Forum › Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko! discussion

joined Feb 6, 2013

After finding out Hiroko's tragic past... She still needs to work on herself before she even thinks abour a relationship, but we all know she won't, and Risa still deserves her own love interest and not to just be a device to make the inevitable pairing off occur, though once again we all know she won't. No one but the main pairing may find happiness, as is the law.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Yeah, probably this backstory should've been narrated earlier since pretty much all of us hate Hiroko and have made up our mind on the "she only rejected Ayaka to protect her public persona" plot line

I mean, that’s kinda the point. The author wants you to draw conclusions about the character and get comfortable with that assessment. That way, when the curtain is finally pulled back, you stop to reassess everything that led you to your previous assumptions and make sense of it in light of the new revelation and effectively un-make up our minds and engage with the story in order to see things in this new light. I personally think the author does a great job of it here, especially the way they manage to roll the lingering effects of old social norms (a thing that a lot of readers probably aren’t going to think about since it’s a work of fiction) to make you really realize how Hiroko’s seeming density and cowardice is a sort-of trauma response.

Also, who is this “us” you’re referring to?

All she's missing is a trip to the Pensieve and a visit from a large snake. But yeah I'd agree. A lot of her background was hinted at for a while as well.

Risa still deserves her own love interest and not to just be a device to make the inevitable pairing off occur, though once again we all know she won't

Did you see Risa? She looked really, really happy in that embrace. Practically drooling. I think she'll be fine. She's got two suitors already.

last edited at Jun 21, 2023 8:56PM

joined Feb 6, 2013

Did you see Risa? She looked really, really happy in that embrace. Practically drooling. I think she'll be fine. She's got two suitors already.

But we will never see how/if anything turns out for her bc it's Repression Rebecca and Can't Take a Hint Tammy's love story.

joined Feb 18, 2013

These last few chapters have been pretty good, but they're still not doing anything to get me to like Hiroko. Understand, sure. Sympathise, okay. But like? Nah fam.

Sweet Dangus McGee
joined Jul 2, 2017

those still hating on these characters at this point decided theyd never stop no matter what. What else can be said? cope, seethe, mald, etc etc.

joined May 12, 2021

It may be mostly played for laughs, but I really love that the protagonists have a support network with the bar regulars

joined Dec 16, 2022

chapter 9 page 152 Risa's face. Her love for booba was already implied.

joined Feb 17, 2022

Yes, Risa. Go get a big-tittied gf so I can satisfy my need for romantic progress. I would be fine if Risa at least, got someone to contrast how much of a mess Hiroko and Ayaka are right now

joined Jul 13, 2020

Well, looks like Risa said to Hiroko that just tits are important to her, but forget problems and tears when she gets in contact with some big tits. Life's an poetic irony.. Looking that Ayaka is not chance on for her, hope that must be a good girl for Risa in that bar. Could be manager-chan who looks like a mature and sweet voice of reason or big tits-chan, who looks like a hot momma who loves troubled youngers

joined Sep 20, 2022

It may be mostly played for laughs, but I really love that the protagonists have a support network with the bar regulars

They're ok, but they still have a way to go before they reach the level of the bar regulars here.

joined Oct 26, 2022


"I only have eyes for her" She says

last edited at Jun 22, 2023 12:25AM

joined Apr 25, 2020

Yeah, probably this backstory should've been narrated earlier since pretty much all of us hate Hiroko and have made up our mind on the "she only rejected Ayaka to protect her public persona" plot line

I mean, that’s kinda the point. The author wants you to draw conclusions about the character and get comfortable with that assessment. That way, when the curtain is finally pulled back, you stop to reassess everything that led you to your previous assumptions and make sense of it in light of the new revelation and effectively un-make up our minds and engage with the story in order to see things in this new light. I personally think the author does a great job of it here, especially the way they manage to roll the lingering effects of old social norms (a thing that a lot of readers probably aren’t going to think about since it’s a work of fiction) to make you really realize how Hiroko’s seeming density and cowardice is a sort-of trauma response.

Also, who is this “us” you’re referring to?

All of that work is eclipsed by the effects she had on Ayaka and Risa's character with all its recrimination, it just pulls the balance all the other way round. Plus, now that that's off the debate, I don't think Hiroko was ever likeable at all, she's just dull like any other rom-com protagonist, with the only difference that it is a lesbian relationship and she's a woman so that's why people in this site still defends her.
And don't get me wrong, I think the backstory was pretty decent and solid, but there's no way I can forget all the things that happened with Ayaka or excuse them just for that reason. And notice it's not even an "I will", it's an "I can", because it's just imposible to erase all we've read until now and all the bad things she did to Ayaka, even with this excuse.
I reaffirm what I said, the backstory would have helped if it was hinted ages ago and narrated earlier, so we could start to understand her reactions, rather than when all the damage is done. And maybe it's fixable for Ayaka, but not for the readers.

