Forum › The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All discussion

joined Jul 15, 2016

Since when does falling in love need a reason?

Yea, I somehow don't think Aya quite realizes what she has blurted out right there. :-)

joined Feb 17, 2013

Oooh, she got Pink Floyd?! Sweet.

joined Mar 4, 2018

She's not comfortably numb with all that emoting. She said love out loud; feel like I've missed a few scenes.

joined Jan 15, 2021

Oooh, she got Pink Floyd?! Sweet.

Dark Side Of The Moon was a killer album, especially if you don't know English, you can still get lost in the music. The Lunatic and Brain Damage are still awesome songs all these years later.

Edit: It helps your comments to make sense when you get the right songs for the album. Sorry.

last edited at May 4, 2024 3:31AM

joined May 26, 2020

Breaking News!
The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn’t a Guy at All is licensed by Yen Press! Coming October 2024!

Synopsis from Yen Press:
Fashionable and upbeat high schooler Aya falls head over heels for an employee at a local CD shop. He’s got an air of mystery about him, great style, and an impeccable music taste. Little does she know—this supposedly male employee is actually her female classmate Mitsuki! Mitsuki generally keeps to herself, but since her seat is right next to Aya’s, she can’t help but be extremely aware of the other’s crush. Revealing the truth is out of the question for Mitsuki—but perhaps getting closer to Aya wouldn’t be so bad...

I hope it's a large format release. This art deserves the space. Is it a monthly volume, or an omnibus?

joined Dec 20, 2018

An excellent place to start.

joined Oct 3, 2023

"Judging stuff by its looks landed me a cool goth nerdy gf"

joined Jul 13, 2015

Oh, this make me wish that Dynasty had they own video server

joined Jul 8, 2019

drama CD mini-manga: we should be VERY glad she is not into Manowar

joined Aug 7, 2022

Because they are EXTRAS - not part of the main story.

You act like people are crazy for clicking on something with the YURI TAG and wanting YURI

This is just straight up not yuri past like part of the way through volume 2, and has no sign of going back to that. And if it’s true, apparently the author said herself it’s not a yuri so why does it still have the yuri tag and not subtext or side lesbian couple (forget that one tag)

I understand not everyone enjoys slow burn stories. If you don't like the story anymore that's ok. but asking others not to read this anymore is indeed crazy.

We all have our preferences, what you are considering a blasphemy is for others normal, and realistic. I myself mostly use the "shoujo ai" tag when I'm looking for new things to read because "Yuri" from experience would make all the smut and erotica appear, maybe that's what she meant when she said this wasn't Yuri.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure when she says she doesn't consider it yuri, she means that she isn't pandering to the crowd that wants eroticized gayness with loads of fanservice. She wants to keep it toned down and closer to the way she believes people would actually behave

Her overuse of tropes and poor characterization of most of the side characters makes me believe she doesn't want to depict real behavior, but yeah this is still a bait and switch manga. I don’t care if others read it I am just warning those who skim comments before reading that it is not yuri

Calling this manga a bait Is the most funny dumb shit
I readed today
As Always people here are dumb

last edited at May 2, 2024 6:36PM

joined Aug 7, 2022

Well now that that's over, we can get back to talking about this gay comic full of gays. Hey y'all remember just like a month ago there was a chapter where Aya said to Mitsuki directly "you are the same person as 'onii-san'", thus telling her to her face that all those feelings of love apply to her? God this comic is good.

God when we gone have a anime adaptation
I Need this animated

joined Aug 7, 2022

It’s an online forum if you want a private convo take it to dms

You're right, this is an online forum, and that means there are rules.
This is your only warning to stop being an asshole to others, especially over semantics.
If you do not like this work, then move on and let others who want to enjoy it do so.

Who is being an asshole? Not me. I responded as an ass to 2 people who were assholes to me/didn't agree with me in a rude way(see were not strawmanning, were ignoring cuz ur opinions are worthless - and you didnt warn them) But I can see that you don't like my opinion and so just want me to shut up. I am not "being rude to people about the semantics of yuri" I had an opinion on the quality of the yuri in the manga, and so wanted to warn other people. I very much enjoyed volume 1, read volume 2, started getting a bit weirded out by the sudden injection of new cast members and the push of the couple into the background, and then i took a break. Reread the whole series a few days ago, and came to inform others like me(who read yuri for yuri) that it isn't exactly yuri, but more sapphic tinged rock manga.

So NOW You Say you are reading a queer story
But before you sayed author Is baiting
Just becouse author want Explore other character and how they interact with the protagonist doesn't mean Is not gone be gay or as you Say yuri

And for God sake don't use Yuri tag as arm and Yuri SHOULD BE ONLY THIS WAY SO THIS MANGA ITS NOT
ehieee Yuri tag as shonen seinen ecc are only used for target refeerement doesn't impone the way to tell the story

Astraea Hill
joined Aug 17, 2012

Loved Aya's blush on the third page.

(& yes, I do realise that, at that point, she didn't know the guy she was interested in wasn't a man)

last edited at May 2, 2024 9:01PM

joined Apr 10, 2023

I can't imagine an anime adaptation doing anything at all for this series, tbh. If anything a live action adaptation is far more likely, but even then the comic's structure of very brief glimpses into their lives would completely clash with a tv show format. It would basically have to be a remake of the story more than just an adaptation.

joined Nov 13, 2022

I can't imagine an anime adaptation doing anything at all for this series, tbh. If anything a live action adaptation is far more likely, but even then the comic's structure of very brief glimpses into their lives would completely clash with a tv show format. It would basically have to be a remake of the story more than just an adaptation.

In the case of the CD Drama they did a pretty good job "filling" the spaces between the chapters. I don't know if "adaptation" is a good word for it since they didn't changed the principal focus and lines, but they added some little but nice dialogues that "completed" the story for it to flow and not just cut where the chapters did. Yes, they changed some things in order of when they happened but again, didn't change the important things.

All this to say that yes, and anime is going to be a more difficult task but if they could pull something like de the CD Drama, it could~~ be possible, but with it's's has to be well done or an anime of 15 min maybe, not a full 30 min or so. That is my opinion~

last edited at May 4, 2024 3:08PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

“Angels.” And, technically: roommates.

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

Sorry for the late post, but Dynasty's upload system was broken until a little while ago.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Sorry for the late post, but Dynasty's upload system was broken until a little while ago.

No apologies necessary--deeply grateful for your work.

(I couldn't help jumping the gun--I agree with Kanna that they were just too adorbs.)

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

tbh, I twisted the meaning a bit. The original thought of Kanna was something like "yooouth!", but I thought it lacked impact. So I made it cuter

joined May 2, 2018

tbh, I twisted the meaning a bit. The original thought of Kanna was something like "yooouth!", but I thought it lacked impact. So I made it cuter

Ohh! I did like it. I think it made a good parallel with the first panel when Aya called her a goddess to then her calling the girls angels, if that makes sense

joined Dec 20, 2018

joined Jun 6, 2020


but I agree too. It'd be too disjointed for anything but a drama or OVA. OVA would work, really well mind you, especially in green. But this one is way more designed for a drama where it doesn't need to be smooshed since you'd let the city aesthetics do the rest of the work

joined Mar 18, 2023

Is this the first time they sleep together (no sex, but I still count!) or I have missed seeing that numerous times?

joined Dec 19, 2023

So cute

joined Nov 13, 2022

I really like Mitsuki's face on the last page.

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