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joined May 10, 2021

Man I just want Fuyuki and her senpai to have a lovely, healthy relationship. Though it'll probably never happen.
I also want Kyou to find someone better. Though I don't see it happening either. Heck I feel like he "doesn't need" to find anyone at all
And I really want someone to wake Eri the fuck up. Which will hopefully happen.
Overall, a damn fine chapter that still makes me hate Eri, and love Fuyuki (that might change, however, depending on her relationship with her senpai).
Finally, I just can't get enough of this art, it's just too bloody good!
Thanks a lot for the chapter!

joined Aug 19, 2015

Ahhh I have feelings. Send help.
I quite like Senpai. She's very chill~

I'm actually the type who values friendship over romantic relationships so I kinda understand Eri. That doesn't mean neglecting a relationship you've decided to get into though. To be fair to Eri, she's still figuring things out and really there's no need to rush her. There's a bit of fallout because of the people around her but in large part, their feelings are their responsibility and Eri's just tangential to it. She is involved but it's not like any of the MCs have opened themselves up to vulnerability quite yet.

last edited at Sep 13, 2023 6:12PM

joined Oct 16, 2013

Can't have a Murasakino story without a toxic, unhealthy, codependent relationship xD

I'm actually the type who values friendship over romantic relationships so I kinda understand Eri. That doesn't mean neglecting a relationship you've decided to get into though.

I don't really like the idea of separating the two. The person you get into a romantic relationship with should be someone you'd be able to see as a friend as well. Both types of relationships are equally important to me. I think separating the two and the inability to see someone being able to be both a friend and a romantic partner is the whole reason why there's this issue in this story in the first place lol.
joined May 28, 2015

.... this is so stupid. All the cliche are here. The promise to be friend forever, going out with a friend just to save her relationship with him (she already had Fuyuki, the most important person in the world for her, but whatever), wanting to monopolize her friend, bully trauma (of course by girls because girls are always nasty with each other), the two of them being in relationship with people they don't sincerely love

joined Aug 21, 2017

Oh, the OTHER kind of homophobic bullying.

joined Jan 14, 2020

"bully trauma (of course by girls because girls are always nasty with each other)"


The existence of bullying by girls does not mean that girls are always nasty with each other.

If Eri had not been badly bullied, she would be a different person, probably nicer to know but less interesting for this kind of story.

joined Aug 19, 2015

I'm actually the type who values friendship over romantic relationships so I kinda understand Eri. That doesn't mean neglecting a relationship you've decided to get into though.

I don't really like the idea of separating the two. The person you get into a romantic relationship with should be someone you'd be able to see as a friend as well. Both types of relationships are equally important to me. I think separating the two and the inability to see someone being able to be both a friend and a romantic partner is the whole reason why there's this issue in this story in the first place lol.

Ohhh I agree. I should've clarified. I don't mean to separate the two completely as it's important to see your partner as your friend for sure. I just meant that in Eri's case she's valuing her existing friendships a bit more as it's something with a stronger foundation for her, at least emotionally. She doesn't really seem to have strong feelings about being in a relationship either which is why it makes sense to me that she prefers her existing friendships. And that's okay at the start of relationships, because you are still in the process of setting things up. So it's good to acknowledge that at this stage but she's decided to pursue the relationship, so I said it's important not to neglect it since they need to kindle that connection/friendship into something stronger.

Where I, personally, might draw a separation is because I lean towards the aromantic side so it's easier for me to form a stronger bond with friends rather than someone I'm dating, even if I do consider them a friend. It's being in that space of a relationship that restricts it for me. Of course, I'm not saying Eri is aromantic. But, she does remind me of the wishy-washy behavior I tend towards when I'm not sure I even want to be in a certain relationship. We can say that's maybe because she doesn't have any strong feelings towards anyone except Fuyuki(for now at least). Whether that's romantic or platonic remains to be seen but I'm gonna wear my yuri goggles until proven otherwise.

