ... don't really go with it.

joined Oct 15, 2021

Plays Oath to Order > v A v > ^

joined Jul 8, 2019

Fun fact: The Earth's moon has no magnetic field because its metal core has long since cooled down and stopped spinning. As far as we know, magnetic fields have no tangible effect on human reproduction (gravitational fields, on the other hand... let's just say it's hard to have sex when your entire continent is flooded by high tides). And even if the Moon's orbit suddenly began to decay at the stated rate (ca. 384.4 km/year), it would have hit the Roche limit and disintegrated into an asteroid ring around Earth 38 years before the manga even took place.

I am sorry to all the catgirls who died when I brought real physics into a fantasy manga, but I am supremely peeved by sloppy worldbuiding from an author pitched to me as a "fantasy genius".

wander how you can even read fiction if this is what kills your damn buzz LAMO, and yea you really brought stupid real physics into an fictional story.

or to summ it up:

"Stop liking what I don't like"
"Science is for nerds!"
mispelling in words, even mispellings in acronyms

Don't want to be rude, but your post might just qualify as this year's holder of the "post less likely to sway mi opinion towards that of its author" title.
Just saying.

joined Apr 27, 2014

I loved this, short, sweet, moon killing is something I don't recall seeing often, nice art. More please!!!

Who cares if it's a wee unrealistic, starting from resurrecting people, who cares about the moon field xD come on now.

last edited at Aug 30, 2024 9:01PM

joined Feb 17, 2024

damn that was pretty cool. heartfelt and creative.

joined Oct 25, 2023

^Wow that is terrible on the ears without seeing the muppets moving their mouths to the words.

joined Nov 21, 2018

This story has cute art and the character interactions should be peak... but the faulty science did kinda take me out of it at first, and I had to put extra effort into paying attention to the story. It may seem silly to those commenting about "bringing physics into a story" but having our immersion ruined by the premise is hard to counteract.

joined May 15, 2019

or to summ it up:

"Stop liking what I don't like"
"Science is for nerds!"
mispelling in words, even mispellings in acronyms

Don't want to be rude, but your post might just qualify as this year's holder of the "post less likely to sway mi opinion towards that of its author" title.
Just saying.

We'll you also mispelled word so I guess you're point is also invalid.

joined Jul 15, 2016

It's not just you. The part about the moon's "magnetic field" halting human reproduction made me chuckle too. Trying to ground the premise in a sciency explanation just falls so flat that it's harder to take seriously than if it were just handwaved entirely.

Rather than trying to sound scientific, the author could have just gone the full fantasy route: a Bad Thing happened (not 1000, but 16 years ago -- right after Kiri and Nekuro's births), and everyone has lost the ability to reproduce, but also started coming back as zombies after death. Also, once the last living person dies, the world will end (because Prophecy Says So). That's all that was needed for the world-building to not detract from the emotional punch of the story the author wanted to tell.

joined Oct 24, 2018

Straight to the favorite list. I'm not ashamed to say I love this hot mess of wannabe sci-fi.

joined May 26, 2020

Pulls out ocarina Not on my watch!!!

joined Apr 10, 2023

Fun fact: The Earth's moon has no magnetic field because its metal core has long since cooled down and stopped spinning. As far as we know, magnetic fields have no tangible effect on human reproduction (gravitational fields, on the other hand... let's just say it's hard to have sex when your entire continent is flooded by high tides). And even if the Moon's orbit suddenly began to decay at the stated rate (ca. 384.4 km/year), it would have hit the Roche limit and disintegrated into an asteroid ring around Earth 38 years before the manga even took place.

I am sorry to all the catgirls who died when I brought real physics into a fantasy manga, but I am supremely peeved by sloppy worldbuiding from an author pitched to me as a "fantasy genius".

The moon suddenly started moving towards the earth all on its own, so obviously it changed. Maybe it's got a magical magnetic field and is as immortal as a zombie now and thus will not break up in the atmosphere.

...But there's nothing that I can think of to justify how there's a difference remaining between "living human" and "zombie" as a line between our star-crossed lovers when people stopped giving birth a millennium ago. Is the main character of this comic one thousand years old and still "living"??
(Also a falling billboard accident feels so cartoony lmao)
This kinda fell flat for me emotionally because there's no buildup to the choice to murder her zombie friend. Pacing-wise this kinda fell like it was trying to do too much in too few pages. It doesn't help that I just read a much much more effective one-shot about lesbian tragedy that accomplished far more than this in just 8 pages instead of 30, so this manga inevitably falters in the comparison.

Ironically, the comment section for "Me and Her are ..." is the exact opposite of this one, with a bunch of people complaining because the story doesn't explain anything. They're wrong though it's good BECAUSE it refuses to explain anything. The main character doesn't know what's happening to her so you don't get to know either.

last edited at Sep 3, 2024 5:03AM

joined Jun 8, 2022

Honestly this mostly stuck out to me as euthanasia commentary, with dashes of yuri and sci-fi handwavery.

joined Jan 8, 2024

doomed yuri gone wrong (GONE PHILOSOPHICAL)

joined Jun 10, 2023

This was a whole lot of ideas at once and tbh it's all bullshit but I'm here for it, in the end it's a story about loss and humanity and lesbians, very good topics indeed

joined Apr 10, 2023

Honestly this mostly stuck out to me as euthanasia commentary, with dashes of yuri and sci-fi handwavery.

This would be so much better as a focused story on euthanasia without the sci fi nonsense choking the emotional relatability imo. There's no need for an apocalypse to have a story about loving someone who wants to die, as many people who have ever dated with depression could tell the author if they asked. Shoving all this nonsense about the moon and reproduction and government policies and zombies in our faces before we jump right into "I killed her" and only THEN actually introducing our characters could not blunt that emotional edge any harder. Might as well magically have the dead girlfriend get better and have a HEA at that point.

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