Forum › Hime-chan Is a Needy Woman discussion

joined Aug 1, 2011

I don't think that being anxious after more than 24 hours of no contact is being needy. It felt like a fairly normal reaction to me. I'm actually surprised that she wasn't banging at her g/f doors after about 12 hours of no contact. No normal person just goes off the grid for that long with no prior notice of some kind. If anyone's weird here, it's Yoru.

Well, I guess this is one of those stories you can't treat too seriously.

I don't find someone dropping off the grid for a day or two all that unusual. There have been instances where I've gone weeks or a couple of months without calling or texting people. Not that there was anything wrong, just that I had nothing to say. I'll admit I'm not normal and I can't recall anyone ever accusing me of being normal either, so take it as you will.

Same. Doubly so when they're sending messages that don't seem to need a reply. Then again, I've also had people get annoyed at me for exactly that sort of thing, so ...

last edited at Feb 19, 2024 4:46PM

joined Dec 17, 2021

I'm invested. There's something about paranoid characters who jump to the worst scenario and feel dependent on a single person that just feels painfully relatable. For me it's freeing having the characters act in ways I know shouldn't or that are unhealthy in real life.

Also, the guy friend is great, they feed on each other worse traits.

joined Oct 10, 2015

im projecting. liked and subscribed

joined Apr 10, 2023

I wouldn't be surprised if not saying anything was an attempt to be considerate of her gf's anxiety. If Yoru told Hime she's sick, you know Hime would drop everything to go smother her with care, so simply being quiet for a day felt like a less bad alternative.

joined Jan 25, 2021

she's just like me frfr

joined Jul 20, 2016

I relate a lot to Himeno, as someone with anxiety, I get nervous when I'm texting someone and they don't respond for a while. Mostly worried about if I said something wrong or if I bored the other person I'm texting.

joined Apr 14, 2022

as a needy girl with an amazing lover who tries to reassure rather than shame me for being 'deranged' as one person here put it (lol), relating so hard to this and looking forward to more!!

joined Jun 21, 2021

relatable from the other side too, with a sleeping disorder that makes it not uncommon to be unreachable for a day or two bc i'm out like a fucking light, i always feel terrible for making my girlfriends anxious like that ^^'

joined Aug 8, 2020

My gf gets a little anxious and clingy, but I think it's cute! I think hime-chan is cute too! Yoru-chan and I are probably a lot alike. A little absent minded, a little carefree... but we love our partners a lot!

joined Jan 30, 2017

I like how everyone came here in the comments just to out themselves as terribly anxious.

me too :-)

Btw, the author has another manga with Hajime as the main protagonist.

last edited at Feb 20, 2024 6:33AM

joined Sep 25, 2019

There's nothing wrong with being needy so long as you accept when that trait makes you incompatible with someone without holding a grudge and allow them to part ways with you.

You're allowed to set whatever boundaries you want or need in a relationship, as long as you extend the same courtesy to your partner and accept it when someone isn't suited to be with you because they can't accommodate your boundary and that they're not "at fault" for that.

joined May 10, 2021

Well that was kinda cute whilst being a bit terrifying.
Or the other way around.
Looks really promising, and I really love the dorky character design.
Hopefully it won't get too dark or too rough on our miserable MC.
Thanks a bunch for picking this up!

joined Feb 14, 2016

I like that the character isn't being treated as a joke so far. It's admittedly a personality type that not everyone is going to fit well with but I appreciate that she gets to be complex and sympathetic.

joined Jan 3, 2020

There's certainly a point where excessive neediness in a relationship (constant requirement of affirmation of some sort of status) is, at the very least, unattractive to most people. I agree that being worried about your GF not contacting you after 28 hours isn't that, though, especially if you typically have a lot of daily back-and-forth communication via text.

Jumping to conclusions about cheating or something is probably premature though. I'd be worried about her health (which our MC also is).

last edited at Feb 21, 2024 11:37PM

joined Aug 29, 2023

Needy lesbian and needy gay man solidarity!!

joined Jun 6, 2020

This is giving me such Scott Pilgrim energy lmao

joined Aug 11, 2016

I feel so called out yet so seen

joined Mar 4, 2017

The series really should be called "Hime-Chan needs a therapist and medication"

joined Feb 24, 2023

I can’t tell if this is comedy and the tomboy gf will just be nice and understanding to her mentally ill gf in funny scenarios or it’ll eventually turn into serious drama lmao about the serious lack of proper mental health over in Japan lol

last edited at Feb 23, 2024 7:45AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

The series really should be called "Hime-Chan needs a therapist and medication"

While it’s not uncommon in Western fiction for characters to be in therapy or on meds, and there are an abundance of characters in manga with conditions like anxiety disorders, etc., I can’t recall too many manga series where psychologically troubled characters were in therapy/took medication for “regular” mental health care (as opposed to psychopathic monsters or institutionalized serial killers or characters like that).

At the least it seems to be a narrative trope (like the “no parents = no home complications” thing). I’ve gotten pushback in these forums in the past about avoiding seeking professional mental health care except in dire emergencies being an actual Japanese cultural trait (even though there are plenty of pieces online stating just that).

E. Vigée Le Brun
joined Jun 8, 2021

Ooof. Big ooof.
One word, my girl: anxiolytics.

joined May 9, 2017

Damn, I'm a bit baffled that people are so prone to advise medications. While they do have a utility and are definitely life savior for some people, medications shouldn't be considered lightly. They can have a lot of heavy side effects, can be additive, and are poison for the brain medium to long term...

Go to therapy, seek counsel, find a group of discussion and last resort, use medications. I don't think her case is aggravated enough so she should take medications.

last edited at Feb 23, 2024 10:00AM

joined May 3, 2014

I don't think that being anxious after more than 24 hours of no contact is being needy. It felt like a fairly normal reaction to me. I'm actually surprised that she wasn't banging at her g/f doors after about 12 hours of no contact. No normal person just goes off the grid for that long with no prior notice of some kind. If anyone's weird here, it's Yoru.

Well, I guess this is one of those stories you can't treat too seriously.

I don't find someone dropping off the grid for a day or two all that unusual. There have been instances where I've gone weeks or a couple of months without calling or texting people. Not that there was anything wrong, just that I had nothing to say. I'll admit I'm not normal and I can't recall anyone ever accusing me of being normal either, so take it as you will.

hold on my guy/girl/other(?) we are talking about YOUR PARTNER here! whos partner goes for WEEK and MONTHS without one message of what they are doing!!!

joined May 3, 2014

Damn, I'm a bit baffled that people are so prone to advise medications. While they do have a utility and are definitely life savior for some people, medications shouldn't be considered lightly. They can have a lot of heavy side effects, can be additive, and are poison for the brain medium to long term...

Go to therapy, seek counsel, find a group of discussion and last resort, use medications. I don't think her case is aggravated enough so she should take medications.

yeah it’s funny, they think some one like our MC can’t exist without being on god damn pills?!!?!?! like my brothers and sisters! not every one needs medication especially since i know myself how annoying it is to have meds being pushed on you cuz people think they know who needs pills!

joined Feb 27, 2022

girl get your phone fixed and put a protector on that damn thing

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