joined Apr 25, 2020

THIS MANGA IS SOLID AF!! BEST THING BEING PUBLISHED RIGHT NOW!! Even tho I don't really agree with that representation of lgbtq people, like, lgbtq will never be the majority and would never be the ones bullying, even less in Japan, but whatever, still I like this a lot

joined Sep 10, 2022

THIS MANGA IS SOLID AF!! BEST THING BEING PUBLISHED RIGHT NOW!! Even tho I don't really agree with that representation of lgbtq people, like, lgbtq will never be the majority and would never be the ones bullying, even less in Japan, but whatever, still I like this a lot

They bullied her because they already didn't like her, not necessarily because they were supporting a specific cause.

joined Apr 25, 2020

THIS MANGA IS SOLID AF!! BEST THING BEING PUBLISHED RIGHT NOW!! Even tho I don't really agree with that representation of lgbtq people, like, lgbtq will never be the majority and would never be the ones bullying, even less in Japan, but whatever, still I like this a lot

They bullied her because they already didn't like her, not necessarily because they were supporting a specific cause.

I mean,, no?? That's supposed to be her new school where she actually got friends, so I don't think so or at least it's not explicit; plus, even if it is like you say, nobody writes "homophobic piece of shit" if it's trying to denigrate you because that's not what's gonna get other people to support you since it's not widely accepted that people can have different sexualities moreso in a conservative country like Japan, and if you're trying to bully someone you would need people to "support" your stand. My point still stands, it's not about why they bully her but with what arguments
So, about the "supporting a specific cause", maybe they're not lgbt but the narrative is drawing the attention (negative attention) towards them

last edited at Sep 14, 2023 7:20AM

joined Feb 3, 2023

Even tho I don't really agree with that representation of lgbtq people, like, lgbtq will never be the majority and would never be the ones bullying, even less in Japan, but whatever, still I like this a lot

Huh... so many weird assumptions here

1) where did you get the idea everyone there was lgbtq? The girl that got turned down is, but there is no indication that the others are too.

2) Japan is conservative, true, but its not a monolith.
Young people are becoming more and more aware and accepting of lgbtq issues.

And 3) lgbtq would never be the ones bullying??? Have you ever met any? There are some nasty people out there, we're NOT saints AT ALL lol

joined Apr 25, 2020

Even tho I don't really agree with that representation of lgbtq people, like, lgbtq will never be the majority and would never be the ones bullying, even less in Japan, but whatever, still I like this a lot

Huh... so many weird assumptions here

1) where did you get the idea everyone there was lgbtq? The girl that got turned down is, but there is no indication that the others are too.

2) Japan is conservative, true, but its not a monolith.
Young people are becoming more and more aware and accepting of lgbtq issues.

And 3) lgbtq would never be the ones bullying??? Have you ever met any? There are some nasty people out there, we're NOT saints AT ALL lol

Yes, I've met plenty of lgbtq people, I'm lgbtq myself, and if you read my other comment you see I explained myself and said that while they may or not be lgbtq, the manga draws the attention towards the collective in a negative way, so it doesn't really matter whether they're or not

joined Sep 3, 2022

damnnn, poor Eri, I keep liking her more and more as well as this manga

joined Jun 27, 2022

I understand Fuyuki not confessing to Eri out of fear of losing a friend but the bff promise they made some years ago is such contrived BS. Eri is emotional damaged but she got kinda over the bullying, she's doing pretty good imo, she has friends and hobbies, goes to college with an active dating life (albeit not very wholesome) but she's young so she has still time to settle.

Her biggest flaw is definitely the unhealthy clinging to Fuyuki, that's also pretty selfish and not cool since she has to be somewhat aware of her feelings. One could say she exploits the fact she never has to turn her down because of the "promise" :')

Fuyuki is acting like if she breaks that years old promise Eri wont survive it. I do like complicated relationships and my drama but only if I can somewhat relate to the characters that act like real people.

I really did like this one untill the BFF promise.

last edited at Sep 16, 2023 4:20AM

joined Oct 25, 2014

If this was any other author I would think Eri has feelings for Fuyiki and is just in denial. But this is Murasakino who sometimes goes for unconventional developments.

