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Forum › The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All discussion

joined Sep 29, 2021

I think Mitsuki and Aya will go overseas and live together there

joined Jul 29, 2017

I'm waiting for them to start showing feelings for each other

“Them” who?

joined Jul 13, 2021

I'm waiting for them to start showing feelings for each other

“Them” who?

Me and your mom...

They're talking about the useless lesbians

joined Aug 22, 2022

I'm waiting for them to start showing feelings for each other

“Them” who?

Me and your mom...

They're talking about the useless lesbians

Maybe don't call their mom useless? I don't care about the self deprication but that's going too far, pal.

joined Aug 12, 2019

even though Joe back out from going to the US with Kanna, he did the right thing of being there for Mitsuki.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I'm waiting for them to start showing feelings for each other

“Them” who?

Me and your mom...

They're talking about the useless lesbians

Well, my mom passed away last year, and I know she would never have anything to do with malignant twerps like you.

One of the defining features of “useless lesbians” is that they already do show affection (and attraction) but the signals get missed, misunderstood, or misinterpreted. Like in this story.

Astraea Hill
joined Aug 17, 2012

Hmm, thinking out loud ... so to speak... Joe & Kanna go to the States. Mitsuki stays in Japan at Joe's place, but to make sure she's okay Aya moves in with her. Maybe?

joined Jan 15, 2021

I'm waiting for them to start showing feelings for each other

“Them” who?

Me and your mom...

They're talking about the useless lesbians

Well, my mom passed away last year, and I know she would never have anything to do with malignant twerps like you.

One of the defining features of “useless lesbians” is that they already do show affection (and attraction) but the signals get missed, misunderstood, or misinterpreted. Like in this story.

Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you're doing ok.

joined May 2, 2018

Wait has Aya always been that short or am I tripping??????

joined Aug 17, 2019

Oh, so that's why there are so many promotional images with English writing and logos.

joined Aug 22, 2022

Oh, so that's why there are so many promotional images with English writing and logos.

Wait, so is that like a thing actually? 'Cause I googled moonlight magazine and only found naked women doing scary faces, which was nice but not it.

joined Nov 13, 2022

Wait has Aya always been that short

Yeap, Koga is mostly bend down, more in her school mode, but in some parts we can see Aya is shorter. If we compare Narita, Koga and Aya, Narita is like a head taller than Aya; Koga is in the middle of that

joined Jul 9, 2020

Aya's witch costume is cute... though I'm biased in favor of striped stockings. (Too bad I don't own any.)

Also, only 90 points? Bifauxen vampire is 10/10. Rock that vest.

Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 29, 2010

I love the fact that Koga is hanging out with Aya's little brothers.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Aya's witch costume is cute... though I'm biased in favor of striped stockings. (Too bad I don't own any.)

Also, only 90 points? Bifauxen vampire is 10/10. Rock that vest.

Pretty sure the missing 10 points is because of gay panic :P

"can't rate it too highly otherwise they'll catch on to my swooning, gotta play it cool"

joined Dec 20, 2018

Perfect. :D

joined Sep 23, 2022

I'm waiting for them to start showing feelings for each other

“Them” who?

Aya and mitsuki of course...What did you expect

joined Aug 1, 2011

Wait has Aya always been that short

Yeap, Koga is mostly bend down, more in her school mode, but in some parts we can see Aya is shorter. If we compare Narita, Koga and Aya, Narita is like a head taller than Aya; Koga is in the middle of that

While Aya is shorter, I'm pretty sure the page 6 image is exaggerating it, since she's at least a full head shorter while wearing pretty sizable wedges. They're much closer in height on page 4, despite Aya wearing slippers, and I don't think Koga's bad posture is enough to explain the difference, especially because she's not standing fully upright on page 6 either.

joined Feb 18, 2013

Witch and Vampire pair aesthetic is based. GG, mob classmates.

joined Aug 1, 2020

Aya's witch costume is cute... though I'm biased in favor of striped stockings. (Too bad I don't own any.)

Also, only 90 points? Bifauxen vampire is 10/10. Rock that vest.

Pretty sure the missing 10 points is because of gay panic :P

"can't rate it too highly otherwise they'll catch on to my swooning, gotta play it cool"

Hahaha that's gotta be it
Mitsuki's already hanging out with Aya's twin brothers! That's a huge win and she already got close enough to her friends. Now, to be close to her parents...

joined Nov 13, 2022

Wait has Aya always been that short

Yeap, Koga is mostly bend down, more in her school mode, but in some parts we can see Aya is shorter. If we compare Narita, Koga and Aya, Narita is like a head taller than Aya; Koga is in the middle of that

While Aya is shorter, I'm pretty sure the page 6 image is exaggerating it, since she's at least a full head shorter while wearing pretty sizable wedges. They're much closer in height on page 4, despite Aya wearing slippers, and I don't think Koga's bad posture is enough to explain the difference, especially because she's not standing fully upright on page 6 either.

Personally~ I was talking about page 4 (Autumm magazine) for Aya and Koga. And for Aya and Narita I got it from ch 47. There was a confusing it seems in which page we were talking hahaha (I should had asked if they mean page 6 or the ch itself) For me, I was not talking about page 6, but if I have, yeap, that ones (Summer, Spring, Autumm) are all out of proportions, they are more like separate illustrations.

Edit: and about Koga and Narita, Im not too sure, since the chapters in which they are interacting have a lot of camera movements; and only two moments I could see something: one is a miniature in the back and another is kinda~ difficult to see, plus it seems off in heights proportions. So I leave it at "a middle of Aya and Narita"~

last edited at Jul 8, 2023 9:44AM

joined Mar 14, 2016

I remember discovering The Shins when "The Rifle's Spiral" released on Nintendo Video for 3DS.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Ohhhhhhhh!!!! The flirting is real!!! Omg! Kinda think they might just end up kissing without going through the whole "I like you" "wait, you mean you like me like that?" Haha

joined May 10, 2021

I just realised that Koga has a Dark Souls 1 ring, nice.

joined Sep 23, 2022

Wow hand holding,cute❤

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