Forum › A Song by the Loom for the Autumn Storm discussion

joined May 29, 2021

This was adorable. Simple sugar with no added complexities. Sometimes you just want a cute by-the-numbers love story.

joined Jun 12, 2023

Cute story!

joined Aug 21, 2017

They move fast!
joined Jun 6, 2020

omg kissing in a yodakawa!

joined Apr 10, 2024

It takes some guts to upend your entire life and move to the country on the assumption that the cute woman from the poster at the supermarket is

  • not a model from a stock photo agency
  • single
  • gay.
joined Aug 7, 2013

so wholesome my goshhh

joined Aug 11, 2019

I thought it was rather new for Yodokawa to create a story where the older girl takes initiative chasing the younger one for once, but nope, it was the younger chasing after the older, again :))

joined Feb 28, 2015

Stalkermaxxed cutiefilled

last edited at Jul 8, 2024 9:39PM

joined Nov 13, 2022

This is just like that one P.G. Wodehouse novel where the guy fixates on a cute girl in a photo in a magazine and then meets her in real life and freaks out.

Except this time it's gay ;)

joined Dec 30, 2020

This is the kind of simple goodness that the world needs more of.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Farm life with the wife. Cute stuff overall, thanks for the translation!

joined Oct 14, 2014

She thought she wanted a dommy mommy, but in the end, she was simply the mom (girl)friend.

joined Feb 11, 2022

Oh my god

I'm going to go into cardiac arrest

this was so cute

joined Jan 22, 2022

cute and sweet

joined Jul 29, 2017

You are my wife.
Good bye, city life.
Green Acres we are there.

Cute. All problems in life can be solved by the cute.

joined Jul 16, 2013

I like how it turned from "she is not my type" to "why do I blush when she smiles?". It is like that in real life. Some person might not be your type but spend a lot of time with them and they suddenly turn a lot more attractive.

joined Jan 19, 2015

Yesssssss just what I needed.

joined Oct 9, 2016

Cute and wholesome. And no wonder art style looked familiar.

joined May 8, 2017

It takes some guts to upend your entire life and move to the country on the assumption that the cute woman from the poster at the supermarket is

  • not a model from a stock photo agency
  • single
  • gay.

imagine how creepy it would be if protagonist were none of these & some rando shows up on your doorstep trying to get in your pants

joined Apr 5, 2023

It takes some guts to upend your entire life and move to the country on the assumption that the cute woman from the poster at the supermarket is

  • not a model from a stock photo agency
  • single
  • gay.

imagine how creepy it would be if protagonist were none of these & some rando shows up on your doorstep trying to get in your pants


This one was adorable

joined Aug 14, 2020

Yodokawa always feeding us well

Astraea Hill
joined Aug 17, 2012

Thank you Sappho Scans for bringing this to us, I love this one.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Very nice. ^_^

joined Feb 24, 2023

It takes some guts to upend your entire life and move to the country on the assumption that the cute woman from the poster at the supermarket is

  • not a model from a stock photo agency
  • single
  • gay.

imagine how creepy it would be if protagonist were none of these & some rando shows up on your doorstep trying to get in your pants

Thank god the pursuer was a attractive young women and not a 40 something male lmao

joined Aug 2, 2023

Was the rumour about the marriage to some random dude also part of Tsugumi's stalker-plan, or just a happy little accident?

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