I think we should consider the possibility that Eri has no romantic feelings for Fuyuki. The possibility that her obsession over Fuyuki stems from the fact Fuyuki was the only one who didn't abandon her when they were kids and has nothing to do with romance.

last edited at Sep 16, 2023 10:17PM

joined Jan 11, 2022

Thanks for the translation!

joined Apr 11, 2022

Oh man, it's happening (the thing someone mentioned on the second page) and I don't think I can fathom it. Best to wait for the end then (and see people defending Eri). And imo, even though the art is super good, never understand why someone thinks it's a good idea to write yuri stories like this.

My guess is Fuyuki will start distancing herself even more, that will make Eri question what's wrong, which in turn will make her relationship with Kyou get worse even though she was willing to go all the way to deepen that lol.

Or maybe she will keep increasing the physical level in their relationship, only to realize she could never fall in love with him, and the one she actually needs is Fuyuki, but then she is already so far away. That would actually be the ultimate angst xD I also use "need" cause up to this point, I still don't see Eri has romantic feeling for Fuyuki.

Hope in the end, Fuyuki can move on from that promise. And though now it doesn't look healthy with the senpai, making her falling in love with the senpai in the end would be the best outcome, at least to me.

last edited at Oct 25, 2023 8:09AM

joined Aug 21, 2016

There's actually a new raw out now, and it's making me feel a bit hopeful.

Hope in the end, Fuyuki can move on from that promise. And though now it doesn't look healthy with the senpai, making her falling in love with the senpai in the end would be the best outcome, at least to me.

Warning, spoilers:
At the end of Chapter 8-2, Fuyuki asks Senpai to comfort her after she sees Eri and Kyou banging. At first I was rooting for Fuyuki and Senpai to have sex, but Chapter 9-1 kind of deepens their relationship a bit, with Fuyuki at the end finally realizing that she might be happier if she fell in love with Senpai (a mirror of Eri's thoughts from a few chapters back). Which is why I feel like if they had sex after Fuyuki's revelation, it wouldn't be ideal. I wanted a Fuyuki x Eri ending before, but after that chapter of Fuyuki seeing Eri and Kyou do it, I just want her to be in a happy relationship that doesn't stress her out so much that she harms herself physically and mentally.

My guess is Fuyuki will start distancing herself even more, that will make Eri question what's wrong, which in turn will make her relationship with Kyou get worse even though she was willing to go all the way to deepen that lol.

Eri finally finds out that it was Kyou who asked Fuyuki to not attend Eri's birthday party because Kyou wanted Eri all to himself during her birthday (which is what caused emotional anguish for Eri throughout several chapters, since she believes she's not Fuyuki's number 1 anymore. Made worse by the fact that Fuyuki's made-up reason about why she can't come is because it's the only day she can go on a date with Senpai lmao). So I guess that might be one of the reasons why Eri's relationship with Kyou worsen, but idk.

I'm actually very invested in this manga and hope that Fuyuki gets her happy ending. She's been so selfless throughout the chapters but in the process, she's destroying herself. And I can't really fully blame Eri, either, because for all she knows, her childhood best friend just started becoming distant and then suddenly got a girlfriend and, from her pov, skipped out on her birthday to go on a date with said gf. But the way she's possessive over Fuyuki and sad (maybe jealous) about her having a gf is strange. Regardless, my girl Fuyuki deserves better.

And also, I see some people here think that Fuyuki and Senpai are legitimately dating. Nope, they're just pretending.

last edited at Oct 27, 2023 4:58AM

joined Apr 11, 2022

Thank you so much. I can understand only a bit because google lens is so broken lol. So in the end, even Kyou isn't as honest as we thought he was? Man, author really tries their hardest to make me not like that side lol. Also you said their relationship worsen, you mean maybe in future chapters right? And tbh, I even wonder if Eri is aromatic cause it looks like she isn't able to experience love.

I also knew it's just a matter of time before author pulls that move, but didn't think it would be that soon. Well, guess it's good for people stick with this story, cause I think that's when the angst reached its peak.

