Forum › The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All discussion

joined Apr 10, 2023

Official English version coming eventually, as well as ten other languages across the globe. This is a huge list, omg. Especially for queer fiction that started as something independently published on twitter? Incredible.

joined Mar 21, 2019

Hah, I'm greatly amused to find out it's going to he getting an English release since I picked up a Japanese copy of the first two volumes like a week ago just to have them since I honestly never expected an English release. It really is amazing how big this little Twitter manga has become.

joined May 28, 2021

Narita-kun, I've come to like you and what you bring to this manga a lot, but your presence is very much unwanted this time, so please leave and let the lovebirds alone at the dang festival :⁠‑⁠X

joined Nov 13, 2022

I could just hear the dramatic piano music when the spotlight came in.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Speedrun to the festival day. Just as we like to see.

joined Dec 20, 2018

What a bunch of adorable idiots... :D

joined Jan 15, 2021

Dang-it Narita! I didn't like his character at all when he was introduced (as Jerk-face IIRC), because I thought he'd get in the way of the two ladies getting together. I'd like to think that I'm a big enough person to admit when I'm wrong, and up until today I WAS WRONG. BUT, then he pulls this crap, and my first thought was "Ýep, Jerk-face was dead on accurate".

joined Aug 17, 2012

"was this manga always like this?", ha, ha, nice breaking the fourth wall there Mitsuki.

joined Jul 8, 2019

was this manga always like this? should be a real tag

joined Jul 14, 2021

Has this promo-interview with drama CD's cast been posted yet?



joined Aug 12, 2019

Dang-it Narita! I didn't like his character at all when he was introduced (as Jerk-face IIRC), because I thought he'd get in the way of the two ladies getting together. I'd like to think that I'm a big enough person to admit when I'm wrong, and up until today I WAS WRONG. BUT, then he pulls this crap, and my first thought was "Ýep, Jerk-face was dead on accurate".

WOOOHOOOO!!! Classic Narita is back getting in the way of the two lovebirds like the old Jerkface we know and love/hate. XD

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Narita-kun, I've come to like you and what you bring to this manga a lot, but your presence is very much unwanted this time, so please leave and let the lovebirds alone at the dang festival :⁠‑⁠X

Don't be too quick to judge. Don't forget, they're amazingly useless lesbians--they might be deeply in need of a push from a wingman.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Meanwhile, Uncle is such an awesome dork. It's nice when it's a story about teens but some of the adults have actual personalities rather than just being "responsible parental figure #3".

last edited at Apr 7, 2024 2:32PM

joined Aug 19, 2022

What does isn't there somebody here mean?

joined Sep 10, 2022

What does isn't there somebody here mean?

Think it's Narita saying he'll take the last free ticket. Why is he getting hate? He's always been chill, no? Seems like he wants to go to a music festival with friends too. He'll probably end up helping them again.

last edited at Apr 7, 2024 3:10PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Meanwhile, Uncle is such an awesome dork. It's nice when it's a story about teens but some of the adults have actual personalities rather than just being "responsible parental figure #3".

Or worse yet, the perennial manga "parents who are never there," whose personalities consist entirely of being "mom who works way too hard because the family is poor," "absent dad who only cares about work," "both parents who travel all the time," or "mom/dad who has another family," etc.

As you say, Joe has a past life, a present circle of friends, and has been a profound influence on his cool-adorkable niece.

joined Jul 14, 2021

Arita is clearly leaning forward in the car to distract the adults and give the girls some space for sneaky handholding by blocking the rear-view mirror.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Blastaar posted:

Meanwhile, Uncle is such an awesome dork. It's nice when it's a story about teens but some of the adults have actual personalities rather than just being "responsible parental figure #3".

Or worse yet, the perennial manga "parents who are never there," whose personalities consist entirely of being "mom who works way too hard because the family is poor," "absent dad who only cares about work," "both parents who travel all the time," or "mom/dad who has another family," etc.

As you say, Joe has a past life, a present circle of friends, and has been a profound influence on his cool-adorkable niece.

You forgot the "abusive controlling parent who want their progeny to be perfect (or worse, heterosexual)".

joined Feb 14, 2016

Narita-kun, I've come to like you and what you bring to this manga a lot, but your presence is very much unwanted this time, so please leave and let the lovebirds alone at the dang festival :⁠‑⁠X

Don't be too quick to judge. Don't forget, they're amazingly useless lesbians--they might be deeply in need of a push from a wingman.

And while it might seem like he's in the way, he's doing them a major favor by letting them each sit in the real seats back there

joined Apr 2, 2023

New interview just came out. It's mostly about Mitsuaya relationship and music choices, but she outed herself as a Glee fan in a comment related to Aya and I think I'll have to ponder this further.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Blastaar posted:

Meanwhile, Uncle is such an awesome dork. It's nice when it's a story about teens but some of the adults have actual personalities rather than just being "responsible parental figure #3".

Or worse yet, the perennial manga "parents who are never there," whose personalities consist entirely of being "mom who works way too hard because the family is poor," "absent dad who only cares about work," "both parents who travel all the time," or "mom/dad who has another family," etc.

As you say, Joe has a past life, a present circle of friends, and has been a profound influence on his cool-adorkable niece.

You forgot the "abusive controlling parent who want their progeny to be perfect (or worse, heterosexual)".

True, although they're usually all-too-present in the story, so we do get a look at their (horrible) personalities.

It makes me wonder if we'll ever get any of Koga's backstory to explain where her parents are, or if this is just (in TV Tropes terms) the usual Nephewism, with a cool replacement-parent figure.

joined May 28, 2021

Narita-kun, I've come to like you and what you bring to this manga a lot, but your presence is very much unwanted this time, so please leave and let the lovebirds alone at the dang festival :⁠‑⁠X

Don't be too quick to judge. Don't forget, they're amazingly useless lesbians--they might be deeply in need of a push from a wingman.

That's a solid point actually, I hadn't factored that in at all. You might turn out quite right in the end :O

joined Aug 1, 2011

Meanwhile, Uncle is such an awesome dork. It's nice when it's a story about teens but some of the adults have actual personalities rather than just being "responsible parental figure #3".

I don't know. I story with "Parent #3" sounds like it's doing something unusual, at least.

Arita is clearly leaning forward in the car to distract the adults and give the girls some space for sneaky handholding by blocking the rear-view mirror.

More like saving them from the awkwardness of being pressed up against each other with the parental figures right there. Of course, going by Kanna's reaction, everyone in that car knows the score.

joined Aug 17, 2012

As an aside, I thought the little shoulder bump (at least that's what it looked like to me) was cute

joined Jan 27, 2016

Love how pissed she is she can't sit next to her Crush lmao

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