Forum › Our "Love" is Disgusting discussion

joined Feb 14, 2016

Ah now this is what the youth of today would describe as "'s so fucking peak"

joined Oct 25, 2023

Since nobody else mentioned it, I'll make this comment my prediction that the older sister mentioned here: is the MC's first love.
The younger sister has a different family name due to some yet to be explained shenanigans.

I'm often wrong about these types of things and probably am here too. Especially since I'm just basing this prediction on the the author drawing attention to this unnamed sister in the first chapter and it not being known where MC's first love is now.

last edited at Aug 14, 2024 4:06PM

joined Mar 26, 2021

But yeah, having your first sexual experience called "disgusting" would be traumatic. Wonder if interacting with another "disgusting" girl will exacerbate this trauma or help her process it?

I'd say them calling each other "disgusting" and bonding over it is kind of the first step of healing. It very much reminded me of how irl slurs can be reclaimed by the oppressed community. Yes, someone might've gotten called "disgusting" or even "queer", but by accepting that part of yourself and finding fellow hurt souls in similar situations you can build a space in which the thing that's "disgusting" about you is accepted (or even celebrated).
We don't know much about the specifics of Komugi's trauma. Maybe she has a specific fetish which Meguru couldn't accept, maybe it was merely the fact she was a lesbian while Meguru was straight, maybe the sex itself was disgusting for a rather ace Meguru... We also don't know if Ren's trauma is due to any specific experience, or just the feeling that she'd be judged for what she likes.
In any case, we can expect Komugi and Ren to share their troubles and bond over it.

joined Oct 14, 2014

I think the funniest possible outcome would be Meguru having a fetish for disgustingness roleplay and she was actually into it but Komugi was too normal and got freaked out

joined Jun 11, 2021

i love how different this is from their previous work, i'm so excited to see how fucked up this gets (i'm counting on you usui shio)

joined Aug 2, 2023

Also, asexual people can still enjoy or think about sexual or sensual things guys, even kink. It's a spectrum and the author idk has come out officially as anything. But i do appreciate their past ace rep and hope this new series takes off. I've been looking forward to it, thank you translators and uploaders!!!

Exactly. It's perfectly possible that ace people fantasize if not obsess about a "fetish" without necessarily having to be into the whole "undulating flesh exuding viscous secretions" body horror sex thingy.

The dumbest thing that doesn't matter that I noticed on reread - you could say it's hindsight, but really - isn't it a better plan to just take your stupid figurine away during working hours at some opportune moment, instead of sneaking in when it's not your shift looking like the most suspicious person ever, and having to escape when someone approaches? :P No one would give a second thought about a stupid doll that's missing from a lost and found box (hell, Yakou would be probably happy that she doesn't have to resist licking it lol), they would probably assume that the owner already collected it when it was someone else's shift.

Have you ever seen a trans or GNC person buy their first set of affirming clothes? If anything this is a rather realistic depiction of the irrational paranoia you can develop when afraid to be "found out".

joined Mar 19, 2022

Since nobody else mentioned it, I'll make this comment my prediction that the older sister mentioned here: is the MC's first love.
The younger sister has a different family name due to some yet to be explained shenanigans.

I'm often wrong about these types of things and probably am here too. Especially since I'm just basing this prediction on the the author drawing attention to this unnamed sister in the first chapter and it not being known where MC's first love is now.

This was my immediate thought as well. I hope the author just uses the older sister to introduce yet another fetish and doesn't go with such an obvious coincidence.

joined Jul 31, 2019

Have you ever seen a trans or GNC person buy their first set of affirming clothes? If anything this is a rather realistic depiction of the irrational paranoia you can develop when afraid to be "found out".

Not saying anything about it being realistic or not, it was just a bad decision (which people do make in real life) regardless of paranoia, not sure it has anything to do with that you said. In both options someone would presumably notice the doll is missing, in the one she chose she was actually more likely to be found out (and well, it happened :P).

joined Dec 15, 2023

Not something I would have expected from this author, but I'm here for it.

joined Apr 23, 2023

Usui Shio? Count me in.

joined May 10, 2021

That was quite unexpected from this author, but it is very welcomed.
Hopefully it can keep being wacky as heck.
Thanks for the translation!

joined Nov 13, 2022

Azuki's first sexual experience that wasbranded "disgusting", and evidently traumatized her. Yakou doesn't look at her or other girls that way. That's pretty ace if you ask me.

