Forum › Black & White discussion

joined Jun 25, 2019

Junko is such a perfect villain protagonist. I've really enjoyed this one.

I hope she starts to miss Kayo immediately next chapter. I can't wait to see how she explodes.

Don't think she will miss her but she will probably realize she was right when she said she will be toss aside as soon as they don't need her anymore.

joined Sep 10, 2022

fin? is it done?

One more.

Junko is amazing in a real villainess kind of way. Just love watching her, even though I wouldn't go near her with a ten-foot pole. That panel where she grinds her teeth beside Kayo's face was special. She even absorbed Yoshiko into her ways. So sinister. It's great. Should be a fun final chapter. Will be interesting to see how Kayo handles things towards the end.

last edited at Dec 21, 2023 2:07PM

joined Sep 23, 2021

this has been quite a ride. it's interesting, started off thinking we were going into a slightly extreme (and well done) enemies-with benefits to lovers story, which, yeah, i'm a total sucker for, but it's ended up going in a much darker but probably more interesting direction.

the one i feel worst for right now is hashimoto. kuroda's ambition might be thwarted but she's honestly well rid of them. hashimoto got a glimpse of the depths of shirakawa's psychopathy and is likely tied to her for the moment.

joined Aug 14, 2020

You know I was here cause I was all for a storyline of ladies who beat the piss out of each other then bang. What I did not expect was a whole storyline about insider trading and corporate espionage. I don't think I even knew Dynasty had an Espionage tag before this series.

I'm starting to see why Sal made Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko, I'd wanna make something cute and endearing too after all this violence and espionage lol.

joined Nov 27, 2021

Feels like all of the protential couple pairings were nuked into oblivion, with maybe a slight chance of a toxic Kayo/Junko ending. But there is only one chapter left, so I wonder if any of the characters will get a proper closure.

last edited at Dec 21, 2023 2:25PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

One chapter left for karma to catch up with Junko...

joined Feb 28, 2015

I think it will end like Kayo getting happy with the sweet senpai lady and Junko will experience a similar bitchness from another rival and she will continue to fight until she retires

joined Jan 2, 2022

She is an icon, she is a legend, and she is the moment!

joined Aug 12, 2021

god, like Junko is the worst like actual human scum but if she doesn't do it with style. Lmao

joined Jul 20, 2020

Junko is such a perfect villain protagonist. I've really enjoyed this one.

I hope she starts to miss Kayo immediately next chapter. I can't wait to see how she explodes.

Don't think she will miss her but she will probably realize she was right when she said she will be toss aside as soon as they don't need her anymore.


joined Aug 21, 2017

Junko makes me feel so gross. The author has done an amazing job at creating such a despicable character

joined Mar 4, 2017

God damn.

Really hope she gets what's coming to her.

joined May 25, 2023

tbh I even think the sex with hashimoto was solely there cause she doesnt have a sex-punching bag anymore that she can just forcefully use, so shes gonna use her (until it hopefully starts crumbling down)
edit: i think imma try go spoil myself, I cant take it anymore to wait

last edited at Dec 21, 2023 6:52PM

joined May 23, 2020

tbh I even think the sex with hashimoto was solely there cause she doesnt have a sex-punching bag anymore that she can just forcefully use, so shes gonna use her (until it hopefully starts crumbling down)
edit: i think imma try go spoil myself, I cant take it anymore to wait

Please share cause the wait is killing me.

joined Dec 4, 2022

i laughed when i saw her face because it made me think of troll face ffeghsvdvd

joined May 25, 2023

tbh I even think the sex with hashimoto was solely there cause she doesnt have a sex-punching bag anymore that she can just forcefully use, so shes gonna use her (until it hopefully starts crumbling down)
edit: i think imma try go spoil myself, I cant take it anymore to wait

Please share cause the wait is killing me.

sadly, I didnt find anything
edit: mostly cause "Black and white" is the title of countless mangas and a videogame

last edited at Dec 21, 2023 9:40PM

joined May 7, 2017

The resemblance to Death Note's Light and L is uncanny.

last edited at Dec 21, 2023 10:14PM

joined Sep 15, 2020

I get SUCH anxiety and I have to prepare myself before reading each chapter because they're absolutely soul-crushingly tense. I'm so excited for the final chapter but also SO SCARED. Junko is one crazy mf

joined Jan 30, 2017

Kayo should've slapped that psycho in front of everyone and do a mic drop.

But I'm guessing she either already has a plan for revenge or she's already decided to move on and let Shirakawa self-destroy.

last edited at Dec 22, 2023 1:39AM

joined Jul 14, 2021

I'm curious about the violent gay sex the male antagonists went through to form their clique.

joined May 10, 2021

Welp, I guess the author really did an amazing job of creating a moat detestable character, and keeping fueling my hatred for said character.
I just hope karma will hit hard enough to be able to enjoy the ending, that Kayo and Satomi are both together, and that Hashimoto won't be too used by Junko.
Thanks for the chapter!

joined Jan 16, 2023

I'm rooting for Hashimoto to be the incarnation of the metric fuckton of karma that Junko has accumulated. It would be really good if her leverage over Hashimoto disappeared because Hashimoto decided that this toxic swamp of a workplace isn't worth the hassle, so she gets brought down anyway.

joined Jan 22, 2017

It would be interesting if Junko gets absolutly crushed by her workplace (maybe because of her superior or an even worse rival) and has to relay on Hashimoto more.

joined May 26, 2020

It would be interesting if Junko gets absolutly crushed by her workplace (maybe because of her superior or an even worse rival) and has to relay on Hashimoto more.

No thank you. I want Hashimoto to take Jordan Peele's advice and GET OUT.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Ooh, this fucker...

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