Forum › Yamada to Kase-san discussion

joined Jun 9, 2021

Kase only has herself to blame for dropping the ball on the original perfect apartment. That in itself was so outrageous, but it's nice to see the author starting to hang the lampshade on that.

joined Oct 4, 2016

I continue to believe that this whole subplot started off as editorial meddling, but Takashima-sensei prevailed and is now course-correcting as best they can.

joined Sep 21, 2021

Yamada has the patience of a saint bc this fukami shit wouldve had me dumping kase by now

joined Sep 10, 2022

Yamada has the patience of a saint bc this fukami shit wouldve had me dumping kase by now

I think even a saint would look at Yamada with side eye and wonder what she's waiting for.

last edited at Jul 27, 2023 3:06PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

I continue to believe that this whole subplot started off as editorial meddling, but Takashima-sensei prevailed and is now course-correcting as best they can.

That certainly could be true, and it would explain some of the oddities in this arc. Not sure how we’d ever know for sure, though.

joined Mar 21, 2019

I continue to believe that this whole subplot started off as editorial meddling, but Takashima-sensei prevailed and is now course-correcting as best they can.

Realistically it's probably that the author had a idea and flubbed the execution and is now trying to tweak it based on feedback. There are many ways this same general plot could have happened and actually been decent.

joined Dec 23, 2018

It looks like Kase subconsciously does not want to live with Yamada.

Obviously she is fully into (stupid) challenge with Fukami.
She just likes to compete, and she lost her mind about price and costs.
Moving in with Yamada is the last thing she thinks about.

How much stumbling and falling reflects her true inner state and her decisions?

joined Feb 24, 2023

Fulani having the gall to demmand this bet is pretty unbelievable and Kase accepting it and screwing up their entire apartment hunting plan even more so, no real rational thinking person would EVER consider that bet with it being so close to the move in date. 6 months away maybe but not like two months. Basically Kase needs to keep her mouth shut and not complain a single iota about living close to Yamada’s friend she brought that on herself completely

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ lmfao at how autocorrect changed the name of a character of this manga into the name of a West African language at the very beginning of your post.

joined Feb 1, 2013

I always marvel at how both Kase and Yamada are somehow able to be a couple in an open loving relationship, while still also being such clueless dorks (aka "useless lesbians") at times!

joined Feb 10, 2013

I'm glad she showed her there was no chance of her keeping her there

joined Nov 7, 2022

Well... That's done at least.

Not very happy that Kase won, though. She's just getting rewarded and doesn't have to face any consequences whatsoever for jeopardizing their moving in, delaying and losing the previous offer, etc. I was hoping that she'd be actually forced to choose and take a stand, instead of everything just going her way for reasons of plot.

It was overall a very weird arc, and I can't help but feel that despite living together, their relationship took a step back.

joined Jan 11, 2022

Well... That's done at least.

Not very happy that Kase won, though. She's just getting rewarded and doesn't have to face any consequences whatsoever for jeopardizing their moving in, delaying and losing the previous offer, etc. I was hoping that she'd be actually forced to choose and take a stand, instead of everything just going her way for reasons of plot.

It was overall a very weird arc, and I can't help but feel that despite living together, their relationship took a step back.

I agree, I think it would have been far more interesting if she had lost the race.

joined Dec 20, 2018

I do admit, I got worried there for a bit as well, but Kase absolutely destroyed Fukami in that race, even with Fukami running a new personal best. Finally our couple can start living together now. ^_^

joined Jan 14, 2018

Well... That's done at least.

Not very happy that Kase won, though. She's just getting rewarded and doesn't have to face any consequences whatsoever for jeopardizing their moving in, delaying and losing the previous offer, etc. I was hoping that she'd be actually forced to choose and take a stand, instead of everything just going her way for reasons of plot.

It was overall a very weird arc, and I can't help but feel that despite living together, their relationship took a step back.

I must agree. With Kase winning this thing this whole arc seems pointless. No new information, no one grew, the entire middle could be cut out with only scenes of Yamada suggesting moving in and a scene of Kase coming into an appartment staying and all that would be left out would be pointless drama.

I was half expecting Kase losing, telling Fukami why she wants to move out and Fukami letting go. It would allow showing Fukami growing as a person and maybe even start her own coming out arc.
And, more importantly, it would allow to adress Kase coming out publicly. That's something that's been bothering me for a while. While Yamada seems to quite open to speak out about their relationship (though she doesn't really reveal it unprompted), Kase seems to be quite closed about, to the point of hiding it from people she calls her friends and colleagues. Aside from rumors only a couple of her close friends know she's actually a lesbian. I was hoping this arc was set up to explore this topic. It would really make up for this weird love triangle drama that's been going on.