And I'm with you (and many others I believe) in wanting Fuyuki to have her happy ending. I mean, in my pov, Fuyuki is the protagonist so I can't help rooting for her. And because of that, when the source of her suffering is Eri, it's hard for me to not harsh on her lol. But I also can't blame her, because she has her reason like you said. Can only hope Fuyuki will soon realize self-sacrifice isn't doing her any good (she is already on the way), and start achieving her own happiness. Honestly can't see what's so great about Eri, when personally I think senpai is way better lol.

On a side note, the title and the word "ephemeral" in the very first chapter really make me think the wedding we saw at the start isn't between two of the main cast. People say the girl is Eri, but somehow I feel it's Fuyuki and her partner, could be the senpai.

Lastly, not as important though, but it just crossed my mind it's possible Kyou isn't Eri's first bf? And so it wasn't her first time? Cause I feel she was so indifferent for it to be the first time lol.

last edited at Oct 27, 2023 8:47AM

joined Aug 21, 2016

So in the end, even Kyou isn't as honest as we thought he was?

I believe Kyou knew that what he asked of Fuyuki was selfish, but from his point of view, it was the only way to get Eri to spend her special day with him instead of Fuyuki (and because Eri focuses on Fuyuki more, everytime), which he explained to Eri in the latest chapter. Eri was upset upon learning this and says it's his fault that she got angry at Fuyuki over his actions. But Kyou hugged her and explained his feelings, and Eri said, "I understand how you feel, but next time you can just tell me instead of doing that behind my back. Because of this I fought with Fuyuki." And she didn't seem that angry afterwards, which is why I'm not sure if it'll damage their relationship. But the author doesn't frame him as the bad guy, just selfish and inconsiderate of Fuyuki, even though Fuyuki thinks the world of him.

I also knew it's just a matter of time before author pulls that move, but didn't think it would be that soon. Well, guess it's good for people stick with this story, cause I think that's when the angst reached its peak.

An additional spoiler about the latest chapter:
When Eri woke up, she got surprised when she saw Fuyuki texted her. (In chapter 8-2, Fuyuki sent her a message how she was so sorry and she wanted to at least give her her present in person at her house. Eri couldn't reply because she was too busy fucking Kyou. Which is why when Fuyuki got to Eri's room, she saw the two, broke down, and quickly left.) It seems that Fuyuki still texted her after that, telling her how she saw Eri's little brother near their house and left the gift to him instead. Eri saw the text was sent hours ago and whined how she didn't see it earlier. This is what prompted Kyou to admit to his fault.

Lastly, not as important though, but it just crossed my mind it's possible Kyou isn't Eri's first bf? And so it wasn't her first time? Cause I feel she was so indifferent for it to be the first time lol.

Yeah it isn't. The latest chapters here in Dynasty reveals that Eri tells Fuyuki everything. From first boyfriend, to first kiss. Even her first time having sex, and Fuyuki laments how she knows every excruciating detail, down to what underwear Eri was wearing that time because she helped Eri picked it out. By being a devoted best friend, Fuyuki destroys herself bit by bit by the anguish she experiences throughout this.

But with Kyou, it hits Fuyuki harder because it's too near. I think because Eri's past boyfriends had been strangers to Fuyuki, she could distance herself from the hurt even just a little bit. And knowing that Kyou loves Eri, Fuyuki is really torn and just wants to gtfo of their way so they could be happy without losing her sanity. Seeing the two have sex is probably the crucial trigger needed for Fuyuki to realize she needs to move the fuck on. But I'm also apprehensive whether Senpai could love Fuyuki back because in the latest chapter here, Senpai notes that "they're the same" and that they understand each other more than anyone else, which is repeated in the raws. So Senpai probably has an unrequited love she cant move on from.

Honestly can't see what's so great about Eri, when personally I think senpai is way better lol.

I can relate to Fuyuki a lot with how she's too deep in love with her best friend, and how the years of connection and affection between them makes it so hard to move on, specially when Eri treats Fuyuki as her "Number 1". This is why the latest raws shakes up how they view one another, with Eri being sad and angry about how she thought Fuyuki chose senpai over her on her bday and deciding to have sex with Kyou because at least he makes her his number 1. And Fuyuki literally experiencing the worst heartbreak over this and starting to have thoughts of falling for someone else.

