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joined Apr 18, 2023

i am so unbelievably ready to get hurt again

joined Jan 30, 2017

I'm so down for a new Akiyama Haru series!

joined Oct 2, 2021

Loving this so far.
Just a warning Haru-san, if you hurt our little neuro divergent cutie too much, I'm gonna give you such a pinchʕ⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠ʔ

joined Mar 8, 2014

i am so unbelievably ready to get hurt again

Same LOL. I can already tell this is going to be angsty but it's been ages since I've actually found any yuri worthwhile. I wish there were more realistic adult life manga out there that deal with homophobia and comphet. They are very much real issues and I find the all girls school, yuri utopias where everybody is gay kinda cringy and unrelatable.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Faylicia posted:

i am so unbelievably ready to get hurt again

Same LOL. I can already tell this is going to be angsty but it's been ages since I've actually found any yuri worthwhile. I wish there were more realistic adult life manga out there that deal with homophobia and comphet. They are very much real issues and I find the all girls school, yuri utopias where everybody is gay kinda cringy and unrelatable.

this tbh.

joined May 10, 2021

Lovely, the mess never fucking stops, it just only gets worse.
Thanks for the chapter!

joined Dec 16, 2021

So, the girlfriend really exist
Also reconfirmed cheating is common in japan

joined Oct 25, 2022

What do we figure the odds are that that husband murdered his wife, and that's why she's missing?

Would be kinda funny if ends up being a misunderstanding though. Like if the wife ghosted him too, and he's hoping Ai would have a lead on where she is, and he only looks so menacing due to resting bitch face.

joined Feb 14, 2016

resonance posted:

I could have sworn I'd read this before. Am I just tripping?

I somehow missed the first chapter until this second one was posted -- which is a clear sign I hadn't read it when it came out a couple months ago -- and also had this uncanny feeling I'd read it before. Either I'm having some kind of brain problem situation or I've got to go check my back-issues of galette

joined Jan 31, 2015

I may not enjoy everything by Akiyama Haru, but I always appreciate her skill as a story-teller. And this one, so far, looks like one I'm going to like. Looking forward to more.

joined Oct 9, 2016

Looks interesting but still I'm worried. And compensation for what? Well, maybe we'll learn more about that later.

joined Jan 30, 2017

And compensation for what?

I guess he's trying to pay her to give up on her girlfriend? Kinda like Getting Picked Up by my Boss's Daughter.

joined Jul 29, 2017

And compensation for what?

I guess he's trying to pay her to give up on her girlfriend? Kinda like Getting Picked Up by my Boss's Daughter.

It’s the other way around—he wants her to pay some kind of compensation as a penalty for what used to be (and in some places still is) called “alienation of affection.”,give%20rise%20to%20this%20tort.
joined May 28, 2015

Of course the "girlfriend" was married. Typical thing coming from this author and the Josei genre

joined Apr 25, 2020

AAAA I LOVE THIS MANGA AND IT'S ONLY 2 CHAPTERS LONG!! Kon is such a cutie pie too, so hurt and lost but so good willed and just wanting to be happy, it hurts me so much her all existence

And They Were Roommates
joined Apr 17, 2023

girl quit playing and show me the damn picture so I can tell you!

joined Jul 28, 2019

Is... is that some weird law Japan actually has? The "compensation" thing? Is that a law the US has?! Other countries?Man... just thinking about this is making me kinda depressed and not want to go anywhere.

joined Apr 2, 2023

Is... is that some weird law Japan actually has? The "compensation" thing?

I'm more familiar with hearing about it for accidental or negligent death like car accidents. On top of any criminal consequences you pay their family a large sum of money. It's a cultural thing, but also expected of westerners who might be involved too.

Compensation for infidelity, especially if it contributes to divorce, is a thing in Japan. A 2021 case was in international news because the courts ruled a woman pay compensation for a same-sex infidelity even as the courts were still largely confused on if f/f cheating on a husband legally counts. It counted enough in that case as it caused stress to the marriage and the changing view of f/f relationships at least in that particular ruling. So a win for equality. 

joined Feb 14, 2016

I can't believe I've never heard of that case before. Huge victory for women's rights and women's wrongs

joined Dec 17, 2021

What do we figure the odds are that that husband murdered his wife, and that's why she's missing?

Would be kinda funny if ends up being a misunderstanding though. Like if the wife ghosted him too, and he's hoping Ai would have a lead on where she is, and he only looks so menacing due to resting bitch face.

Death is a possibility, but if the husband killed her I don't think he would be looking for her lover. I figure he either doesn't know where she is or he just wants to inform Ai about her death (if she is dead).

joined Aug 4, 2018


It does me no end of good that this manga exists.

