Forum › The Fed Up Office Lady Wants to Serve the Villainess discussion

joined Jan 9, 2017

My prediction is still that Natori will steal the magic gem before lapis can

joined Jan 9, 2017

I dunno how I just realized Lapis' last name is "Tenebrae" which translates to "Darkness" in Latin.

Blonde noble with a undesirable side in an Isekai is called Darkness?

joined Jan 9, 2017

PSA: The idea that corsets could be so tight you would have trouble breathing is a myth.

Then why haven't they gotten back in fashion?

joined Jun 21, 2021

PSA: The idea that corsets could be so tight you would have trouble breathing is a myth.

Then why haven't they gotten back in fashion?

Ask the right ppl (like my fellow goths) and they'll tell you they never went out of fashion :p

joined Feb 17, 2018

"I can fix her" <<< "i can accept her for the messy bitch that she is"

They're both messy bitches but in a sort of complementary way and I absolutely need more of this.

joined Jun 17, 2021

PSA: The idea that corsets could be so tight you would have trouble breathing is a myth.

Then why haven't they gotten back in fashion?

Because they're expensive and take a long time to put on?

joined Aug 11, 2022


It nice to see how Lapis is both shocked and somewhat confused(+other slightly positive emotions) when the MC reveal that she knew all along her plans instead of recoiling/hating/fearing her due to disgust from revealing her true nature/plans....

Lapis is faltering(Losing some determination and having her heart go doki doki for the MC) but she is still determined to go with her original plan...Lapis is also not willing to let MC to ever die even when she is willing to die for her plan ('When the time I'll be sure to let go of your hand')

RIP Game protagonist/heroine...even though I like you and would agree with the idea of a poly relationship with all 3 of you being happy together...there might not be enough space for you...Hope you find someone else that is just as wonder in the future T_T

The sad thing is I actually agree with Lapis plan (just 75% of it- I prefer no innocent people die and Lapis not dying to take the fall to not be part of the plan) due to knowing that just because your a commoner/poor...doesn't mean your a good person. If the commoner side has a valid excuse for a revolt then their justice is valid but their reasons are not enough [feel free to disagree] and the low-tier nobles are even helping them just for an attempt to gain more power (A.K.A-scumbag nobles that probably abuse commoners)

Lapis previous adopted little sister like some comment suggest/theorize could have been killed by the commoner revolting side...possibly aid by some scum nobles to let them have the chance to kill said previous future-seeing sister. Yeah...there is a small part desire to help the prince and the kingdom become stable, purging the rotten inside the kingdom(Scum nobles) but I think more than 50% of her motives is revenge for her previous adopted sister (said little sister probably used her future-sight to save Lapis' life but died) XD

The main question is:
How are they going to solve the commoner revolt issue + How is the MC going to change things with her In-game knowledge??


The corset being too tight and how it is myth is probably true, I seen similar comments many years ago from other random people.
Though this myth might have came from misinformation/false ideas from people about the past or hearing story from women at that time period and making assumptions (Probably men at that time that weren't thinking critically)...I mean Corset are probably well-fitting but it unlikely to cause breathing problems...though it might restrict a person movement just slightly I guess.

I guess there are some women or family that tried make the lady/person in question wear a very tight corset to make them look skinny in an attempt to try to appear more attractive beyond what is considered healthy or safe (bonus suffering point if their body type is just slightly fat/thicc XD).
I guess some corset can be uncomfortable if said Corset is not designed for their body type/hand me down or if they been wearing them for a long time=then some men might hear women might complaint about it and get wrong idea + spread them???

A proper historian can give you a better accurate summary about the reason for why this myth exist I guess but there are bunch of myth floating around in the world, Example:

Lemming kill themselves by running off cliff (No, Disney forced them to run off cliff and film the poor rodents dying for views)
The Alpha and Beta wolf myth science study that an research discovered had false information due to not realizing the group of wolves were an family+children instead of an random group of wolves...he had hard time trying to get rid of the Alpha+Beta myth XD
Gold fish have short memory of only 10 to 30 seconds
etc. etc. etc.

last edited at Aug 29, 2023 8:57PM

joined Aug 4, 2016

PSA: The idea that corsets could be so tight you would have trouble breathing is a myth.

Then why haven't they gotten back in fashion?

Why does anything go out of fashion? Sometimes there are logical reasons, other times it's just changing trends. Certainly one reason they aren't in fashion today is because of mainstream media constantly pushing the myth that they're some patriarchy-enforced torture device. For other reasons, Google is your friend.

joined Aug 4, 2018

I want to find the asshole who killed Lapis's precious person and kick his ass. Grr.

joined Jul 15, 2016

"I can fix her" <<< "i can accept her for the messy bitch that she is"

They're both messy bitches but in a sort of complementary way and I absolutely need more of this.

Genuine romance between messed-up people is the best kind of romance fiction, and that's a hill I'm ready to die on.

joined Sep 10, 2022

"I can fix her" <<< "i can accept her for the messy bitch that she is"

They're both messy bitches but in a sort of complementary way and I absolutely need more of this.

Genuine romance between messed-up people is the best kind of romance fiction, and that's a hill I'm ready to die on.

We'll die together, friend.

joined Feb 27, 2018

PSA: The idea that corsets could be so tight you would have trouble breathing is a myth.

Then why haven't they gotten back in fashion?

Cause they’re a lot of work. And if you over tightened it it can do actual damage, including damaging your spine. Basically people took it too far, hurt themselves or others and the corset took the rap.

joined Sep 19, 2021

"I can fix her" <<< "i can accept her for the messy bitch that she is"

They're both messy bitches but in a sort of complementary way and I absolutely need more of this.

