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joined Sep 23, 2021

i never even considered that tsukasa was aju's old bartender, and yet it seems super obvious in hindsight

joined Aug 1, 2011

I don't know how much of it is just an artifact of translation and linguistic differences, but way they're described as the "present", rather than current, Shuten Doji, and the fact that it's in quotes, makes me think that there might be something else going on here. Either something about that figure is false—they aren't actually present or they aren't actually Shuten—or becoming Shuten Doji means more than just taking on a new title and set of responsibilities.

joined Jul 31, 2019

Regarding Tsukasa's and Aju's relationship, I feel like they could have chosen either way (romantic or not) and it would have made sense, but I suppose this further cements the notion that the relationship between the ogre and its bartender is very special :P

joined Feb 19, 2023

Aww, what a cute het couple! How nice, feels like a rarity in yuri manga.

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

Meanwhile, in the Nintendo headquarters

joined Oct 20, 2017

What is Hinata's deal on pg 14, like what is she freaking out about

joined Sep 10, 2022

What is Hinata's deal on pg 14, like what is she freaking out about

It's for comedy. She's always on alert for potential home wreckers and panicked when Naori said that about Tsukasa. Of course, Naori meant it as a friendly thing and there hasn't been a person Naori wants other than Hinata but that's the joke of it. They've played this joke a few times, and did so recently with our resident demon hunter girl too (Hinata also playfully pounced on her for a random comment she made). It's part of why Aju likes to tease her using Naori: she knows she'll get a funny reaction from her "sister."

last edited at Jul 1, 2024 6:38PM

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

How I would love this chapter-end bit to go, but it won't:
Him (cheerfully): "Go on a date with me!"
Her (cheerfully): "No!"

joined Jun 21, 2021

How I would love this chapter-end bit to go, but it won't:
Him (cheerfully): "Go on a date with me!"
Her (cheerfully): "No!"

i bet it's gonna be some "act date to convince someone he doesn't have a thing with Ayu" kinda deal

joined Sep 10, 2022

How I would love this chapter-end bit to go, but it won't:
Him (cheerfully): "Go on a date with me!"
Her (cheerfully): "No!"

i bet it's gonna be some "act date to convince someone he doesn't have a thing with Ayu" kinda deal

He most likely means a friendly bartender date. He already is with Aju, we just had that reinforced last chapter. Plus he's the one who pushed Hinata to confess to Naori, a few chapters ago.

He's a golden retriever, so it fits his personality. How Hinata and Aju interpret things is a whole different story though. I'm more into Mikage's fashion sense. The maid is stunting her style!

last edited at Aug 16, 2024 6:40PM

joined Mar 26, 2021

How I would love this chapter-end bit to go, but it won't:
Him (cheerfully): "Go on a date with me!"
Her (cheerfully): "No!"

i bet it's gonna be some "act date to convince someone he doesn't have a thing with Ayu" kinda deal

That, or he's such a natural playboy he doesn't really think much about calling outings "dates" and just wants to nerd out about bartending stuff with Naori

joined Jan 30, 2017

That, or he's such a natural playboy he doesn't really think much about calling outings "dates" and just wants to nerd out about bartending stuff with Naori

I'm 99% sure it's just this.

The other 1% is maybe he wants a certain ogre to smash his skull in.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Man, every chapter of this is a lot of fun. It's been building and building as well. We're reaching some big moments soon.
joined Jun 6, 2020

as we assumed, friend thing so they can gush about their respective girlfriends and bartender things since they have a really weird job as well as backstory and lore dump :D

joined May 27, 2021

Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised at this point if when Hinata finally confesses her feelings, Naori’s response is a confused, “Wait, we’re not dating already?” I know Naori is almost certainly still just working out her feelings like Hinata, but it would be pretty funny if she believed they were together romantically from the very start when Hinata kissed her and they began living together. After all, Naori’s personality is chill and a bit awkward, and she never once denies any of the comments her friends and classmates make about them being a couple. Either way, I live for the slow-burn!

last edited at Sep 23, 2024 3:08PM

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