Seriously, these days I've been a little bit dispirited -- because a "schoolgirl yuri" manga that I used to love, after a long time on a downward slope and accelerating, finally crashed and burned. But now that I've read this new chapter of My Blue Garnet, all's right with the world again.

It pumps me up to know that there are authors like Akiyama Haru out there. People who will bring me the good stuff, who will keep it real and won't make fucking concessions to anyone or anything. Hell yeah.

joined Oct 28, 2022

Realism. I love it so terribly. There's only so much cgdct you can take before reaching the point of oversaturation. Even more so since the people who cultivate the cute 'n moe genre tend to think that cutesy antics can replace plot (hint: it doesn't).

Thanks the heavens for Flowerchild, Akiyama Haru, Uozumi Ami, Kodama Naoko, Iwami Kiyoko and all the other great ladies ot realistic psychological drama. And all the Chinese and Korean authors too, of course.

joined Feb 14, 2016

Nene posted:
Seriously, these days I've been a little bit dispirited -- because a "schoolgirl yuri" manga that I used to love, after a long time on a downward slope and accelerating, finally crashed and burned. But now that I've read this new chapter of My Blue Garnet, all's right with the world again.

It pumps me up to know that there are authors like Akiyama Haru out there. People who will bring me the good stuff, who will keep it real and won't make fucking concessions to anyone or anything. Hell yeah.

You say that, and, funnily enough, if there's one thing I think Akiyama Haru does really well it's conveying hypnagogic feelings in romance.

In this case I would say the story is especially effective in using environmental detail to make the characters seem trapped, closed-off or suffering from tunnel vision. Narrow panels, lots of close, overwhelming background detail, perspective convergence points that tend to be near the center. You'd see this sort of stuff in her Galette one-shots but it's especially effective here, I think, contrasting with the way that backgrounds open up when characters make connections with each other.

Not to speak badly of Octave by any means, but whatever she was up to in the ~7 years after it was published gave her a massive level up in her compositional work. This is some of the best stuff in the genre.

last edited at Mar 4, 2024 10:07PM

Strangergirl Evergarden
joined Jun 27, 2023

Narrow panels, lots of close, overwhelming background detail, perspective convergence points that tend to be near the center. You'd see this sort of stuff in her Galette one-shots but it's especially effective here, I think, contrasting with the way that backgrounds open up when characters make connections with each other.

Wow it's like you're describing Brides of Iberis haha lol.

Not to speak badly of Octave by any means, but whatever she was up to in the ~7 years after it was published gave her a massive level up in her compositional work. This is some of the best stuff in the genre.

I love Akiyama's Octave but I get what you mean. Her stories are still as good, I'd say; but her art has evolved a lot and for the better.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Realism. I love it so terribly. There's only so much cgdct you can take before reaching the point of oversaturation. Even more so since the people who cultivate the cute 'n moe genre tend to think that cutesy antics can replace plot (hint: it doesn't).

Thanks the heavens for Flowerchild, Akiyama Haru, Uozumi Ami, Kodama Naoko, Iwami Kiyoko and all the other great ladies ot realistic psychological drama. And all the Chinese and Korean authors too, of course.

I like realism. Although, I also like syrupy vanilla stuff with no plot. They're different things, that doesn't mean one of them has to be wrong.

But speaking as someone who has been personally involved in more than one syrupy vanilla romance with no plot, they aren't actually unrealistic. People fall in love and are happy about it ALL THE TIME. Many of them then get married and have good lives and never cheat on each other and so on. I just celebrated the 28th anniversary of my syrupy vanilla romance with not very much plot.

And contrariwise, I'm pretty sure at least one or two of the authors you mention are not known for realism, but rather for trainwreck-for-its-own-sake. Which is fine--not my cup of tea, it is some people's, but that's all good. But what bugs me is when people who are into stories about people being ridiculously dysfunctional, where the co-incidences always twist the plot towards more twisted, where everyone is basically all self-destructive all the time . . . go around claiming that's "realistic". Gritty is not the same as realistic; lots of gritty things either just don't really happen in real life, or maybe happen but are incredibly rare, much rarer than either real-life saccharine sweetness or real-life kind-of-averageness with bits of good and bits of dysfunction. Melodrama of trainwreck stories are not "realistic" any more than "A Series of Unfortunate Events" is and I wish people would stop claiming they are.

To be clear, I think Octave, for instance, is realistic. It's not over the top. There's grit, and characters do things wrong, but not obsessively all the time. But some gritty stories are pretty ridiculous if you think about them.

last edited at Mar 5, 2024 1:52PM

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