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joined Apr 20, 2013

Sweet, I'm finally an eternal master of something other than bating

joined Oct 4, 2016

Welp, I just finished binge-reading this for the first time, and it was amazing. Can't believe I've waited this long.

I know we're on Simpsons Elastic Clock, but I'm ready for the 7 year timeskip. There's an awful lot of continuity piling up for a group of girls who've had six or seven Christmases without ever advancing in grade.

joined Oct 4, 2016

More thoughts:

  • I really disliked the Mari x Yuu pair in the early chapters, because it felt more like Mari was a doormat than anything else. I was glad to see the characters become more fully fleshed-out as the series went on, and now they're one of my faves. Affectionate, lovey-dovey BDSM (well, no bondage yet, really, but the other letters are all there) is absolutely my jam.

  • There is zero chance that the MahiMahi girls have ever been sexually aroused at any point in their lives. They're like Yamada from Kase-san: Raised in a vat, completely isolated from all forms of modern media, until they were decanted at the age of 16 right before high school.

  • The idea of bouncing MahiMahi off of Yuu was brilliant. It works super well.

  • Nao is exactly the sort of girlfriend I wanted during my callow youth.

  • I love how Mask can absolutely see through Kaoru's bullshit.

  • I love the manga nerds in general. Love the over-the-top-melodramatic yaoi bits. Laughed my ass off at Onibi's birthday, especially when she went to the bathroom.

  • Ai x Chie is best couple, followed shortly by Mari x Yuu.

  • I am really hoping for a Nononon x Yumimi Big Damn Kiss. I want to see that more than I want to see an Ayano x Miyoshi Big Damn Kiss.

  • The credits pages are almost always *chef's kiss*.

last edited at Jun 28, 2023 6:46AM

joined Oct 4, 2016

Is it normal when someone says 'I'm going to the toilet' to reply 'Have fun'?

It's my usual response.

My usual response is "Have fun. Bring me back something."

joined Jul 29, 2017

Is it normal when someone says 'I'm going to the toilet' to reply 'Have fun'?

It's my usual response.

My usual response is "Have fun. Bring me back something."

My dad’s joke: “Mention my name—you’ll get a good seat.”

joined Aug 16, 2018

Is it normal when someone says 'I'm going to the toilet' to reply 'Have fun'?

It's my usual response.

My usual response is "Have fun. Bring me back something."

My dad’s joke: “Mention my name—you’ll get a good seat.”

You bad person, you made me laugh at a dad’s joke.

joined Feb 11, 2014
  • There is zero chance that the MahiMahi girls have ever been sexually aroused at any point in their lives. They're like Yamada from Kase-san: Raised in a vat, completely isolated from all forms of modern media, until they were decanted at the age of 16 right before high school.

You were saying ? :p

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Ah, Mahi-Mahi . . . cutely and innocently going further than most of the others . . .

joined Apr 6, 2013

The credits once again voicing the opinions of the people

joined Sep 27, 2017

They're so cute, chapters like this are healing for the soul <3

joined May 7, 2021

Mahiru is a genius indeed.

joined Oct 4, 2016
  • There is zero chance that the MahiMahi girls have ever been sexually aroused at any point in their lives. They're like Yamada from Kase-san: Raised in a vat, completely isolated from all forms of modern media, until they were decanted at the age of 16 right before high school.

You were saying ? :p

The times, they are a-changin'!

joined Oct 2, 2021

Tsk..thought it was the other type of scissoring.

joined Jun 25, 2023

I'm not the biggest MahiMahi fan, but this I like. Usually I find their chapters tiresome.

joined Mar 20, 2014

I like how the bear heads on their pajamas are completely unaffected by the wrinkles in the cloth.

joined Feb 17, 2013

That was both cute and hot!
That said, I dont think they need a game as an excuse- if either suggested they spend some time kissing im sure the other would be fine with that lol.

Also- lol at the credit page.
Im not sure we will ever see those 2 progress to a legit relationship or sex.

last edited at Jul 14, 2023 10:00AM

joined Oct 20, 2017

I don't expect Ayano and Miyoshi to catch up before the last chapter tbh

joined Aug 16, 2014

I vote that this game officially be adopted by the Olympics!

joined Apr 20, 2013

Please nerf the scissors meta is too OP, yuri mains are ruining the competitive scene

joined May 28, 2021

TBH, my head canon has always been that MahiMahi are having sex quite casually at this point, it just has't been a big deal to them. They definitely have that ''VERY comfortable around each other'' vibe.

joined Aug 4, 2018

I like how the winning hand is always scissors, and even when there's a tie it's a scissors tie.

Strangergirl Evergarden
joined Jun 27, 2023

I like how the winning hand is always scissors, and even when there's a tie it's a scissors tie.

A clever double-entendre that, not being clever myself, I didn't understand at all until I read your post and looked at the scissoring picture. :/

joined Dec 9, 2021

Wait...those two got upgraded optically?! Hell....Sensei is upping up his game now....

joined Apr 27, 2014

Ahhh fine wincest! well they kiss, but maybe they do other stuff...I don't know, it'd be sooo weird to kiss someone with my same face, I like this face, but to kiss, that's weird, would you like that?

joined Dec 18, 2021

Did the MahiMahi always have these curves?

I don't think so. I guess even the latest bloomers end up blooming sooner or later...

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