And if you're looking for the "us" I mentioned, you can find them in the comments

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

Hiroko has a point: look at all the women who should have had her back and exaggerated her having a normal amount of girlfriends into being a womaniser. I mean, once Sempai was gone, who did she have guarding her back? Even the lesbian bar was lying about her!

joined Jan 30, 2017

I don't care about Hiroko and Ayaka anymore. Show us Risapon getting a yuri harem at the lesbian bar.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Yeah Hiroko probably isn't a womanizer at all XD
Idk maybe I'm the minority but really the traumatic backstory doesn't really concern me much. It seemed pretty clear to me that Hiroko wasn't in a position to really respond to Ayaka's feelings. Also she doesn't owe Ayaka anything, Hiroko might like her but she isn't head over heels for her like Risa is so it's not a big deal to reject her I think. It's not like she's gonna try to win her love now probably. I'm not sure how it's gonna go but maybe they can flirt and have a more mutual interaction and go from there.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Oh, no, these characters are unworthy to be my imaginary friends. Bad story.

joined Jan 21, 2020

Wait till you realize that people comment on works for fun and will continue doing so no matter how "pointless" it is.

They didn't say "comment". They said "justify yourself or criticize others". Because there's nothing to justify or criticize in your fictional tastes. You need to work on those reading skills. Work on that pointless aggressivity, too.
I don't know what it is with this manga that makes people lash madly in all directions.

No, but they did say commenters and "justify yourself or criticize others" is something that, i suspect, happens entirely in those "comments". So i think my reading skills are just fine actully lol.
Also, my point in that comment, which seems to have been somewhat missed, was that comments are ultimately made for fun. So no matter how many times someone argues that theres no reason for them or that theyre "a pointless exercise", people will keep commenting what they want to and thats fine. Noone owns the comment section (tho technically someone does i guess) and every1 is free to leave in it what they like (assuming it conforms to the forum rules).

last edited at Jun 22, 2023 5:07AM

joined Nov 14, 2022

I really really like this one. I like how surprisingly real it’s become after the initial ridiculousness and I like how they handled Ayaka and Risa. I see people feel sorry for her and I get it but I do sort of like the story that just because you like someone doesn’t mean they have to like you. She gave it a shot but Ayaka just isn’t into her and that’s fine.

joined Mar 22, 2013

With every new chapter I like this even more. Thank you so much for scanlating and sooo fast. damn, thank you for your hard work!

joined Nov 28, 2021

I just love seeing Hiroko trying to be the big boss but failing at it because her worldview isn't something that she's able to communicate to Risa or Ayaka. Risa running to the bar 'cause of it and getting doted on by the regulars is what she deserves. I hope she has a life full of boobs.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Risa-chan drowning in boobs. :D

joined Nov 13, 2022

Risa-chan drowning in boobs. :D

Yes. Best part of the chapter. I don’t see how everyone can get so serious about hating Hiroko when there was a glorious comedic face-boob (or boob-face?) here. Don’t miss the trees while you’re analyzing the forest!

joined Dec 1, 2022

Risa is kind of wrong about things changing in 10 years - the board of directors and all higher ups are probably at least mostly still the same amd it is them who will decide how things will go for the employees.

Which i an interesting side to showcasing class contradictions and how the working class is oppressed in all ways by the capital - and I am getting sidetracked

Yeah, probably this backstory should've been narrated earlier since pretty much all of us hate Hiroko and have made up our mind on the "she only rejected Ayaka to protect her public persona" plot line

I feel it is unnecessary frankly. I liked her acting like this because she had to if she wanted to succeed in a flawed society. It was an interesting POV that you don't see often in yuri mangas

joined Jan 27, 2021

Yeah, probably this backstory should've been narrated earlier since pretty much all of us hate Hiroko and have made up our mind on the "she only rejected Ayaka to protect her public persona" plot line

I disagree. Partly, because it has left people wondering why Hiroko goes to such lengths to dismiss Ayaka's very open pursuit of her, and partly, well... the manga is called "Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko", i.e. Ayaka is the pov character for most of the series and it's mainly about her struggle to get Hiroko to like her back.

Though it would be a neat idea to see a romantic comedy play out from the perspective of the love interest and not the one who fell for them first.

EDIT: I also wonder how many people would see Ayaka as "pushy" and claim "she's not respecting boundaries", if the story was from Hiroko's pov and we were introduced to her emotional baggage first.

last edited at Jun 22, 2023 12:30PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

EDIT: I also wonder how many people would see Ayaka as "pushy" and claim "she's not respecting boundaries", if the story was from Hiroko's pov and we were introduced to her emotional baggage first.

Oh really interesting thought experiment. A lot, most likely. It's always an interesting part of the story writing process: deciding where to start the story, who to follow and how that will affect the audience. That's a large part of the fun. With some slight alterations we could have a sizable section of the audience ship Hiroko with Risa too, if it started as you suggest. Ayaka is more fun though and I don't think Sal wanted the series' foundation to be too dour.

last edited at Jun 22, 2023 1:16PM

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