I don't know, it definitely seems like she has a sexual urge, with how she got off almost to completion with that figuring. Judging by that and her reaction after, I feel like her case is one of a deeply repressed sexuality that is most definitely caused by some intense trauma.

Not that asexuality is the point or even related to this manga necessarily, but I just wanted to say that the typically definition of asexuality is a lack of sexual attraction to other people, which means that regardless of whether a person masturbates or has a high sexual drive, they can still be asexual if they don't have the desire to have sex with other people. Based on Yakou's self description, I would call her asexual. But we still don't know if she is being completely honest, or if she's instead lying out of a sense of shame. In either case, I think it will be really interesting to see how this plays out.

joined Nov 27, 2022

I just love a good kink and finding friends through kinks, aww. I wonder if they'll introduce more characters down the line with their hidden desires.

joined Feb 11, 2022

Ooh, this is intriguing. Definitely not what I was expecting from Usui-sensei, but I am here for it. This is gonna be a ride, I'm sure

joined May 3, 2014

Azuki's first sexual experience that wasbranded "disgusting", and evidently traumatized her. Yakou doesn't look at her or other girls that way. That's pretty ace if you ask me.

I don't know, it definitely seems like she has a sexual urge, with how she got off almost to completion with that figuring. Judging by that and her reaction after, I feel like her case is one of a deeply repressed sexuality that is most definitely caused by some intense trauma.

Not that asexuality is the point or even related to this manga necessarily, but I just wanted to say that the typically definition of asexuality is a lack of sexual attraction to other people, which means that regardless of whether a person masturbates or has a high sexual drive, they can still be asexual if they don't have the desire to have sex with other people. Based on Yakou's self description, I would call her asexual. But we still don't know if she is being completely honest, or if she's instead lying out of a sense of shame. In either case, I think it will be really interesting to see how this plays out.

it’s called a fetish, you can’t be serious that some one is asexual while going to town hard core on some doll but feel NOTHING about humans? do we call people that are only interested in furry asexual too? cuz some can only get off on the idea of furry you know that? we call it a fetish not being asexual
joined Jan 7, 2018

It is pretty obvious that the old sister is Meguro. She stared at her body because they have similar tone and shape, being sisters and all.

This is probably gonna be a monthly update, but I am looking forward for more.

joined Oct 19, 2021

Oh, she's traumatized. Oh dear.

joined Jun 13, 2012

Why there's a person sitting next to the MC in this page?

joined Jun 21, 2021

Why there's a person sitting next to the MC in this page?

that's not another person but the MC. it's an "afterimage to show movement/reaction" kinda deal. would prob be a bit clearer with motions lines or smth but oh well xD

joined May 29, 2021

People keep trying to pigeonhole Shio as an aro/ace exclusive author when they only have one manga that falls into that category. Crescent Moon is her only manga that features it. Trying Out Marriage doesn’t feature much physical intimacy because it’s an incredibly slow burn friends to lovers story. Nothing at the end led me to believe their relationship wouldn’t have a physical component now their feelings were understood. Becoming Her Lover is perhaps Shio’s most traditional yuri story to date. This story seems to be her most blatant when it comes to dealing with physical intimacy. This should be plenty of evidence to show that the scope of her work is considerably broader than aro/ace.

joined Feb 24, 2023

You gotta wonder how one even thinks up a premise this nuts lmfao

joined Apr 25, 2020

Yeah y'all are fucking crazy

joined Jan 24, 2022

Trauma bonding

joined Sep 11, 2020

I literally cannot IMAGINE a vibe more opposite "Crescent Donuts"

This is the same mangaka??? Holy moly.

Not saying it's bad, obviously. I am interested. Just surprised by the big range of this author lol

last edited at Aug 15, 2024 2:48AM

joined Dec 2, 2016

Ok, i am uber hooked!!!

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