But alas, nothing was learned, no one grew and all that is left is bad aftertaste of pointless drama and failed plot points.

joined Apr 17, 2017

Even though I really loathed Fukami when the author raised her from the background into this awful centerpiece villain role, now I feel frustrated thinking, what use will the author have for her in the future? Is she going to get written out now that Kase has shut down her harebrained scheme? It seems pretty likely. And yet there was so much buildup of Fukami, for so long before this––only to really make nothing of it. In the end, the race added nothing to the story but fake drama. Because it had no more serious tie to Kase and Yamada living together than just this up-or-down, yes-or-no, win-the-race-and-find-out sort of denouement, it offered no possibility of a serious test of or change to the couple's relationship. I would have much preferred if the conflict had forced Kase to reach out to other members of her track team, for instance, and find some sort of allies to help her reach a solution with Fukami that didn't call for the race. If the result was that Kase was forced to trust her teammates more, reveal to at least one or two of them why she wanted to leave the dorm in the first place––and then they got Fukami to relent––then I would have been cool with Fukami wanting the race anyway, just to see who would have won. That would have been a great moment for Kase to clean her clock--better than what we got, even though after months of being frustrated with Fukami's aggravating dense obstinance, it was still gratifying to watch her get beat so decisively as to show that there was no chance of her ever winning. I just wanted the author to make something productive out of some of this, some character advancement or change of situation...and I don't think we really got any. I agree that Kase and Yamada's relationship seems to have taken a step back in terms of communication, but I also think that was basically by accident, and not what the author intended. So I feel that probably the damage to their relationship, like Fukami, will be ignored, relegated to the background, and ultimately dismissed.

joined Jan 30, 2017

Oh well, at least she won and we're done with this weird arc.
I would have preferred if she just ditched the race and helped her girlfriend move, at least that might have turned into a more interesting confrontation with Fukami.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I’m shocked—shocked I tell you—at the outcome of the race.

joined Sep 10, 2022

The friends and Yamada's deciding that Kase was the one with the tough situation and not Yamada. That just reinforces my assumption that it's the author who thinks this is all fine and therefore there will be no moment where Yamada "puts her foot down," like some want or expect.

This chapter also reinforced the idea that the race was still about deciding whether she moved or not, which sort of contradicts what I thought Kase had changed her position to in a previous chapter.

Lastly, from a writing perspective: nothing has changed. We're still at square one, after an entire arc of this. You could pluck this arc out and have them start at the end of this chapter and it wouldn't seem like anything was missing or that any characterization was off. It feels more like a special movie tie in that's squeezed between the timeline of two episodes in a season. Events happen but you can't do anything that will affect too much. That's part of why I'd hoped that she would lose the race and that would spark something but clearly the author themselves thinks it's all just hijinks so I guess we just disagree there.

last edited at Oct 1, 2023 8:06AM

joined Oct 25, 2022

Thank god this arc is finally over. Seems fitting that such a terrible arc ends on such an anti-climax too. Kase wins easily, Yamada can't even be there to cheer her on, and we don't see Kase telling Fukami the real reason she's moving out. What terrible writing from start to finish.

Hopefully we get a bunch of cute moments of them living together to make up for it. I'm also hoping they go back and show Kase telling Fukami the truth at some point, because then at least this arc would have resulted in something happening.

joined Oct 4, 2016

I'm also hoping they go back and show Kase telling Fukami the truth at some point, because then at least this arc would have resulted in something happening.

Tune in two months from now to find out!

joined Jan 1, 2019


Still hoping Kase tells Fukami or somebody on the team about her relationship though. I doubt it'll happen next chapter, but eventually hopefully.

joined Jul 29, 2017

This chapter also reinforced the idea that the race was still about deciding whether she moved or not, which sort of contradicts what I thought Kase had changed her position to in a previous chapter.

Same. I wonder if it was a dropped stitch or just a translation issue, but I thought Kase had firmly established that she was leaving the dorm no matter what, but if she lost she would tell Fukami why she had to move out.

joined Jun 19, 2014

Hopefully they’ll address how much Kase almost fumbled this whole thing in the future and I didn’t just have to see Yamada’s sad conflicted face moping around for nothing.

joined Jan 1, 2019

This chapter also reinforced the idea that the race was still about deciding whether she moved or not, which sort of contradicts what I thought Kase had changed her position to in a previous chapter.

Same. I wonder if it was a dropped stitch or just a translation issue, but I thought Kase had firmly established that she was leaving the dorm no matter what, but if she lost she would tell Fukami why she had to move out.

I think its clear that she wants to tell Fukami, but you know in Kase's head she had to win the race no matter what.

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