I really want this manga to go to the route of Fuyuki breaking away from this "unrequited love" and finding healing and happiness with someone else or even with no one. I think it would be a mature and refreshing take.

joined Apr 11, 2022

Man, thanks again. I actually already saw the raw up to 9.1, but can't understand much. So with your help I think I don't even need to read the translation later xD

Well, I understand how Kyou feels, but as an observer, I only see it as him knew full well he couldn't win against Fuyuki over Eri's affection, and so had to ask her to "give up" so he could have a chance. Yeah Eri didn't seem that angry afterwards, but also doesn't look like she actually like him more after that. So if anything, I think his plan is already backfire. And so, I wonder how long for him to stop being blinded by love, to realize he would end up like Eri's previous bfs. I mean, right now I feel like he could have thought "wow, she agreed to have sex with me. She finally starts to like me" xD

And about the sex thing, they are exactly my thoughts but the way you put it is wonderful. A bit sad that senpai may not be her option though. Maybe they can keep comforting each other and in the end, be able to move on from their unrequited love and finally be together? Because I think they look great together, like the open page in chapter 9.

And not like only you want that route haha. Personally at this point, I just can't root for a Fuyuki x Eri ending. To much angst that could only leave a bad taste in my mouth if author really intends for that. And so the wedding could be a make or break of an ending to me. Tbh, I don't even mind if it's between Eri and Kyou, but only if Eri actually comes to love him, not that number 1 bs.

Btw, just a rant I want to let out in general, so you can just ignore it. Like, gay girls falling for straight girls aren't that uncommon irl, and most of the time they didn't end well. So why would we have to endure the same thing even in fiction lol. Secondly, what with authors in recent years that keep bringing up het elements in yuri stories? Did they think it would make the story more realistic, or that it will bring a wider range of audiences? I think I have enough with all the harem romcom out there, but they are even here too. I really miss the old days, that even if there is angst, they are all girl on girl actions. And talk about realistic, I feel like only manga could make promises that heavy, like you bet all your life on it lmao. Like, I don't even remember things just some years ago, and here we have a girl that keep living in agony just to not break a promise, when in her pov, the other person may not even remember. I also believe this is the first long serialization of Murasakino? Then to me, it's already the worst one of their works.

last edited at Oct 28, 2023 12:36AM

joined May 11, 2023

Fuyuki needs to get Eri out of her life. She gets nothing good from having her in her life. Friendship dies, that is the way of life.

joined Jun 27, 2022

I don't know what to make of these stories, I mean in general it's fine, gay people fall in love with straight people all the time and suffer for it. But can this story be truly considered Yuri then?

So far there is none of it and it wouldn't surprise me if this het stuff drags on till the end when suddenly (maybe) Eri realises she's gay for Fuyuki. You might get an extra chapter of them being together after going through all this crap, and that's it. Also the protagonist not being able to move on because of some BS promise kinda kills immersion for me, I would find it more believable if she's just a poor idiot who can't let go.

It kinda reminds me of doujinshi tagged under Yuri because theres one panel of girls kissing but the rest of it is a sausage fest.

joined Apr 11, 2022

Exactly my rant a few posts before lmao xD

joined Jun 27, 2022

Exactly my rant a few posts before lmao xD

Yeah I read that and wholeheartedly agree. The thing is so far this manga is pure sadism, everything is set up to make Fuyuki suffer.

Because of this cheap promise she won't confess hence Eri stays clueless and keeps all the guys that railed her rubbing into Fuyukis face. Eri is also clearly emotional damaged, its pretty much statistically proven that people who are promiscuous. with a high body count tend to be more likely to fail in longterm relationships. She doesn't even like the guy, she just goes along with it cause he genuinely cares for her. Not once was there a hint of Chemistry between them.

She's a hugely flawed character to set up more misery for Fuyuki. I truly hope she's acting like this cause she's clueless about Fuyukis Feelings, otherwise she's just an unredeemable cunt.

My point is this story is nothing more than a Trainwreck to play your feelings and that's why it's so engaging. It's good purely for the cheap drama, but as a girl love manga pretty worthless so far.

last edited at Oct 30, 2023 1:17PM

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