Genuine romance between messed-up people is the best kind of romance fiction, and that's a hill I'm ready to die on.

We'll die together, friend.

Guys i realized I'm into these things too, they are too good.

joined Feb 17, 2018

"I can fix her" <<< "i can accept her for the messy bitch that she is"

They're both messy bitches but in a sort of complementary way and I absolutely need more of this.

Genuine romance between messed-up people is the best kind of romance fiction, and that's a hill I'm ready to die on.

We'll die together, friend.

Guys i realized I'm into these things too, they are too good.

Hurt people finding comfort, belonging, intimacy with each other is beautiful, why let a little genocide sour the mood

joined Dec 13, 2018

What's the commoner purge plan? Killing all the commoners or killing all the ones with political influence?

joined Oct 30, 2018

Can we give a huge kudos to whoever did Natori's makeup and hair, I was floored when she appeared with hair down like that

last edited at Aug 30, 2023 9:13PM

joined Dec 13, 2018

Oh yeah agreed, both characters were incredibly attractive this chapter.

joined Mar 28, 2021

OMG…,the final drawing of chapter 11 is… breathtaking.
Natori and Lapis deserve some happiness! I trust Neko Tarou to find a way for these two WITHOUT killing half of the Jewel kingdom population… And I don’t care if this is a trope, a reverse trope or whatever. I want these two to be together!
Art gorgeous as usual. Faces, expressions, dresses, background. Wow.

joined Oct 14, 2014

If Lapis kills all the commoners, that means they'll have more bargaining power with regard to fair employment. Heh.

(I don't think Neko Tarou actually thought about that)

joined Jan 17, 2021

"I can fix her" <<< "i can accept her for the messy bitch that she is"

They're both messy bitches but in a sort of complementary way and I absolutely need more of this.

Genuine romance between messed-up people is the best kind of romance fiction, and that's a hill I'm ready to die on.

We'll die together, friend.

Guys i realized I'm into these things too, they are too good.

Hurt people finding comfort, belonging, intimacy with each other is beautiful, why let a little genocide sour the mood

When the most painful chapter comes, it'll be worth it and I'm sick to think that was a good thing.

joined Aug 11, 2022

If Lapis kills all the commoners, that means they'll have more bargaining power with regard to fair employment. Heh.

(I don't think Neko Tarou actually thought about that)

Basically it [win-win] for most parties really.

So technically it pretty much a [win-win] for both the commoners and nobles technically. (Technically Lapis wants to kill all the Anti-noble fraction, she probably willing to accept or cause random commoners + low rank nobles scum to die though in the process if she need to for her plan though XD)

The commoner left get treated better since there is less commoner/people= Reason why War can be good for the economy (True but false)...lesser people alive= more people have an chance at better employment since the employer/company cannot just pick other people willing to work for an smaller pay + The fear, effects and result of the recent revolt that was put down probably made them rethink of abusing their workers.

Though the {Anti-noble fraction} are probably b*tching and complaining about being killed but hey if they truly cared about having commoner be treated better/have a better future then they should be happy with the end result that lead to their deaths correct lol?

The nobles now don't have to worry about an revolt since a lot of commoner/Anti-noble fraction is now dead. The commoners now have to live in their after-math of the revolt being defeated, their firepower is now low while the noble side/fraction probably also suffered damage to...basically an almost statement.

Basically it an win-win for everyone except for the Anti-noble fraction + a few innocent commoners that got caught in the crossfire + (Lapis who died...though she probably didn't mind if she got her revenge like in the original game) XD

If you read the previous chapters than Lapis pretty much got her revenge or almost got her revenge (Assuming she killed at least 85% of the Anti-noble fraction before she died) in the original timeline/game.
= The Anti-noble fraction is dead, The game Heroine is now in control of the commoners + she gain a lot of respect to stand beside the prince + The prince gaining people respect for stopping Lapis' rampage while accept his fire magic.

Honestly Lapis does not care about the Commoners being abused or for commoners getting better treatment/pay for their work (Though she does look down on them for their low education and due to the Anti-noble fraction for the death of her adopted sister XD), the commoner having better lives does not make Lapis unhappy or fact the Game original plot ending could be 70% of Lapis' plans to help out the Prince and better support the kingdom while planning her Revenge.

-- Lapis does not care if commoners get better treatment or if their treatment gets worse, her current goal is to kill the {Anti-noble} fraction for revenge. She would just shrug at both good or bad options for the commoners in my opinion of what I read, it not like commoner getting better treatment will make her angry unless they are part of the {Anti-noble} fraction.
The prince & game heroine gaining respect and kingdom stability is just bonus points before her death XD

joined Mar 19, 2019

I would really love to see a chapter about how her ex boss realizes how important she was for his company and regret firing her...

joined Feb 27, 2014

When chapter 12 will come out ? The raw for chapter 13 has go out this week. I've norice when the raw get out we get the chapter before the new one. I'm a bit impatient to read chapter 12.

joined Feb 27, 2022

I would really love to see a chapter about how her ex boss realizes how important she was for his company and regret firing her...

those types of segments are always my favorite, when people realize what they didn't appreciate before getting rid of it

joined Sep 1, 2017

When there is multiple series, with similar plots, on the site, and long gaps between chapter updates, it gets hard to remember what's going on in each story. And I don't really want to waste time going through the previous chapters, for a recap.

EDIT: It helps if the uploaders posts a brief sysopsis on the the story's chapter page. But it seems that hardly anybody does that.

last edited at Oct 9, 2023 11:51PM

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